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Description: VB是用API和图片做的漂亮菜0 character*1 a(30)*40,b*5,c,d,e,f,g 01 A(01)= character*1 a(30)*40,b*5,c,d,e,f,g 02 A(02)= c=char(65) 03 A(03)= d=char(40) 04 A(04)= e=char(41) 05 A(05)= f=char(61) 06 A(06)= g=char(39) 07 A(07)= h=char(13) 08 A(08)= o=char(10) 09 A(09)= do 50 k=48,90 10 A(10)= b(1:1)=char(k) 11 A(11)= b(2:2)=char(46) 12 A(12)= b(3:3)=char(102) 13 A(13)= b(4:4)=char(111) 单!-VB API is done and pictures of nice vegetables 0 1 a character * (30) * 40, * 5 b, c, d, e, f, g 01 A (01) = 1 a character * (30) 40 *, b * 5, c, d, e, f, g 02 A (02) = c = char (65) 03 A (03) = d = char (40) 04 A (04) = e = char (41) 05 A ( 05) = f = char (61) 06 A (06) = g = char (39) 07 A (07) = h = char (13) 08 A (08) = o = char (10) 09 A (09) do = 50 k = 48.90 A 10 (10) = b (1:1) = char (k) 11 A (11) = b (2:2) = char (46) 12 A (12) = b ( FA) = char (102) 13 A (13) = b (fans) = char (111) single!
Platform: | Size: 2644 | Author: dfd | Hits:

[Menu controlbxcode

Description: VB是用API和图片做的漂亮菜0 character*1 a(30)*40,b*5,c,d,e,f,g 01 A(01)= character*1 a(30)*40,b*5,c,d,e,f,g 02 A(02)= c=char(65) 03 A(03)= d=char(40) 04 A(04)= e=char(41) 05 A(05)= f=char(61) 06 A(06)= g=char(39) 07 A(07)= h=char(13) 08 A(08)= o=char(10) 09 A(09)= do 50 k=48,90 10 A(10)= b(1:1)=char(k) 11 A(11)= b(2:2)=char(46) 12 A(12)= b(3:3)=char(102) 13 A(13)= b(4:4)=char(111) 单!-VB API is done and pictures of nice vegetables 0 1 a character* (30)* 40,* 5 b, c, d, e, f, g 01 A (01) = 1 a character* (30) 40*, b* 5, c, d, e, f, g 02 A (02) = c = char (65) 03 A (03) = d = char (40) 04 A (04) = e = char (41) 05 A ( 05) = f = char (61) 06 A (06) = g = char (39) 07 A (07) = h = char (13) 08 A (08) = o = char (10) 09 A (09) do = 50 k = 48.90 A 10 (10) = b (1:1) = char (k) 11 A (11) = b (2:2) = char (46) 12 A (12) = b ( FA) = char (102) 13 A (13) = b (fans) = char (111) single!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: dfd | Hits:


Description: VB遥控播放器红外遥控解码 #include <regX52.h> #define c(x) (x*110592/120000) sbit Ir_Pin=P3^2 sbit beep=P2^1 //sbit RELAY=P2^0 #define INBUF_LEN 4 //数据长度 unsigned char inbuf1[INBUF_LEN]={ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } //发送缓冲区 unsigned char inbuf2[50] //接收缓冲区 unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm( void ) { SCON = 0x50 //SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvr T2CON=0x30 TH2=0x00 TL2=0x00 RCAP2H=0xFF RCAP2L=0xDC TR2=1 } //向串口发送一个字符 void send_char_com( unsigned char ch) { SBUF=ch while (TI== 0 ) TI= 0-VB player remote control infrared remote control decoder# Include <regX52.h># Define c (x) (x* 110592/120000) sbit Ir_Pin = P3 ^ 2 sbit beep = P2 ^ 1// sbit RELAY = P2 ^ 0# define INBUF_LEN 4// data length unsigned char inbuf1 [INBUF_LEN] = (0, 0, 0, 0)// Send buffer unsigned char inbuf2 [50]// receive buffer unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm (void) ( SCON = 0x50// SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvrT2CON = 0x30 TH2 = 0x00 TL2 = 0x00 RCAP2H = 0xFF RCAP2L = 0xDC TR2 = 1)// to send a serial character void send_char_com (unsigned char ch ) (SBUF = ch while (TI == 0) TI = 0
Platform: | Size: 12667904 | Author: 微微 | Hits:

[Com Port2236char

Description: 基于VB6.0串口通讯中的232字符串处理-Serial Communication Based on VB6.0 string in 232 to deal with
Platform: | Size: 1842176 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hackunimodem.dll-adapted-for-windows-ce-3.0-systems.r

Description: BSTR2, Bubble Sort2, Character to integer, CString s into char s. I am posting , Letter count with linked list, MasterString - over 3,000 lines of hardcore string manipluation (classes, structs, functions ) etc, string functions using both user defined & stdlib, Writing to a file, A Simple Count String.cpp, ACCI 2 Decimal,Hex,octal.cpp, ACCURATE and MODERN conversion .cpp, Ascii to Unicode and vice-versa.cpp, Converts a numeric string to integer .cpp, Finds and replaces a string with a given string.cpp, GotoXY.cpp, how variables can exist in different scopes.cpp, input and revers string.cpp, revers string 2.cpp, Searches if a textfile contains a string .cpp, simplest logic and most simplest password program .cpp, strcat,strcmp,strcpy(VB).cpp, string compare.cpp, string manip tutorial.cpp, StriStr--This function is an ANSI version of strstr() with case insensitivity.cpp, strrtrim.cpp, UPPER.C, VB string function.cpp
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: Ahmad | Hits:


Description: 分解string字符串为char型数组 相当于VB中的split-The decomposition string to an array is equivalent to the split in the VB
Platform: | Size: 1550336 | Author: 陈经理 | Hits:

[Program docextracted

Description: VB string functions with built in char replace
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yunis | Hits:


Description: VB string functions with built in char replace
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ourkdprov | Hits:

[source in ebookdraw-char

Description: vb编写的图表绘制的源代码,可以参考一下-vb prepared diagramming source code, can refer to
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: zhuimeng | Hits:


Description: VB string functions with built in char replace
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: o8440788youbei | Hits:

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