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VC++获取主机信息,包括操作系统名称,SP版本,当前版本,产品ID,注册名,CPU信息。-VC + + mainframe access information, including name of the operating system, the SP version, the current version, product ID, registration, and CPU information.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.23kb Publisher : xiaowen_cao

用VC获取CPU的厂家信息,主频,ID。-VC CPU manufacturers access to information, the frequency, ID.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.48kb Publisher : 廖军

VC 7.0编写,采用WMI接口,获取主板、CPU、硬盘、内存等的序列号(SerialNumber)或标识(ID)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.44kb Publisher : Roger King

VC++获取主机信息,包括操作系统名称,SP版本,当前版本,产品ID,注册名,CPU信息。-VC++ mainframe access information, including name of the operating system, the SP version, the current version, product ID, registration, and CPU information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : xiaowen_cao

用VC获取CPU的厂家信息,主频,ID。-VC CPU manufacturers access to information, the frequency, ID.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 廖军

VC 7.0编写,采用WMI接口,获取主板、CPU、硬盘、内存等的序列号(SerialNumber)或标识(ID)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : Roger King

是关于在vc环境中CPU编号的获取以及简单的加密-Vc on the environment in the CPU ID of the access and simple Encryption
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.25mb Publisher : Thomas

vc6.0开发读取序列号的源程序,直接用vc6.0打开即可编译成功-vc6.0 the development of the source code to read serial number, the direct use of the compiler can successfully open vc6.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : chou

VC++获取网卡MAC、硬盘序列号、CPU+ID、BIOS编号-get mac code and the bios
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : ssttss123

[CPUID.rar] - 获取CPU信息/ID号 [CPUID123.rar] - 编程高手 讨论 [GetNo.rar] - 获取硬盘序列号。可以利用在软件保护等模块中。自由下载无需帐号。 [测试CPU的程序.zip] - 测试CPU程序,可以读取CPU的各种比较详细的信息。 [] - 用VC获取CPU的厂家信息,主频,ID。 [SDcardPROTLPCB.rar] - SD卡的PROTEL PCB封装,适合于作电路板用 [CPU信息查询演示.rar] - CPU信息查询演示.如何获取CPU名称,标识、制造商名称、主频、个数等。 [windowsCPUid.rar] - 获取CPU ID,可判断CPU型号和支持的指令集 [CPUinfo一.zip] - 获取CPU信息。 [Get_ID.rar] - 得到电脑的硬盘序列号与CPU的识别号,可以用来绑定电脑-sdgsadg
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 南方

vc 获取cpu信息 CPU序列号有一个好处就是非常难以修改,至少目前还没听说。将CPU ID 和MAC id 、硬盘id组合起来生成软件序列号,可以大大增加序列号的安全性。-vc obtain information cpu CPU serial number has the advantage that it is very difficult to modify, at least not yet heard. The CPU ID and the MAC id, drive id together build software serial number, serial number can greatly increase security.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : hh

vc6.0调用汇编库取得硬盘序列号和cpu id等,由于vc直接调用要下载一个啥sdk,太麻烦了,就写个汇编的lib在vc里直接调用,lib也不像dll容易被跟踪到,注释清晰代码风格好,可供商用。 -vc call ASM lib to get hd and cpu id,Because if you want to get this information must download some sdk,I think use a asm lib is more easy to use ,and lib is hard to crack not like dll,so you can use it in your business software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : 黄花菜

VC 获取CPU信息,硬盘ID,MAC地址-VC access to the CPU, hard disk ID, MAC address
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : qu

用vc程序获取电脑的CPU ID号的方法,可以实现软件运行时对系统硬件的识别。-The program get the cpu-id with that run on PC,it identify the hardware for program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : xx

一个根据硬件ID和程序ID生成注册码的动态链接库DLL,可以根据计算机CPU、硬盘、网卡、BIOS生成唯一识别码。该组件不是从注册表中获得,而是直接从硬件获取信息,不需要管理员权限。支持最新的WIN7系统。适应于软件开发,注册。保护自己的软件。 使用方法:把Crack下的文件复制到安装程序目录下覆盖。在程序调用入口使用如下注册码:R5LR-S4TQ 示例:GetHardwareID(b_HDD, b_NIC, b_CPU, b_BIOS, "R5LR-S4TQ") 该组件支持.NET 和 Win32程序,支持多种开发语言Delphi, C++Builder, VC, C#, VB, VB.NET, PowerBuilder, Visual Foxpro,可以从Microsoft VBA, such as Word, Excel, Access 2000 / 2003 /2007直接调用。-HardWare ID
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : 易平

CPU信息查询(VC++.NET源码),本源码可获取到CPU名称、CPU标识、CPU制造商名称、CPU主频、CPU核心个数、CPU是否支持3DNow技术、CPU是否支持MMX、是否提供有安全特性以及如何判断低档处理器的功能。为一些需要获取CPU信息的程序功能提供参考。 -The CPU information the query (VC++.NET source), the source available to the CPU name, the CPU ID CPU manufacturer' s name, CPU frequency, CPU core number, CPU whether to support 3DNow technology, the CPU is supported MMX provide security characteristics and how to determine the function of the low-end processor. Provide a reference for the need to get the CPU information program features.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : cgl

 CPU和BIOS信息查询(VC++.NET源码),本源码可获取到CPU名称、CPU标识、CPU制造商名称、CPU主频、CPU核心个数、CPU是否支持3DNow技术、CPU是否支持MMX、是否提供有安全特性以及如何判断低档处理器的功能。为一些需要获取CPU信息的程序功能提供参考。-CPU and the BIOS information the query (VC++.NET source), the source available to the CPU name, the CPU ID CPU manufacturer' s name, CPU frequency, CPU core number, CPU whether to support 3DNow technology, the CPU is supported MMX, whether provided security features and how to determine the function of the low-end processor. Provide a reference for the need to get the CPU information program features.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 黄鹏

本软件使用VC++6.0设计,分为三个标签页显示基本信息、硬件信息、U盘信息。用户可以通过本软件获取用户名计算机名信息、产品ID号、CPU信息、当前屏幕信息、本机IP地址、本机MAC地址、本机活动端口信息、本机进程信息、系统BIOS信息、显卡声卡网卡信息、内存信息、磁盘信息、U盘使用信息。本软件信息部分来自注册表中,所以在使用本软件时需要允许本软件访问注册表。 -The software uses VC++6.0 design, is divided into three tabs display basic information, hardware information, U disk information. You can use this software to obtain the user name computer name information, product ID number, CPU information, the current screen information, the local IP address, MAC address of the machine, the machine active port information, the machine process information, the system BIOS information, graphics card card information, memory information, disk information, U disk usage information. The software comes in part from information in the registry, so the use of this software needed to allow the software to access the registry.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.15mb Publisher : dd

VC++获取网卡MAC、硬盘序列号、CPU ID、BIOS编号,是个文档,用来学习,需要的话代码移植下也比较简单-VC++ Gets NIC MAC, hard drive serial number, CPU ID, BIOS serial number, is a document used to study under the required code migration is relatively simple
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 刘洋洋

VC++获取网卡MAC、硬盘序列号、CPU ID、BIOS编号,用于开发的软件绑定电脑-VC++ access to the network card MAC, hard drive serial number, ID CPU, BIOS number, for the development of software to bind the computer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : yanghao
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