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Description: STR7系列32位ARM控制器的固件库,使开发此类控制器变得简单容易,内含AD,CAN,USRT,EMI等共14个例程。-STR7 family of 32-bit ARM controller firmware library, so that the development of such a controller has become simple and easy, including AD, CAN, USRT, EMI, such as a total of 14 routines.
Platform: | Size: 450560 | Author: xue | Hits:

[Windows DevelopusingUSRT

Description: how to initialize usrt and use it in the development kits vertix-how to initialize usrt and use it in the development kits vertix
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: mamomamo | Hits:


Description: MSP430F5 系列单片机原理 15章 USRT模块 -MSP430F5 Series MCU module principle of Chapter 15 USRT MSP430F5 Series MCU module principle of Chapter 15 USRT
Platform: | Size: 399360 | Author: GavinG | Hits:

[Com PortUSART

Description: Atmega128的USRT串口设置,计算机通过串口向开发板发送数据,开发板将数据原样送回-Atmega128 s USRT serial port settings, the computer through the serial port to send data to the development board, development board will return the data as it.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 王为波 | Hits:


Description: 这是AVR学习班上的头文件 里面有LCD1602、12864,USRT接口,IIC接口等很多模块的头文件块,在学习AVR的时候很方便-It s good for AVR studying
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 秋峰 | Hits:


Description: AVR单片机双机通讯,区别于USRT,具有很好实用性-The AVR two-machine communication, different from the USRT, with good usability
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: qiwenhai | Hits:

[Other Embeded program5

Description: 点亮利用USRT实现LCD1602液晶屏幕-Light to achieve LCD1602 LCD screen using USRT
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 陈启明 | Hits:

[Video Captureusrt

Description: 达芬奇DM6446的硬盘驱动程序,已经测试可以使用 -Leonardo da Vinci the DM6446 s hard drive program, has been tested can be used
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王兴 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机用io口模拟串口收发数据 实现串口功能-51 io simulate usrt
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: haozi | Hits:


Description: 关于串口的使用程序,本人在实验室亲自做的,保证正确-With regard to the procedures for the use of the serial port, I do personally, in the laboratory to ensure the correct
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: zhaoli | Hits:

[assembly languageLab-17-By-Sazzad-Using-UART

Description: usrt using uc pro for pic
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: remon | Hits:


Description: usrt编程一些代码 stm32下串口编程通信之类-usrt programming some code stm32 serial programming or communications under
Platform: | Size: 349184 | Author: 刘跃 | Hits:


Description: 使用CC2530的zigbee协议 usrt-zigbee usrt
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 邢恩惠 | Hits:


Description: 这是测试USRT串口的源代码例子,希望能够帮到大家,很好的代码。-This is test USRT source code example of serial port, the hope can help you, very good code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 博贞贞 | Hits:


Description: 串口接收,接收一个字符数组,并实现串口通信-receive code,when doing usrt
Platform: | Size: 1380352 | Author: 张国镇 | Hits:


Description: STM32 anfulai测试程序 包括 LCD MP3 USRT 键盘等-STM32 anfulai test program includes LCD MP3 USRT keyboard
Platform: | Size: 56714240 | Author: 张舍远 | Hits:


Description: stm32 串口调试,功能完善 方便调试 移植-stm32
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 苏润 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop书例_野火M3-USART1(polling)

Description: stm32f103例程:usrt的使用1。来源野火开发源码例程(STM32F103 routine: use of USRT 1. Source wildfire development source routines)
Platform: | Size: 1781760 | Author: mino1898 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop扩展_野火M3-USART2(polling)

Description: stm32f103例程:usrt的使用扩展2。来源野火开发源码例程(STM32F103 routine: use of USRT 1. Source wildfire development source routines)
Platform: | Size: 1131520 | Author: mino1898 | Hits:


Description: stm32f103 例程包括:adc,crc ,flash, gpio ,hal, i2c ,pwr,rcc,rtc spi,tim ,usrt(stm32f103 examples include:adc,crc,flash,gpio ,hal, i2c ,pwr,rcc,rtc spi,tim ,usrt)
Platform: | Size: 5607424 | Author: sfq1237 | Hits:

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