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/*****远程控制服务器端源代码 本代码的作用和他的那段代码有些类似之处。 不过主要作用是接受并执行客户端的指令 实现起来比他的繁琐一些。 实现功能如下: 从配置文件中读取配置端口和用户名和密码 限制登录ip和登录连接数 可选择采用SSL通讯或者明文通信 接受客户端之类指令。 执行系统命令或者传送文件。-/***** remote control server source code of the role and his code during some similarities. However, the main role is to accept and implement the client's instructions to achieve together than some of the red tape. To achieve the following functions : configuration file read-port configuration and user names and passwords and restrict logged ip logged connections choice of SSL communication expressly or client communications accept such orders. Order Execution System, or the transmission of documents.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 李欣

这是一个找到一篇关于权限设计的教程,写的很好,但是发现给出的代码,有些地方可能有笔误。贴出来供大家和我一起学习。 ----------------------------------- 首先,设置三种要素:用户、群组、角色。 用户为登录用,对应到人。群组对应为用户的集合,是一种特殊的用户。角色为一组权限项的集合,用户(群组)都有各自的角色。 权限的实现通过Permission类和Rule类来实现。 Permission供外部调用,Rule为一个接口,为权限判断规则。 -This is a mandate to find a design of the curriculum and write well, but the code is found, in some places may be misdirected. Put up for us and I study together.----------------------------------- First, the set of three elements : user, group, role. Users login to use corresponds to the people. User groups corresponding to the pool, a special users. A role for the authority, of the group assembled users (groups) have their own role. To achieve competence through Permission Rule category and class to be achieved. Permission for external calls, as a Rule interface for the authority to judge rules.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 宋立峰

IT行业管理系统针对IT行业管理的具体业务处理工作而开发的管理软件,它采用计算机进行全面现代化方法对IT行业管理的具体业务处理工作进行管理。根据一般的要求,其主要包括的功能如下: (1) 用户管理子系统 实现“权限维护”、“角色维护”、“用户维护”。 (2) 部门管理子系统 实现 “部门维护”。 (3) 项目管理子系统 实现“项目立项”、“项目更改”。 (4) 工作管理子系统 实现“工作报告”、“工作审批”。 (5) 文件管理子系统 实现“文件入库”、“文件下发”、“文件变更”、“文件阅读”。 (6) 统计分析子系统 实现“人员统计”、“绩效统计”。 (7) 日志管理子系统 实现“日志查看”。 应用程序开发工具 JBuilder 9 数据库 SQL Server 2000 应用服务器 WebLogic 8.1-IT management systems against the management of the IT industry specific business processes and the development of work management software, which uses computer method for comprehensive modernization of the management of the IT industry specific business processing management. Under the general requirements of its major functions, including the following : (a) user management subsystems to achieve "competence maintenance", "role of maintaining", "user maintenance." (2) management subsystems to achieve "departments maintain." (3) project management subsystems to achieve "setting up projects", "project changes." (4) management subsystems to achieve "report" and "work for approval." (5) document management subsyst
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : 张三

Bug Barrier事务系统 项目内容:对软件开发中的bug进行管理 主要模块:项目组长事物模块、开发人员事物模块、 测试人员事物模块、无项目人员模块 开发平台: Windows2000 Server 开发工具:JBuilder2005+SQLServer2000企业版 程序构架基于:运用JSP+Struts等技术 开发MVC架构网站 项目描述: 可添加项目和用户,用户在系统中权限分为系统管理员,用户管理员,项目管理员,普通用户;在项目 中用户权限分为测试人员,开发人员,项目组长,角色权限可重叠。 用户根据系统权限和项目权限可对bug进行相应状态的自动操作和管理,并可对自己设置相关参数,另外可对项目中的bug进行数据统计 -Bug Barrier Service System project : the software development management for the bug main modules : Module things head of the project, developers things modules, test Module things, no project personnel module development platform : Windows 2000 Server development tools : cancel CRM Enterprise Edition framework, based on : using technologies such as JSP Struts MVC framework for the development of the project site Description : can add projects and users, users competence in the system is divided into system administrators, users managers, project managers, general users; the project is divided into user privileges testers, developers, the project leader, role competence may overlap. Users under the system of authority and competence of the project can be carried out to bug state of automat
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.6mb Publisher : wind

用AWT来生成图形化用户界面时,组件和容器的概念非常重要。组件是各种各样的类,封装了图形系统的许多最小单位,例如按钮、窗口等等;而容器也是组件,它的最主要的作用是装载其它组件,但是象Panel这样的容器也经常被当作组件添加到其它容器中,以便完成杂的界面设计。布局管理器是java语言与其它编程语言在图形系统方面较为显著的区别,容器中各个组件的位置是由布局管理器来决定的,共有5种布局管理器,每种布局管理器都有自己的放置规律。事件处理机制能够让图形界面响应用户的操作,主要涉及到事件源、事件、事件处理者等三方,事件源就是图形界面上的组件,事件就是对用户操作的描述,而事件处理者是处理事件的类。因此,对于AWT中所提供的各个组件,我们都需要了解该组件经常发生的事件以及处理该事件的相应的监听器接口。-used to generate graphical user interfaces, components and packaging concept is very important. Components are a variety of categories, Packaging, a graphics system many smallest unit, such as buttons, windows, etc.; Also containers and components, and its main role is to carry other components, such as the Panel of containers are often used as components added to the other containers, in order to complete the miscellaneous sector face design. Layout Manager is java programming language and other languages in the graphics system is more notable distinction, packaging various components from the location of the layout manager to decide, there were five types of layout manager, each layout manager has its own laws placed. The incident handling mechanism to allow graphical user interface resp
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.78mb Publisher : zhh

本程序实现了一个访问控制系统,采用RBAC模型,为角色分配权限,为用户分配角色来实现权限的分配和验证等功能。-This procedure has an access control system that uses RBAC model for the role of the distribution of authority, allocation of roles for the user to achieve the distribution of authority and validation functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.85mb Publisher : wj

Java版本的权限管理页面当作控制点,可以将若干页面的访问权,组合成一个角色。一个用户,可以赋予多个角色。通过用户、角色、页面,来实现系统的权限控制 servlet过滤器对每个访问进行过滤,提高安全性。支持集团公司的组织结构,多单位,每个单位内部为树型组织结构。-Java version of Rights Management page as a control point, you can access a number of pages, into a role. A user could be given to multiple roles. Through users, roles, pages, to realize the access control system servlet filter for each filter access, enhance security. Support the Group
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.3mb Publisher : 廖忠江

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简单的B/S用户管理系统。该功能是进行网站设计的通用模块。该管理系统登陆角色有两种:用户和管理员。用户成功登录可进行信息修改和注销操作。管理员成功登陆后可进行查询用户信息、删除用户和注销操作。-Simple B/S user management system. This feature is a generic Web site design module. Landing the role of the management system has two categories: users and administrators. Users can successfully log information to modify and write-off operation. After successfully landing the administrator can query the user
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : 3564039

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jsp网站,具有桌面设置 修改密码 网站栏目管理 站内栏目文章管理 招聘岗位管理 个人简历管理 在线调查管理 预约登记管理 产品推介管理 在线咨询管理 转让信息管理 友情链接管理 系统维护管理 角色管理 系统目录管理 系统功能模块管理 用户管理等功能-jsp site, with desktop settings Change Password Management Center Web site column article in the management of the recruitment section are biographical notes on the management of post management online survey management registration management products to promote the transfer of the management of online information management consulting management Links management system maintenance and management role in the management of the system directory management system module management features such as user management
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.34mb Publisher : lucy

1.1 题目:多用户五子棋游戏 1.2 要求实现一个简单的多用户五子棋的游戏程序,包括如下两个界面: (1)选择对弈桌及角色(执黑、执白、观看)。 (2)在游戏界面,有开始,退出(游戏未结束、点退出自动判负);发言及显示区;用户列表区;棋盘绘制区-1.1 Title: Multi-user 1.2 Gobang game demands a simple multi-user games Gobang procedures, including the following two interfaces: (1) game table and role choice (Black, White, watching). (2) in the game interface, it began to withdraw from (the game is not over, point out of automatic negative) to speak and display areas User List zone chessboard rendering District
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 210kb Publisher : dingfei

PhoneBook主要的功能是查找、添加、删除、编辑用户mainclass WelcomeWindow -PhoneBook main role is to find, add, delete, edit user mainclass WelcomeWindow
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 263kb Publisher : 王刚

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实现一个简单的多用户五子棋的游戏程序,包括如下两个界面 (1)选择对弈桌及角色(执黑、执白、观看)。 (2)在游戏界面,有开始,退出(游戏未结束、点退出自动判负);发言及显示区;用户列表区;棋盘绘制区。 -The realization of a simple multi-user games Gobang procedures, including the following two interface (1) choice of chess table and role (Black, White, watching). (2) in the game interface, it began to withdraw from (the game is not over, point out of automatic negative) to speak and display areas User List zone chessboard rendering area.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 95kb Publisher : 黄芩

用户可以看到该企业已经发布的所有信息列表,用户可以查看每条信息的内容并发表评论。管理员可以对信息进行管理-The user can see that the business has been issued a list of all the information, the user can view the contents of each information and comment. Administrators can manage information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.42mb Publisher : maowei

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包括所有开发文档以及数据库文件,可以直接放在Myeclipse下运行,是一个多角色多用户多权限的权限管理系统。-Including all documents, as well as the development of the database file, you can run directly on Myeclipse is more than one role in many multi-user access rights management system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : yanzi

web权限管理有对用户的添加删除设置角色和删除设置模块和功能等等 还不是很完善需要大家继续加油-web management authority to add the user to delete the settings set to delete the role and function modules, and it is not perfect and so we need to continue to fuel
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.54mb Publisher : liru

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JAVA安全管理器登录权限的基本代码,并可以根据登录的用户名分配登录用户的角色-JAVA Security Manager logon access the basic code, and can be assigned according to the logged on user name logged-on user' s role
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : Air

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主要内容:通过java编程的基本框架实现一个基于B/S结构的项目管理软件。涵盖以下功能: 管理员部分: (1)用户、用户组的管理 (2)项目管理 (3)系统管理 (4)工程角色管理 (5)问题(ISSUE)管理 用户部分: (1)项目操作 (2)问题操作 研究方法:分析已有的基于JAVA的WEB商业项目管理系统JIRA的功能和实现方式,借鉴基于PERL的开源WEB项目管理系统BUGZILLA等进行系统的功能开发指导。学习HIBERNATE、SPRING、STRUTS等框架,以及EXTJS等JAVASCRIPT包。 技术路线:JAVA方向。使用HIBERNATE、STRUTS、SPRING框架,界面以JSP页面为准,主要采用EXTJS技术。数据库主要使用sqlserver2000 -Contents: java programming through the realization of a basic framework based on B/S structure of the project management software. Cover the following functions: Administrator section: (1) user, user group management (2) Project Management (3) system management (4) project management role (5) issues (ISSUE) Management User section: (1) project operation (2) issues operation Methods: Analysis of existing commercial projects based on JAVA the WEB management system JIRA features and implementations, open source reference PERL WEB based project management system BUGZILLA function of the system, etc. Development of guidance. Learning HIBERNATE, SPRING, STRUTS framework, etc., and EXTJS other JAVASCRIPT package. Technical line: JAVA direction. Use HIBERNATE, STRUTS, SPRING framework, interface with JSP pages prevail, mainly EXTJS technology. Database mainly used sqlserver2000
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48.34mb Publisher : 何枫

nio的主要作用就是用来解决速度差异的。举个例子:计算机处理的速度,和用户按键盘的速度。这两者的速度相差悬殊。如果按照经典的方法:一个用户设定一个线程,专门等待用户的输入,无形中就造成了严重的资源浪费:每一个线程都需要珍贵的cpu时间片,由于速度差异造成了在这个交互线程中的cpu都用来等待-nio' s main role is to solve the speed difference. For example: computer processing speed, and the user presses the keyboard speed. Significant differences between the speed of the two. According to the classical methods: a user to set a thread dedicated to waiting for user input, is somehow causing a serious waste of resources: all need each thread' s cpu precious time slices, because of the speed difference caused in this interactive Xiancheng the cpu have to wait
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : wangguoqiang

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实现一个简单的多用户五子棋的游戏程序,包括如下两个界面 (1)选择对弈桌及角色(执黑、执白、观看)。 (2)在游戏界面,有开始,退出(游戏未结束、点退出自动判负);发言及显示区;用户列表区;棋盘绘制区。 -Implement a simple multi-user games backgammon program, including the following two interfaces (1) Select the chess table and role (player using these pieces, player using to watch.) (2) in the game interface, that has a beginning, exit (not the end of the game, point out automatically forfeit) to speak and display area the user list area board drawing area.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : annie

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本系统采用是java struts spring Hibernate 主流框架。 包括一下功能模块 公告spring+struts2 用户角色权限hibernate+struts2+spring 电子邮件spring+ibatis+struts2 数据字典model1 jsp充当视图和控制层和模型 -The system USES is Java struts spring Hibernate mainstream framework. Including the function module + struts2 spring announcement User role permissions hibernate+ struts2+ spring E-mail spring+ ibatis+ struts2 Model1 data dictionary JSP view and control layer and ACTS as a model
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.01mb Publisher : hfq
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