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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher :

VB6.0使用WinSock API点对点聊天程序实例,VB聊天源码,API.bas中有大家常用的网络聊天API,比如清理内存中一些东西、定义一个连接(正确的叫法是:套接字)、关闭套接字、把端口和套接字绑定在一起、监听,如果你写服务端程序的话,用这个函数来开始监听是否有客户端请求连接,第1个参数是套接字句柄,第2个是允许客户端连接的数量、还有设置接收消息的窗口函数用的,用它把套接字绑定一个窗口,以后关于这个套接字的消息,都会发送到那个窗口的消息处理函数,比如连接成功,连接失败,有客户端请求连接,网络数据到达,网络断开等各种情况,参数:套接字句柄,窗口句柄,消息标志(这样才能知道哪条消息是来自被绑定的套接字哪条不是),消息类型(可以知道你要接收的是哪类消息,可以屏蔽某些不想要的)。-VB6.0 peer chat program using WinSock API examples, VB chat source code, API.bas there we used the online chat API, such as cleaning up the memory of some things that define a connection (correct name is: socket) close socket, the port and the socket is bound together, listen, if you write server-side program, then use this function to start listening whether a client requests a connection, the first parameter is a socket handle, 2nd is the allowable number of client connections, as well as set the window function used to receive messages, and use it to bind a socket window, after news of the socket will be sent to the window message processing function, for example, a successful connection, the connection fails, the client requests a connection, network data arrives, the network is disconnected, and other conditions, parameters: socket handle, window handle, message signs (so as to know which message is from the bound which is not a socket), message type (you can know what kind of a m
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : bpudn42
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