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[Video Capture摄像头抓图程序

Description: ARM的USB视频采集源程序 抽取出来了三个文件:vidcat.c v4l.c v4l.h 搞定了它的编译,生成了一个60k的vidcat可执行文件,拷贝到2410上后工作正常-Video capture source program of ARM USB draw following 3 file: vidcat.c v41.c v41.h to finish its compile and build about 60K vidcat executable file and work after copying on 2410.
Platform: | Size: 159388 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:

[Video Capture摄像头抓图程序

Description: ARM的USB视频采集源程序 抽取出来了三个文件:vidcat.c v4l.c v4l.h 搞定了它的编译,生成了一个60k的vidcat可执行文件,拷贝到2410上后工作正常-Video capture source program of ARM USB draw following 3 file: vidcat.c v41.c v41.h to finish its compile and build about 60K vidcat executable file and work after copying on 2410.
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:

[Video Capturejm101

Description: h.264,大家不可以错过的好东东呀,一定要充分利用,别浪费!-h.264, we can not miss the good Dongdong ah, we must make full use of, not to waste!
Platform: | Size: 4248576 | Author: 王玉 | Hits:


Description: v4l2規範手冊,依規劃定義v4l2架構及程編時參考依據-v4l2 standardized manual, in accordance with the planning framework and definition v4l2-series based on the reference
Platform: | Size: 915456 | Author: 余少仁 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsH.264

Description: 图象压缩程序,音频h.264压缩标准的c语言实现,能顺利通过编译并运行-Procedures for image compression, audio compression standard h.264 realize the c language, to the smooth passage of the compiler and run
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: 胡平 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxcamera-v4l

Description: linux和arm下usb摄像头图像的获取,领用s3c2440芯片和video for linux 编程,c语言编程-linux and arm under the usb camera image acquisition, the recipients S3C2440 chip and video for linux programming, c language programming
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: voken | Hits:

[Video Capturevideo

Description: 这是一个视频监控系统的一部分,主要实现了摄像头数据的采集,图片格式压缩存储等功能,里面包括一些*.c *.h文件。-This is a video surveillance system, the main achievement of the camera data collection, storage and other compressed picture format feature, which includes a number of*. c*. h files.
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 蔡福昌 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxourdev_465773

Description: 摄像头抓屏程序 在linux下运行 需要v4l.h v4l.c-use webcam to capture pics in linux
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: lee | Hits:

[Video CaptureV4L

Description: 采用中星微ZC301摄像头的V4L图像采集-Vimicro ZC301 using the V4L image capture camera
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zp | Hits:


Description: 基于S3C2410的linux下的USB网络摄像程序,支持ov511和zc301摄像头-The linux S3C2410 USB web camera under the program, support ov511 and zc301 camera
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: zp | Hits:


Description: linux环境下,采用v4l捕获图像,并将图像合成mjpeg格式。摄像头需带jpg压缩。-linux environment, using v4l capture images, and image synthesis mjpeg format. Camera to be with jpg compression.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: JRzero | Hits:

[Driver Develop0V9650-drive-application-source-code

Description: 编译器必须为 3.3.2 编译时候要加参数 1)加载模块:insmod s3c2440a_camif.ko (设备节点为:/dev/v4l/video0) 2)运行程序:./ov9650_init (通过iic初始化ov9650芯片,运行一次即可) 2)运行测试程序:./testcamera (加-h可查看参数说明) 注: 1)驱动模块中不含摄像头芯片的iic初始化,初始化部分位于ov9650_init中。 2)若文件系统不支持2.6下的insmod命令,请先用包里的new_rootfs.cramfs根文件系统,近期我们将提供新的含图形界面的文件系统。 3)该模块的源码暂时只提供给OEM/ODM用户。 Arm-linux-gcc –ljpeg testcramera.c –o testcramera-Arm-linux-gcc –ljpeg testcramera.c –o testcramera
Platform: | Size: 2435072 | Author: 王五 | Hits:

[File Formatjifangdonglijiankong(5)

Description: 随着电子信息技术、网络技术、图像处理等技术的飞速发展,嵌入式无线视频监控技术应运而生。基于嵌入式技术的无线视频监控以其灵活性、高集成性、便捷性等诸多优点必将取代现有的有线视频监控。 本文针对视频监控的实际需求,结合嵌入式技术、图像处理技术,设计并实现了一种可靠性高、成本低的基于ARM11的嵌入式视频采集及压缩系统,它是视频监控的前端,是无线视频监控的一个子系统。论文首先描述了视频监控系统研究的背景,分析了国内视频监控系统的现状和发展趋势,并阐述了视频监控系统研究的目的和意义。然后,介绍了新一代视频压缩标准H.264的技术特点,详细阐述了H.264出色的压缩效率和良好的网络适应性,并进一步研究了H.264标准的编码特性和码流结构。最后,提出了嵌入式视频监控系统的软、硬件总体架构,并逐步对硬件平台和软件模块设计进行了选择和优化。其中,根据视频数据采集以及压缩处理的需要选择摄像头和微处理器,搭建好硬件平台。在软件设计方面,首先完成了嵌入式系统的交叉开发环境搭建,然后完成了在开发板上操作系统内核、文件系统和设备驱动的移植,最后完成了Linux下基于V4L的视频采集和基于H.264的视频压缩编码。 -With the development of electronic information technology, network technology and image processing technology, embedded wireless video monitoring technology appears.In the future,Wireless video monitoring system ,with many advantages such as agility,integration,convenience and so on,will replace existing wired video monitoring system inevitably. Aiming at actual demand of video monitoring,this paper designs and realizes a reliable and cheap embedded video capturing and compression system based on ARM11, with the combination of embedded technology and image processing technology.This system is the front end of video monitoring and a subsystem of wireless video monitoring system.This paper firstly describes the background of video monitoring system study, analyzes the status and development trend of video monitoring system at home and mainly expounds the purpose and significance of video monitoring system study.Secondly, this paper introduces technical features of the newest video-codin
Platform: | Size: 559104 | Author: 许家硕 | Hits:

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