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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 705.45kb Publisher :

用C#和VB.NET实现VS.NET或Office XP风格的菜单-C# and VB.NET achieve VS.NET or Office XP-style menu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 427.53kb Publisher : type

Tutorial on ms office automation with vb .net
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 705.71kb Publisher : er

用C#和VB.NET实现VS.NET或Office XP风格的菜单-C# and VB.NET achieve VS.NET or Office XP-style menu
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.49kb Publisher : tanwh2006

用vb.net编写的读office中doc文件的例子 using office time to prepare the documents were doc example.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 73.25kb Publisher : 智海

Iword2004 文档控件源码 1,控件支持全部Office菜单,支持Office的打印预览,控件强大的B/S通讯技术。 2,能够将服务器数据库中的数据或者用户自定义的数据插入当前文档的指定位置。 3,可以将文档中的指定数据随时保存到服务器数据库或者指定的目录中。 4,控件能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑Word文档并保存到Web服务器上,实现文档和数据库的统一管理。 5,控件同时支持痕迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。 6,控件采用标准HTTP协议,支持任意后台Web服务器。 7,任意后台编程语言(Asp,c,c++, Jsp,vb, Php,VB.NET,C#.NET等) 8,大量的接口函数,全面支持二次开发 -Iword2004 a source document control, the control supports all the Office menu, Office support the Print Preview Control powerful B / S communications technology. 2, the database server to the data or user-defined data into the current document, the designated location. 3, the document can be specified at any time to preserve data to the database server or the designated directory. 4, the controls in the browser window directly edit and save Word documents to the Web server, Documents and databases to achieve the unified management. 5, traces control while supporting reservations, handwritten signatures, electronic seals of office automation system and other necessary functions. 6, controls the use of standard HTTP protocol support arbitrary background of a Web server. 7, arbitrary backgrou
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 251.09kb Publisher : 宋雅彧

iWebOffice系列文档控件,能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑Word、Excel、PowerPoint等 Office文档并保存到Web服务器上。实现文档和电子表格和数据库的统一管理。同时支持痕 迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。是OA系统开发的标准控件, 是保护您投资的最佳选择!-iWebOffice Series Document Control, in the browser window directly edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office document and preserve to the Web server. Implementation documentation and spreadsheets and database management. Support the traces reservations, handwritten signatures, electronic seals of office automation system and other necessary functions. OA system development is the standard control, protect your investment is the best choice!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : 开心就好

Tutorial on ms office automation with vb .net
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 705kb Publisher : er

用C#和VB.NET实现VS.NET或Office XP风格的菜单-C# and VB.NET achieve VS.NET or Office XP-style menu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 427kb Publisher : type

用C#和VB.NET实现VS.NET或Office XP风格的菜单-C# and VB.NET achieve VS.NET or Office XP-style menu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher :

用vb.net编写的读office中doc文件的例子 using office time to prepare the documents were doc example.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 81kb Publisher : 智海

一款小型的个人办公系统,适合学生学习参考试验的!用ASP.NET实现!-personal office system suitable for students studying reference test! Using ASP.NET!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.65mb Publisher : 中国彬

iWebOffice系列文档控件,能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑Word、Excel、PowerPoint等 Office文档并保存到Web服务器上。实现文档和电子表格和数据库的统一管理。同时支持痕 迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。是OA系统开发的标准控件, 是保护您投资的最佳选择!-iWebOffice Series Document Control, in the browser window directly edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office document and preserve to the Web server. Implementation documentation and spreadsheets and database management. Support the traces reservations, handwritten signatures, electronic seals of office automation system and other necessary functions. OA system development is the standard control, protect your investment is the best choice!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.75mb Publisher :

【软件简介】 1、本软件能将千万位以下的数值翻译为英文金额表达。因英语金额表达方式多种,本软件只根据目前外资公司商务英语惯用方式自动生成英文金额(如有需要变更,可以联系我)。 2、只需输入阿拉伯数字就自动化翻译为英文表达方式,一键复制,随处可贴。 3、新版本在优化了界面的同时改进了部分语法错误,增加了监视剪切板自动输入功能,还增加了计算器及记事本工具。 4、1.1.18新增了定时功能、office 快捷方式、中英文转换、关机功能、缩小到状态栏等。 CopyRight (C) heshihai 2006,欢迎访问作者个人主页[software-- a brief, the software can 10 million below the English translation of the numerical amount of expression. English expression for the amount of a variety of ways, The software currently only foreign companies under the Business English Automatic Generation usual amount of English (if necessary change, I can link). 2, only Arabic numerals on the importation of automated translation of the English expression, a key reproduction, which can be used everywhere. 3, the new version of the optimization of the interface at the same time improve some grammatical errors, increased surveillance shear deformation plate automatic entry functions also increased the notebook and calculator tools. 4,1.1.18 added a timing function, office shortcuts, English conversion, shutdown function, reduced
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 173kb Publisher : hsh

本系统利用vb.net前台开发工具sql.server做为后台数据库进行开发会议记录系统,实现办公自动化 future use of the system development tools sql.server database development background as the record of the meeting system, office automation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 532kb Publisher : chentj

本系统利用vb.net做为前台开发工具,sql.server为后台数据库开发的图形化定单系统,实现企业办公自动化-The system uses as a development tool front, sql.server for the background of the graphical database development order system, office automation enterprises realize
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 468kb Publisher : chentj

DL : 0
使用的开发语言有CSharp,VB等,个人认为有较好的参考价值。 【.NET开发】使用Windows Forms生成简单的绘图工具 【.NET开发】为.NET应用程序实现一个类似Word的对象模型 【Office开发】.NET框架下Excel报表组件编程 【Web开发】了解和扩展ASP.NET 2.0中的站点导航系统 【工具与技巧】构建高性能的ASP.NET应用程序 【工具与技巧】使用WMI和MOM 2005检测和监视ASP.NET应用程序 【软件测试】底层UI测试自动化 【特别策划】使用Visual Studio 2005速成版建立低廉的开发环境 【特别策划】用高级安全特性将Hacker拒之门外-Used in the development of language has CSharp, VB, etc. personally think has a better reference value. [. NET development] using Windows Forms to generate a simple drawing tools [. NET development] for. NET applications to achieve a similar Word object model] [Office development. NET framework components Programming Excel statements] [Web development knowledge and extension of ASP.NET 2.0 in site navigation systems] [tools and techniques to build high-performance ASP.NET applications] [tools and techniques to use WMI and MOM 2005 to detect and monitor ASP.NET application software testing] [underlying UI test automation ] [Special planning to use Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions establish low-cost development environment] [special planning with advanced security features will be excluded Hacker
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : softareren

简介:WORD控件说明: 控件正支持全部Office菜单,支持Office的打印预览,控件强大的B/S通讯技术, 能够将服务器数据库中的数据或者用户自定义的数据插入当前文档的指定位置,而且 还可以将文档中的指定数据随时保存到服务器数据库或者指定的目录中.控件能够在浏 览器窗口中直接编辑Word文档并保存到Web服务器上。实现文档和数据库的统一管理。 控件同时支持痕迹保留,手写签名,电子印章等办公自动化系统必备的功能。 控件采用标准HTTP协议,支持任意后台Web服务器,任意后台编程语言(Asp, Jsp, Php,VB.NET,C#.NET等) -err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 256kb Publisher : hhq3

支持文档电子签名,支持PHP,ASP,JSP,C#,VB.NET,DOMINO等各种web编程语言和服务器的在线编辑痕迹保留手写签名电子印章全屏批注控件。文档控件能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑Word,Excel等Office文档并保存到任意Web服务器。实现文档和电子表格的统一管理。同时支持强制痕迹保留,手写签名,电子印章,版本控制等办公自动化系统必备的功能。是OA系统开发的最佳选择组件.-Electronic signatures supporting documentation to support PHP, ASP, JSP, C#, VB.NET, DOMINO, and other web programming languages and server traces of online editor full-screen electronic seal to retain handwritten signature endorsement controls. Document controls in the browser window to directly edit Word, Excel and other Office documents and save it to any Web server. Documents and spreadsheets to achieve unified management. At the same time retained support for mandatory signs, handwritten signatures, electronic seals, version control and other necessary functions of office automation system. OA system development is the best choice for components.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 邓大丁

vba在vb.net环境下的应用,实现word的自动排版,出报告,有利于计算程序的自动出计算书 automates word,design the form of contents , pictures and tables in the word report, The result show that this method can improve the efficiency of office work
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 936kb Publisher : cjg
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