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Advanced_modelling_in_finance_using_Excel_and_VBA(pdf) The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate financial data, as applied to equities, bonds and options. The book is essential for financial practitioners who need to develop their financial modelling skill sets as there is an increase in the need to analyse and develop ever more complex what if scenarios.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 张晗

WebBrowser的8个方法和13个属性,以及它们的功能: 方法 说明  GoBack 相当于IE的“后退”按钮,使你在当前历史列表中后退一项  GoForward 相当于IE的“前进”按钮,使你在当前历史列表中前进一项  GoHome 相当于IE的“主页”按钮,连接用户默认的主页  GoSearch 相当于IE的“搜索”按钮,连接用户默认的搜索页面  Navigate 连接到指定的URL  Refresh 刷新当前页面  Refresh2 同上,只是可以指定刷新级别,所指定的刷新级别的值来自RefreshConstants枚举表, 该表定义在ExDisp.h中,可以指定的不同值如下: REFRESH_NORMAL 执行简单的刷新,不将HTTP pragma: no-cache头发送给服务器 REFRESH_IFEXPIRED 只有在网页过期后才进行简单的刷新 REFRESH_CONTINUE 仅作内部使用。在MSDN里写着DO NOT USE! 请勿使用 REFRESH_COMPLETELY 将包含pragma: no-cache头的请求发送到服务器  Stop 相当于IE的“停止”按钮,停止当前页面及其内容的载入 属性 说明  Application 如果该对象有效,则返回掌管WebBrowser控件的应用程序实现的自动化对象(IDispatch)。如果在宿主对象中自动化对象无效,这个程序将返回WebBrowser 控件的自动化对象  Parent 返回WebBrowser控件的父自动化对象,通常是一个容器,例如是宿主或IE窗口  Container 返回WebBrowser控件容器的自动化对象。通常该值与Parent属性返回的值相同  Document 为活动的文档返回自动化对象。如果HTML当前正被显示在WebBrowser中,则 Document属性提供对DHTML Object Model的访问途径  TopLevelContainer 返回一个Boolean值,表明IE是否是WebBrowser控件顶层容器,是就返回true  Type 返回已被WebBrowser控件加载的对象的类型。例如:如果加载.doc文件,就会返 回Microsoft Word Document  Left 返回或设置WebBrowser控件窗口的内部左边与容器窗口左边的距离  Top 返回或设置WebBrowser控件窗口的内部左边与容器窗口顶边的距离  Width 返回或设置WebBrowser窗口的宽度,以像素为单位  Height 返回或设置WebBrowser窗口的高度,以像素为单位  LocationName 返回一个字符串,该字符串包含着WebBrowser当前显示的资源的名称,如果资源 是网页就是网页的标题;如果是文件或文件夹,就是文件或文件夹的名称  LocationURL 返回WebBrowser当前正在显示的资源的URL  Busy 返回一个Boolean值,说明WebBrowser当前是否正在加载URL,如果返回true 就可以使用stop方法来撤销正在执行的访问操作 如何利用 WebBrowser 控件,显示 .GIF 动画? 要有一定的网页知识(HTML、JavaScript、CSS) 注意细节: 没有"滚动条"和"鼠标右键弹出的 IE 上下文菜单",".HTM 源文件" ... 我写了一个,效果还真不错! ''Objects: Form1、Command1、CommonDialog1、WebBrowser1 Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If VBA.Len(VBA.Trim(CommonDialog1.FileN欢迎光临学网,点击这里查看更多文章教程 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] ame)) > 0 Then Dim p As stdole.StdPicture Dim sPath As String sPath = VBA.Trim(VBA.Trim(CommonDialog1.FileName)) Set p = VB.LoadPicture(sPath) WebBrowser1.Width = p.Width * 16 / 26 WebBrowser1.Height = p.Height * 16 / 26 '' WebBrowser1.Navigate "about:blank" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "WebBrowser1.Document.writeln " WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "WebBrowser1.Document.writeln " " WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = "&Open" WebBrowser1.Navigate "about:blank" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.writeln "" WebBrowser1.Document.Close End Sub
Update : 2010-10-05 Size : 3.9kb Publisher :

If you already know your way around Excel 2007 and want to use formulas to extend its capabilities even further, this go-to guide shows how to create financial formulas, use array formulas, develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, and more.
Update : 2010-12-03 Size : 57.05mb Publisher : maxking

读ifix数据填EXCEL 读ifix数据填EXCEL-Reading ifix read Excel data fill ifix data fill EX CEL
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : tony.woo

DL : 0
Advanced_modelling_in_finance_using_Excel_and_VBA(pdf) The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate financial data, as applied to equities, bonds and options. The book is essential for financial practitioners who need to develop their financial modelling skill sets as there is an increase in the need to analyse and develop ever more complex what if scenarios.-Advanced_modelling_in_finance_using_Excel_and_VBA (pdf) The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate financial data, as applied to equities, bonds and options . The book is essential for financial practitioners who need to develop their financial modelling skill sets as there is an increase in the need to analyse and develop ever more complex what if scenarios.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 张晗

DL : 0
最简单的方法判断一个字符串中是否有汉字 VBA中默认英文字符串都是Unicode,双字节,如果转化为vbFromUnicode就变成单字节, 汉字还是双字节,如果转换之前的字符长度与转化之后的字节长度相等(LenB是计算字符的字节长度的函数), 说明不含中文字符,反之含有中文字符。-The simplest way to judge whether a string of Chinese characters have VBA in the default English strings are Unicode, double byte, if it becomes vbFromUnicode into single-byte, or double-byte characters, if characters in length prior to conversion and transformation byte after the same length (LenB is calculated byte characters in length function), indicating that non-Chinese characters, on the contrary contain Chinese characters.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : funtionvon

)。-the function of the system is simulated ATM machine landing, balance inquiries, withdrawals, change passwords, and other functions, use the JDBC interface, such as SWING. If ATM landing, withdrawals and change password must use JDBC interface and database links, I encountered a lot of problems, but the most important is that the database setting, in order to solve this problem, I read four books, Inquiries related information -).-the function of the system is simulated ATM machine landing, balance inquiries, withdrawals, change passwords, and other functions, use the JDBC interface, such as SWING. If ATM landing, withdrawals and change password must use JDBC interface and database links, I encountered a lot of problems, but the most important is that the database setting, in order to solve this problem, I read four books, Inquiries related information
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 379kb Publisher : coral

DL : 0
这是一个VBA开发的项目实例,如有问题,请给予回复。-This is an example of VBA project development and, if questions, please give reply.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.98mb Publisher : 王刚

DL : 0
杂谈 分类:工作备忘 我们常用Excel统计一些数据,如果善用VBA,就能自动做出各种复杂的报表,懒人就是追求一劳永逸!不过,也不是真懒啦,只是用智慧(脑力劳动)将自身从体力劳动中解放出来而已,人类也是这样进步的-Category talk: a reminder of our work a number of commonly used Excel Statistics data, if the use of VBA, will be able to automatically make a variety of complex statements, is the pursuit of laziness once and for all! However, you are not really lazy, but with wisdom (mental) to their own liberation from the physical but also the progress of humanity
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 车明

DL : 0
VBA学习基础 是个非常好的学习教程,特别适合于向我这样的初学者,即便没有任何编程基础,只要对OFFICE系列软件能够上手即可。-Learning VBA is a very good basis for learning course, were particularly suited to beginners like me, even if there is no basis for any programming, as long as the series of OFFICE software can be started.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.81mb Publisher : cz601919

RS232编程资料,转载资料,,如有任何问题,请联系原创-RS232 programming information, reproduced data,, if you have any questions, please contact original
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 886kb Publisher : lichao

DL : 0
如果忘记exl保护密码,请用exl保护密码破解vba-If you forget exl to protect your password, vba password cracking with exl protection
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : welcomeligj

认为你有一个Microsoft Excel应用程序(VBA)中,你必须使用定时器功能存在。 There is no such native control in Excel called "Timer".没有这样的原生控制在Excel中称为“定时”。 What will you do?你会做什么? Also think that you are in a situation where you are unable to use a "Form" where you can "put" a timer control.还以为你在一个情况下,你将无法使用“表”在那里你可以“把”一个计时器控制。 But still you need a timer functionality that will work exactly like the timer control.但你仍需要一个计时器功能,将工作,如定时器精确控制。 It ll fire an event in a timely fashioned and can start and stop, etc. If you re in such a situation, the article below is for you.它会在火灾事件,并及时老式可以启动和停止等,如果你在这种情况下,那么,下面的文章是给你的。
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : longfa

宏通VBA加载宏通用模板 通用模块代码: Private Sub zyg365() On Error Resume Next If XL.ActiveWindow.GridlineColorIndex <> 14 Then XL.ActiveWindow.GridlineColorIndex = 14 MsgBox "宏通VBA软件工作室制:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & " Excel_VBA Com加载宏模板。", , "宏通VBA软件工作室:" MsgBox "宏通VBA软件工作室制作:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "" & Chr(10) & "QQ:798017976", , "宏通VBA软件工作室:" frmAddIn.Show 0 End Sub -Artel add generic template
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 54kb Publisher : 水文

[CAD/VBA]批量打印 打印图纸,不折不扣的体力活。最多一次打了600多张图,打印机都因"体力不支"中途休息了几次,如果不是用程序批打,估计我也得累个半死。下面是打印过程的源代码,加个for循环就可以批打了。真的挺好的。-[CAD/VBA] Batch Print to print the drawings, the letter of the manual labor. Up to a dozen more than 600 maps, printers because of " extremely weak" half-way off several times, if not granted by playing with the estimated half dead tired, I have to. Here is the source the printing process, plus a for loop to be approved shot. Really good.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : lufeng

DL : 0
这是一个关于excel vba的源码,有兴趣的你可以看看。-vba is very good.if you like you can got it .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : Grace

批量处理所存文件包中的文本文件,并对关键字进行检索记录(u will like it if u r boring now)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 108kb Publisher : 叫我咸鱼就好

兴过后,还得继续努力,其实后面还有很多问题,这只是半透不能全透,退出游戏卡死啊,等等。。。不知道有没有对这方面感兴趣的朋友一起研究,后续要做全透,方框透,准星,屏幕写字,我一个人能力有限啊,希望有朋友一起研究。(After the promotion, we have to continue our efforts. In fact, there are many problems in the back. This is only half penetration, can not be fully penetrated, exit the game card, die, etc.... Do not know if there is no interest in the friends study together, follow-up to do full penetration, block penetration, sight, screen writing, my personal ability is limited, hope to have friends to study.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.22mb Publisher : 俊之霜

检测有无CAD软件正在运行,并提示是否继续执行加载插件(Check if the CAD software is running and prompt to load the plug-in)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.68mb Publisher : debin123

用VBA往EXCEL中插入图片,比如说员工照片,200个表中每表一张图片,用这个宏可以秒完。用的时候需要微改一下,在宏中把图片的路径改成实际路径,把单元格地址改成实际单元格就OK了。 本宏插入的图片是存入表格里了,换个电脑照样可以显示出来,不是链接到图片,如果图片比较大,会让表格体积变大,但也正是方便之处,不然表格交到相关部门,图片不显示,会降低工作评价。(Office2010,The Micro stored picture into the sheet.On other computers, pictures can be displayed, not links to pictures. If the picture is larger, it will make the sheets bigger.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 峰云1
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