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删除VC及Delphi的可删除文件或您指定的扩展名文件,第一次运行此批处理文件时将在驱动器盘符和目录文件夹右键菜单产生\"Delete special Ext files\"和\"Edit delete special Ext files list\"以及产生一个FileExtList.txt文件,此文件中包含VC及Delphi可删除文件扩展名列表。选择\"Delete special Ext files\"可快速删除指定扩展名的文件。选择\"Edit delete special Ext files list\"自动使用记事本打开FileExtList.txt文件,您可以输入您想要删除文件的扩展名,在此文件中\" \"表示注释,此行后面的扩展名将不被处理。-delete VC and Delphi can delete the file or your designated extension, the first run this batch file will be in the drive letter and directory folder right-click menus have a "special Ext Delete files" and "Edit special Ext delete files list" and produce a document FileExtList.txt this file contains VC and Delphi can delete the file extension list. Select "Delete special Ext files" can quickly delete the specified file extensions."Edit delete special Ext files list"FileExtList.txt" "
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04kb Publisher : 红军

快速删除VC及Delphi的可删除文件或您指定的扩展名文件,第一次运行此批处理文件时将在驱动器盘符和目录文件夹右键菜单产生\"Delete special Ext files\"和\"Edit delete special Ext files list\"以及产生一个FileExtList.txt文件,此文件中包含VC及Delphi可删除文件扩展名列表。选择\"Delete special Ext files\"可快速删除指定扩展名的文件。选择\"Edit delete special Ext files list\"自动使用记事本打开FileExtList.txt文件,您可以输入您想要删除文件的扩展名,在此文件中\" \"表示注释,此行后面的扩展名将不被处理。-deleted VC and Delphi can delete the file or your designated extension, the first run this batch file will be in the drive letter and directory folder right-click menus have a "special Ext Delete files" and "Edit special Ext delete files list" and produce a FileExtList.txt , this document contains VC and Delphi can delete the file extension list. Select "Delete special Ext files" can quickly delete the specified file extensions. Choose "Edit special Ext delete files list" automatic use Notepad to open FileExtList.txt document, you can import you want to delete the file extension, in this document, "" Notes, said that the trip behind the extension would not be processed.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04kb Publisher : 红军

读取位图图像,压缩包内的文件是vc编写存在txt文件中,方便快捷-read bitmap images, compressed within the document is prepared vc there txt document, convenient and quick
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.43kb Publisher : DLL

汇总c#.net常用函数和方法集.txt-summary c #. Net commonly used functions and methods set. Txt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.25kb Publisher : jiayuehui

采用ODBC技术,利用VC++对XLS文件的结构和记录内容进行了读取,并按一定的格式显示在窗口程序的列表控件内-using ODBC technology, VC right XLS documents on the structure and content of the record to read, with a certain format in the list window control procedures within
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : 周孝良

使用VC编程来操纵Office。你可以实现诸如:Word文件打印、传送数据到Word文档、发送E-MAIL、自动产生表格、Excel数据统计、圆饼图,直方图显示、自动报表生成、播放幻灯、doc,txt,HTML,rtf文件转换、中文简繁体转换、拼音或笔画排序......只要是Office能够实现的功能,都可以在你写的程序中调用。仔细阅读下面的说明,并下载源文件进行参考,你就可以一步一步地掌握这个技术。祝朋友们学习快乐。-used to manipulate the VC Office. You can achieve such as : Word file and print and transmit data to Word documents, send e-mail to automatically generate tables, Excel data, round pie, histogram display, automatic report generation, players slide, doc, txt, HTML, rtf document conversion, Simplified and Traditional Chinese conversion, Pinyin or stroke Sorting Office ... as long as it is to achieve the function, you can write the procedure call. Carefully read the note below, and download the source document for reference, you can step to master this technology. Zhou Peng faithful happy learning.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 254kb Publisher : aaa

VC实现的实现图案化和抖动技术,以及bmp转变为txt-VC achieve the pictorial and jitter technology, and bmp into txt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : Guo

删除VC及Delphi的可删除文件或您指定的扩展名文件,第一次运行此批处理文件时将在驱动器盘符和目录文件夹右键菜单产生"Delete special Ext files"和"Edit delete special Ext files list"以及产生一个FileExtList.txt文件,此文件中包含VC及Delphi可删除文件扩展名列表。选择"Delete special Ext files"可快速删除指定扩展名的文件。选择"Edit delete special Ext files list"自动使用记事本打开FileExtList.txt文件,您可以输入您想要删除文件的扩展名,在此文件中" "表示注释,此行后面的扩展名将不被处理。-delete VC and Delphi can delete the file or your designated extension, the first run this batch file will be in the drive letter and directory folder right-click menus have a "special Ext Delete files" and "Edit special Ext delete files list" and produce a document FileExtList.txt this file contains VC and Delphi can delete the file extension list. Select "Delete special Ext files" can quickly delete the specified file extensions."Edit delete special Ext files list"FileExtList.txt" "
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher :

快速删除VC及Delphi的可删除文件或您指定的扩展名文件,第一次运行此批处理文件时将在驱动器盘符和目录文件夹右键菜单产生"Delete special Ext files"和"Edit delete special Ext files list"以及产生一个FileExtList.txt文件,此文件中包含VC及Delphi可删除文件扩展名列表。选择"Delete special Ext files"可快速删除指定扩展名的文件。选择"Edit delete special Ext files list"自动使用记事本打开FileExtList.txt文件,您可以输入您想要删除文件的扩展名,在此文件中" "表示注释,此行后面的扩展名将不被处理。-deleted VC and Delphi can delete the file or your designated extension, the first run this batch file will be in the drive letter and directory folder right-click menus have a "special Ext Delete files" and "Edit special Ext delete files list" and produce a FileExtList.txt , this document contains VC and Delphi can delete the file extension list. Select "Delete special Ext files" can quickly delete the specified file extensions. Choose "Edit special Ext delete files list" automatic use Notepad to open FileExtList.txt document, you can import you want to delete the file extension, in this document, "" Notes, said that the trip behind the extension would not be processed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher :

VC读写txt文件的程序,数据由空格,逗号或回车分隔开,还包括读取图位文件和二进制文件!-VC literacy txt documents, data from space, or comma separated from the transport, including map-reading documents and binary files!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.47mb Publisher :

该词法分析程序用VC++ 6.0编写,以FileOpenDialog打开的*.c或*.cpp文件为语言字集的源程序作为词法分析程序的输入数据,经词法分析程序分析后的结果保存在源文件的同目录的output.txt文件中。在词法分析中,自文件头开始扫描源程序字符,一旦发现符合“单词”定义的源程序字符串时,将它翻译成固定长度的单词内部表示,并查填适当的信息表。经过词法分析后,源程序字符串(源程序的外部表示)被翻译成具有等长信息的单词串(源程序的内部表示),并产生两个表格:常数表和标识符表,它们分别包含了源程序中的所有常数和所有标识符。-the lexical analysis procedures used to prepare VC 6.0 to FileOpenDialog open*. c*. cpp documents or language character sets for the source as lexical analysis of the data entry process, the analysis of lexical analysis procedures after the results stored in the same source file directory paper output.txt . The lexical analysis, the first since the paper began scanning source characters, once found with "words" definition of the source string, it will be translated into fixed length of the internal word, and to identify the appropriate information filled table. After lexical analysis, source string (source said external) has been translated into information such as a long string of words (internal source said), and produce two forms : Constant table and table identifier, namely
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 199kb Publisher : 汤超

读取位图图像,压缩包内的文件是vc编写存在txt文件中,方便快捷-read bitmap images, compressed within the document is prepared vc there txt document, convenient and quick
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : DLL

VC写的读写UNICODE文件示例,使用CStdioFile的继承类来实现的-VC written documents to read and write UNICODE example, the use of inheritance CStdioFile category achieved
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 天隼

如题获取网页中输入的用户名和密码的源代码 VC 封包截取的源码,值得学习 VC 内存修改器源代码 VB 系统加速源代码 DELPHI Winsock 详细使用例程,有TCP,UDP,DOWNLOAD操作,不是使用Winsock 控件 VB 巨好的传奇2外挂 功能:玩家所有的登陆信息记到c:\dat.txt VC QQ消息自动发送器,有许多API操作值得学习 VB 读写INI文件的操作,值得学习 VB 截取封包的操作 VB 又一个内存修改器的源代码 VB 绿光抓包器,很好用 VC 封包截取源代码 VC 系统加速源码 VB 内存搜索及修改源代码 VB 传奇封包分析器 -Such as access to the page title, enter the user name and password of the source code of the source VC packet interception, it is worth learning VC modify memory system VB source code browser source code to speed up the use of DELPHI Winsock routines in detail, there are TCP, UDP, DOWNLOAD operation, not VB using Winsock control giant legendary good 2 plug-in functions: all players in mind landing information to the c: \ dat.txt VC QQ automatic transmitter news, there are many API operation to learn to read and write INI files VB operation, it is worth learning VB interception VB packet operation device and a memory modify the source code of VB capture green light, and very good with VC source code VC packet interception system memory speed up the VB source code and modify the source code search legend packet analyzer VB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 323kb Publisher : 丁超

VC读文本格式并显示出来,测试是完全正常,可以参考一下.-vc read txt format file and display
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : 王工

VC实现对TXT文本的读和写的操作,可以根据此操作稍作修改就可以生成你要的格式的文本-VC achieve TXT text read and write operations, according to this operation can generate some modifications to the format of the text you want to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.87mb Publisher : 邓鹏

文档给出了在VC编程环境下的各种读写文件的源代码,可作为读写日志程序的参考文档。-Documents given in the VC programming environment to read and write files of various source code, read and write log program can be used as a reference document.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : 陈爱斌

1、请将安装文件下的rotor文件夹拷贝到D盘根目录下。 2、如为Windows Vista操作系统请不要将程序安装在系统盘C盘下。 3、模态分析自动用log.txt作为例子测试。 4、实时ansys请导入log_test.txt作为例子测试,此时系统已进行了建模和网格划分工作,只需要求解和后处理即可。(1, please install the file under the rotor folder copy to the D packing directory. 2, such as the Windows Vista operating system program should not be installed on the system disk under the C. 3, modal analysis is automatically tested with log.txt as an example. 4, real-time ANSYS, please import log_test.txt as an example test, at this time the system has been modeling and meshing work, only need to solve and post-processing can.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : 麓山南路路霸

vc++/vc程序,简单好学,方便初学者,程序完整,直接运行(Vc++/vc program, simple and easy to learn, convenient for beginners, complete program, direct operation)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.67mb Publisher : q大蛇丸多

VC读取TXT文件数据处理,并且显示出来!(VC read TXT file data processing and show!)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : yang88988
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