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VB的一个人事管理系统~~~看看怎么样-VB a personnel management system ~ ~ ~ see how kind
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.39mb Publisher : dlsk

软件限时使用与注册功能的实现 众所周知,一些共享软件往往提供给使用者的是一个功能不受限制的限时使用版,在试用期内使用者可以无限制的使用软件的全部功能(只是可能会出现提示使用者注册的窗口),试用期一过部分(或全部)功能失效,要想继续使用只能向作者索取注册码(或注册文件)完成对软件的合法注册,注册后的软件将解除一切使用限制。如果您也开发出一个有价值的作品,是否也希望为自己的软件增加一个这样的功能呢?这里笔者就提供一个实现软件限时的完整代码。   软件启动后会首先运行本代码并从注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram子键下的三个键值MyProgram1-3中读取键值数据。其中MyProgram2的值是软件首次运行日期,MyProgram3的值是软件当前运行时的日期,MyProgram1的值是软件的使用标志:如果软件在试用期内则其值为字符串sign1;如果软件试用期满则其值为字符串sign2,如果软件已经注册则其值为字符串sign3。全局变量ZHUCE依据读取的MyProgram1键值而赋值:ZHUCE=-1说明试用期满,ZHUCE=-2说明软件已注册,ZHUCE=其它值为剩余天数,您的主程序代码要依据此全局变量ZHUCE的值设计相应的交互响应。   为方便您将代码嵌入现存的程序代码中,本示例将全部代码写入一个模块.bas中(模块名随意,也可添加到已有模块中)。注意,代码中的Private Sub Main()过程为整个程序的启动入口,您需要在“工程属性”对话框中将“启动对象”设置为“Sub Main()”。 '通用模块 Global ZHUCE As Integer '说明:全局变量ZHUCE=-1试用期满,ZHUCE=-2已注册,ZHUCE=其它值为剩余天数 Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, ByRef phkResult As Long) As Long Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, ByRef lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, ByRef lpcbData As Long) As Long Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long Private Sub Main()'程序总入口 Dim a As Long, rc(3) As Long, hKey As Long, KeyValType As Long, KeyValSize(3) As Long Dim c As String, h As String, tmpVal(3) As String Dim datetime As Integer datetime = 30'试用期天数 ZHUCE = -1 On Error GoTo cuowu '以下从注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram的三个值中取出相关数据字串tmpVal(3) a = RegOpenKeyEx(&H80000002, "Software\MyProgram", 0, 131135, hKey) ' 打开注册表关键字 For a = 1 To 3: tmpVal(a) = String$(1024, 0): KeyValSize(a) = 1024: Next rc(1) = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "MyProgram3", 0, KeyValType, tmpVal(1), KeyValSize(1)) rc(2) = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "MyProgram2", 0, KeyValType, tmpVal(2), KeyValSize(2)) rc(3) = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "MyProgram1", 0, KeyValType, tmpVal(3), KeyValSize(3)) For a = 1 To 3 If (Asc(Mid(tmpVal(a), KeyValSize(a), 1)) = 0) Then tmpVal(a) = Left(tmpVal(a), KeyValSize(a) - 1) Else tmpVal(a) = Left(tmpVal(a), KeyValSize(a)) End If Next a = RegCloseKey(hKey) '关闭注册表 '使用期限判断 If tmpVal(3) = "sign3" Then ZHUCE = -2: Exit Sub '查找到已注册标志sign3 If Len(tmpVal(1)) = 1023 And Len(tmpVal(2)) = 1023 And Len(tmpVal(3)) = 1023 Then '首次使用,将当前日期分别写入tmpVal(1)和tmpVal(2)中,在tmpVal(3)中写入准许运行标志sign1 CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram3", Date$, "REG_SZ" CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram2", Date$, "REG_SZ" CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram1", "sign1", "REG_SZ" ZHUCE = datetime MsgBox "试用期剩余" & Trim(datetime) & "天" Else If tmpVal(3) = "sign2" Then '查找到永久中止标志sign2中止使用 ZHUCE = -1 Exit Sub MsgBox "试用期已满,请您注册!" End If If Date datetime Then '使用期超过datetime天中止使用 '写入tmpVal(3)中止使用字串sign2 CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram1", "sign2", "REG_SZ" ZHUCE = -1 MsgBox "试用期已满,请您注册!" Else '写入当前日期于tmpVal(2)中 CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram2", Date$, "REG_SZ" ZHUCE = datetime - (DateValue(Date) - DateValue(tmpVal(1))) MsgBox "试用期剩余" & Trim(datetime) & "天" End If End If End If cuowu: End Sub   从安全保密角度出发,当您应用上述代码时紫色部分应该根据您个人的保密设想进行必要的修改(当然您也可以不修改而直接应用):①示例中的代码把软件的注册与运行信息保存在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram子键下的MyProgram1-3三个键值内,请根据您个人的保密原则修改为您所需要的子键名,以隐蔽为原则!②MyProgram1键值中的数据(字符串sign1或sign2或sign3分别对应着试用/期满/注册)应根据您个人的保密设想修改成需要的字符串,也以隐蔽为原则!   主程序中当用户输入正确的注册码(注册码当然是您随意愿而设)后,请执行语句: CreateObject("WScript.Shell").regWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MyProgram\MyProgram1", "sign2", "REG_SZ" 完成软件注册。(该行代码中的Software\MyProgram\MyProgram1和sign2请与上述代码保持一致!)
Update : 2009-05-16 Size : 17.63kb Publisher : dianfeng

The enclosed VB project includes a VB class that implements the Rijndael AES block encryption algorithm. The form in the project runs some test data through the class.

The rijndael.asp file is a VBScript ASP file that can be used as a server side include for encryption using the Rijndael AES block cipher algorithm. The rijndaeltest.asp shows how the encryption routine can be called by running some test data through the algorithm.


Update : 2008-11-24 Size : 13.14kb Publisher : yusy2000

Visual Basic is arguably the most popular computer programming language for application development in the United States and around the world today. Visual Basic is also an excellent language to teach as a "first" computer language because of its easy-to-learn syntax and flexibility. This book treats Visual Basic as a serious programming language and not as just another Windows application. One concern that is frequently voiced when discussing the differences between Visual Basic and C++ is the level of object-oriented programming supported by Visual Basic. With the release of VB. NET, the language will support all the major features of object-oriented programming–encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Update : 2009-05-21 Size : 5.45mb Publisher : richardhjc

一个完整的文字识别程序vb-A complete character recognition program vb
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : 韭叶

我想学习一下其他的编程工具.希望能得到帐号-It is a code realizing Key hook with VB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 陈于

一个管理程序(实用)VB- A executive program (is practical) VB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 792kb Publisher :

希望对热爱使用vb的同僚或初学者有点帮助- Hoped to deeply loves the colleague or the beginner which uses vb a little helps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : 潘杰

数据库是vb中比较难的一部分,希望大家能够有所研究,给我发意见到我的信箱 The database is in vb a quite difficult part, hoped everybody can have the research, sends the opinion to me to mine mailbox
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : 潘杰

本程序封装了一个加解密模块. 使用时直接调用其中的函数即可.- This procedure has sealed a Canadian decipher module When use directly transfers function then
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : Panbingjin

VB开发的一个与WINDOWS画图相似的程序-the VB and Windows drawing a similar procedure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : zyp

vb.net源码 希望对大家有点帮助 source we hope to help a bit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 熟倪

vb编程隐藏一个任务-vb a hidden programming tasks
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher :

一个用VB编的小游戏-VB series with a small game
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 756kb Publisher : 王君

一个比较垃圾的象棋源代码-a garbage chess source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : 迪迪派

VB的一个人事管理系统~~~看看怎么样-VB a personnel management system ~ ~ ~ see how kind
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.39mb Publisher : dlsk

DL : 0
VB中的ADO操作教程,有很大的参考作用,欢迎下载使用。-VB Guide to the ADO operation to a large reference welcome downloading.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 王超

ATM的模拟系统,很好的一个VB系统,大家可以下载看看!-ATM simulation system, a very good VB system, you can download to see!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 379kb Publisher : 张晓冲

自己开发的wince操作系统上开发的VB上位机界面,源代码完全开放,开发软件采用visual stdio 2005,搞了很久,希望对大家又帮助-wince operating system developed by VB PC interface, a completely open source code, software development using visual stdio 2005
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 777kb Publisher : masterzhangqi

该程序在VB中实现了MAPINFOD中的HOTLINK功能,很使用,对学习VB中写MAPINFO的代码很有帮助!-The program is implemented in VB a MAPINFOD the HOTLINK function, it is used in learning to write VB code MAPINFO helpful!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.79mb Publisher : 林国良
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