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vb实用编程150例(光盘) 是我从网上下载的,有一些网站都有的,但你的网站上没有 ,我看上你们网站的VB6.0开发大全(实例程序)实在不想多花钱来买这个所以就~~。-vb 150 cases (CD-ROM) I downloaded from the Internet, some websites. but you are not on site, I saw your website VB6.0 Daquan (example program) really do not want to spend more to buy on the so ~ ~.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 957.7kb Publisher : 付文彬

vb实用编程150例(光盘) 是我从网上下载的,有一些网站都有的,但你的网站上没有 ,我看上你们网站的VB6.0开发大全(实例程序)实在不想多花钱来买这个所以就~~。-vb 150 cases (CD-ROM) I downloaded from the Internet, some websites. but you are not on site, I saw your website VB6.0 Daquan (example program) really do not want to spend more to buy on the so ~ ~.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 957kb Publisher : 付文彬

电脑用户对重新安装系统肯定不会陌生,系统重新安装后收藏夹中的东西全部丢失了?以后上网就不方便了?用VB6编写的这一工具能够自动备份和恢复收藏夹,让你不用再担心收藏夹中的东西丢失。-Computer users to re-install the system will definitely not be unfamiliar, the system re-installation of your favorites, all the lost things? After the Internet is not convenient? VB6 prepared using this tool to automatically backup and restore favorites, so you do not have to worry about favorites things lost.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : Smart

一个用vb6开发的短信控件 开源 与个人收发短信完全没有 问题 目前还在改进 发送长短信(大于70个字 接收时合并为一条)和特服短信(如10086)的问题 献给和我一样从互联网收益良多的vb fans 同时请斑竹 对我的下载权限放开点吧-A development with VB6 controls open-source messaging and individuals to send and receive text messages will not be any problems are being improved to send long text messages (more than 70 characters into a reception) and special service messages (such as 10086) dedicated to the issues as well as I do receipts from the Internet so much Chiloscyllium vb fans at the same time please download my permission open yourself
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 131kb Publisher : 黄双

网上找到的许多字符串加密的函数只能对英文字符串进行加密,字符串中若含有汉字则无能为力了,经过研究,对网上下载的源码进行了部分修改添加,使得可以对中文字符串也可以进行加密,支持英文与汉字混合字符串加密,VB中对字符串进行加密的模块,字符串中可以有中文字符,使用方法:cipher 密码,源串,存放加密后的字符变量 解密用decipher 密码,被加密的字串,字符串变量。源码多数为网上下载源代码,本人只进行了组合修改,支持回车换行与制表符等部分控制格式的字符,解密后的字符串完全保留原样,该代码已在作者程序中使用,VB6上通过。-Many of the Internet to find a function of the string encrypted string of English can only be encrypted if they contain strings of characters are powerless, after research on the Internet to download the source code to add some modifications to enable the Chinese string also can encryption, support of mixed English and Chinese characters string encryption, VB string is encrypted on the module, the string can be in Chinese characters, use: cipher code, the source string, the characters stored encrypted variable decrypted using decipher password, the encrypted string, string variable. Source the majority of downloading the source code, I only had a combination of changes to support the carriage return line feed and tab format, such as some control characters, decryption fully retained after the original string, the code has been used in the author of the procedure, VB6 adopted.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 覃东

《Visual Basic 6 宝典》页数:857 (23.9MB) 格式:超星Visual Basic 6具有新的数据库编程和Web服务器编程功能,深受人们欢迎,被众多美国公司视为企业级重要应用程序开发的首选工具。本书内容涉及Active Data Object、IIS和ActiveX编程、Windows API的使用。本书还提供宝贵的专家建议和大量代码实例,帮助您从容迎接一切编程挑战,建立功能强大且性能可靠的解决方案。本书包含Visual Basic 6的各个方面:了解Visual Basic 6如何加入Visual Studio家族;掌握面向对象编程的基础知识-----窗口、类、对象;结合OLE DB使用新功能Active Data Objects,简化数据库编程;利用新特性WebClass建立IIS应用程序,避免开发Active Internet服务器时可能遇到的陷阱;学习使用Windows API,全面掌握Visual Basic,建立强大的出错处理机制,提高应用程序的可靠性 -"Visual Basic 6 book" Pages: 857 (23.9MB) format: Chaoxing new Visual Basic 6 database programming and Web server programming function, by the people welcomed by many U.S. companies as an important enterprise-class applications the preferred development tools. Book cover Active Data Object, IIS and ActiveX programming, Windows API use. This book also provides valuable expert advice and a large number of code examples to help you easily programmed to meet all challenges, the establishment of a powerful and reliable solution. This book contains the Visual Basic 6 in all aspects: understanding of Visual Basic 6 How to join the Visual Studio family object-oriented programming to master the basic knowledge----- window, type, object combination of OLE DB functionality using the new Active Data Objects, to simplify database programming WebClass the establishment of the new features using IIS application, to avoid the development of Active Internet server traps that may be encountered lea
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.45mb Publisher : 王齐

如何开发触摸屏的Web浏览器 程序名称:ie浏览及状态栏.vbp 运行环境:win2000 vb6-internet explorer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : liubin

目 录 引言 1 1 系统概论 2 1.1 选题的背景、目的和意义 2 1.2 人力资源管理系统的发展历程 3 1.3 系统功能概述 4 1.4 系统开发的体系结构 5 1.5 系统的开发环境 5 1.5.1 VB6.0简介 5 1.5.2 Microsoft SQL server 2000简介 6 2 系统分析 8 2.1 系统可行性分析与抉择 8 2.2 系统需求分析 9 2.3 系统业务流程图 10 2.4 数据流程分析 11 2.5 数据字典 13 2.6 计算机系统的配置要求 15 3 系统设计 16 3.1 系统设计目标 16 3.2 总体功能模块设计 16 3.3 数据库设计 18 3.3.1概念数据模型设计 18 3.3.2逻辑数据模型设计 20 3.3.3数据库物理设计 21 3.4 系统程序流程图 24 3.5 系统安全设计 24 4 系统的实现 26 4.1登录界面与主界面的设计与实现 26 4.2部门信息管理的实现 27 4.3 员工信息管理的实现 28 4.4考勤信息管理的实现 29 4.5考评信息管理的实现 30 4.6工资管理的实现 31 5 系统的测试及结果 33 6 结论 35 谢 辞 36 参考文献 38 引言 随着Internet的不断发展和进步,TCP/IP技术的大步向前,基于互联网络的各种信息管理系统已经逐步延伸到社会的各个角落。并且正在逐步改变人们的学习、生活和工作方式,从而对社会经济生活产生重大影响。计算机正在日-vb hr
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : zfz

一个vb6做的网吧收费系统源代码,可以作为毕业设计使用.-Internet cafes do a charging system vb6 source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 225kb Publisher : 李坤

[VB6源码]网络状态实时监测-[VB6 Source] real-time monitoring of network status
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : lance

网络编程使用,在编软件时,可以直接使用本代码,经调试,在vb6.0 winxp下通过,-Network programming using the editing software, you can directly use this code, the debugging, adopted under the vb6.0 winxp,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 陈国胜

在网上找到的一个关于GSM通讯模块和电脑通讯的一个源代码文件.稍微修改就可以成自己的软件了-The Internet to find a computer on the GSM communication module and a communication source code files. Slightly modify their own software can become a
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 曾祥昌

VB6 and Internet 1. Source codes Part 1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : Anton13

VB6 and Internet 2. Source codes Part 2.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 549kb Publisher : Anton13

VB6 and Internet 3. Source codes Part 3
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 260kb Publisher : Anton13

internet Interface pgm in vb6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : Jairam shenoy

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : M

校准网络时间,VB6.0 code source-Network Time Calibration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : xbj

gydjyu jytutydikdtyk tydkid(utdk tuffyxjyxj tikyttf ikiyfukfyu lkuyf)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.87mb Publisher : 母子为

VB6.0本身只支持制作ActiveX DLL文件。对于用VB6.0制作“标准DLL”(当然这 是“狭义”的标准DLL:指带导出函数、直接调用的DLL,不用通过对象来调用),网 上早已出现过不少的争论,但争来争去,似乎都是谁也没说服谁。网上也流传过不少 的“用VB6.0制作标准DLL的方法”,虽然或繁或简,还有的做成了VB6.0的插件,但 是这些方法的实质如出一辙,做出来的DLL文件,也仅仅是“带导出函数的ActiveX DLL”而已。虽然带有导出函数,可以直接通过"Declare"来使用了,其实它们并没有 彻底摆脱ActiveX DLL的影子。(VB6.0 itself only supports the production of ActiveX DLL files. For making "standard DLL" with VB6.0 (of course this It is the standard DLL of "narrow sense". It refers to the DLL with derived function and direct invocation. It does not need to be invoked by objects. There have been many debates, but it seems that no one has convinced anyone. There have been a lot of them on the Internet. The method of making standard DLL with VB6.0 is complicated or simple, and some of them are plug-ins of VB6.0. The essence of these methods is the same. The DLL files produced by these methods are only "ActiveX with derived functions". DLL. Despite having derived functions that can be used directly through Declare, they are not. Get rid of ActiveX DLL completely.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : 公子笑
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