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[Special EffectsVBDCRAW_CODE_V0.91A

Description: 基于dcraw的VB shell,用于raw文件破解
Platform: | Size: 24259 | Author: tianlixun | Hits:

[Special EffectsVBDCRAW_CODE_V0.91A

Description: 基于dcraw的VB shell,用于raw文件破解-Dcraw based on the VB shell, for the raw file crack
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: tianlixun | Hits:

[Windows Developraw

Description: database programming sample in vb have fun
Platform: | Size: 1412096 | Author: jiji | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackKPI

Description: KPI Calculation in VB, parsing data from RAW
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: nungklik | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVBzhiliao

Description: Microsoft visual basic的基础知识,能帮助初学者更好学习vb,希望对大家有用!-The foundation knowledge of the Microsoft visual basic can help the raw recruit better study vb and hope to be useful to everyone!
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: LIN | Hits:

[Windows Developgetip

Description: Title: Net Tools!!! Description: Net Tools by PiK Soft has 12 differnt net tools including: Raw Connect, SMTP Email, Finger, Get HTML, Listen, Host Lookup, Ping, Port Scan, Speed Check, Trace Route, and Whois!!! It even has shareware protection built right in. You have to check out this code, if you dont you ll regret it! This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=9016&lngWId=1 The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: Claws | Hits:


Description: 小型服装工厂比较适合,程序采用VB.NET编写,包括原料采购入库、出库、成品入库、出等功能-Small garment factory is comparatively suitable, program using VB.NET preparation, including the procurement of raw materials storage, warehousing, storage products, such as the function
Platform: | Size: 353280 | Author: 康威 | Hits:

[OS programVB-RaW-REG

Description: VB读 写注册表,源代码,很好的入门级资料,可真接应用-VB register read and write
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: wangwenshu | Hits:


Description: LISP调用VB生的DLL文件实例,用于画圆的一个程序-The LISP call VB raw DLL file instance, a program used to draw a circle
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: cornman | Hits:


Description: VB编写的串口调试助手,能够实现对加速度计、陀螺、地磁等原始数据的显示-VB prepared the serial debugging assistant, to achieve the accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic and other raw data show
Platform: | Size: 1088512 | Author: wang | Hits:

[2D Graphicgis-SourceCode

Description: 包括了在c#和VB源代码。利用GPS卫星来确定当前位置,原子时间同步电脑时钟,坐标和投影库,本文将教你如何生成自己的地图。-In part one of this series, I described how to write an interpreter for raw GPS NMEA data. Part two described how to monitor and enforce GPS precision data to develop commercial-quality software. The articles includes source code in C# and VB.NET which harness the power of GPS satellites to determine the current location, synchronize the computer clock to atomic time, and point to a satellite on a cloudy day. Yet, even with all of this code, most developers still need a way to display GPS information along with other geographic features. With the help of my colleague Phil Smith, a lead developer of our “GIS.NET” mapping component and the “Geodesy.NET” coordinate and projection library, this article will teach you how to generate your own maps.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: lhc | Hits:


Description: 从access数据库 原始数据中读取数据 画相应的曲线图(Read the data from the raw data and draw the corresponding graph)
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 严于朦胧 | Hits:

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