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Description: 顶点覆盖问题的NP完全证明和顶点覆盖优化问题的近似算法-vertex cover problem NP-complete certification and vertex cover the approximate optimization algorithm
Platform: | Size: 185560 | Author: 王萧 | Hits:

[Data structsnp

Description: 顶点覆盖问题的NP完全证明和顶点覆盖优化问题的近似算法-vertex cover problem NP-complete certification and vertex cover the approximate optimization algorithm
Platform: | Size: 185344 | Author: 王萧 | Hits:


Description: 图论研究中的一个顶点覆盖的近似算法,精度不是很高,但是很好用!-Study of graph theory, a vertex cover approximation algorithm, the accuracy is not high, but good use!
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 顶点覆盖近似算法,本人已经运行过,可以使用-Vertex cover approximation algorithm, I have to run off, you can use
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: f | Hits:


Description: MALAB程序,包括顶点覆盖近似算法,哈密尔顿回路,画等温线,模拟退火应用,生成全排列矩阵,最小生成树Prim算法,最短路径等-MALAB procedures, including vertex cover approximation algorithm, Hamilton circuit, painting isotherms, simulated annealing applications, to generate full-rank matrix, Prim minimum spanning tree algorithm, the shortest path, etc.
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: john duan | Hits:


Description: NP问题的顶点覆盖问题的近似算法的Vc++实现-NP problem vertex cover problem approximation algorithm Vc++ Achieve
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: walle | Hits:


Description: 专为建模学生提供的算法:顶点覆盖近似算法-Designed to provide students with modeling algorithms: vertex cover approximation algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xinliang | Hits:


Description: 经典的matlab算法代码,包括顶点覆盖近似算法,哈密尔顿回路,最短路和次短路,最短路径等等。-Classical algorithm matlab code, including the vertex cover approximation algorithm, Hamilton circuit, the most short-circuit and sub-circuit, the shortest path and so on.
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: 邱智聪 | Hits:


Description: 给定一个赋权无向图G=(V,E),每个定点v∈U都有一个权值w(v)。如果U V,且对任意(u,v)∈E有u∈U或v∈U,就称U为图G的一个定点覆盖。G的最小权顶点覆盖是指G中所含顶点权之和最小的顶点覆盖。-Empowering given a undirected graph G = (V, E), each point v ∈ U has a weight w (v). If the UV, and for any (u, v) ∈ E there is u ∈ U or v ∈ U, on U that map G to a fixed-point coverage. G the right to the minimum vertex cover is contained in G refers to the right vertex of the vertex cover and minimum.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: 无疆 | Hits:


Description: 用MATLAB写的顶点覆盖近似算法。 打开m文件自己看一下就好了,我也不费口舌了,只是这种近似算法结果很差-Vertex cover approximation algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 郭敏 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMatlab__dingdianfugai

Description: 属于图像处理的基本算法,用MATLAB实现了顶点覆盖的近似算法。-Belong to the basic algorithm for image processing using MATLAB realization of the vertex cover approximation algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: zoe | Hits:

[GIS programVertCover

Description: 一个顶点覆盖近似算法,对开发GIS和网络方面的应用非常有用.-A vertex cover approximation algorithm, for developing the application of GIS and network very useful.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王看来 | Hits:

[OpenGL programAddison.Wesley.OpenGL.SuperBible.4th.Edition

Description: OpenGL超级宝典第四版 本书是OpenGL编程指南,涵盖了使用新版本的OpenGL进行编程所需要的主要知识。 全书分3个部分,共23章,另有3个附录。第一部介绍经典OpenGL绘图的所有基础知识,包括3D图形和OpenGL简介, OpenGL空间绘图,几何转换,颜色、材料和光照,纹理贴图,曲线和表面,管线,交互式图形等内容。第二部分是着重介绍OpenGL的一些高级功能。第三部分别介绍了不同操作系统平台上的OpenGL功能特性和编程细节。 本书适合于希望精通OpenGL以便对他们的图形编程和3D图形知识进行扩展的程序员,也可以帮助那些经验丰富的OpenGL程序员学习如何移植自己的应用程序。本书既可以作为学习OpenGL的教材,也可以作为随时查阅的参考手册。-Addison.Wesley.OpenGL.SuperBible.4th.Edition OpenGL ® SuperBible, Fourth Edition, begins by illuminating the core techniques of “classic” OpenGL graphics programming, from drawing in space to geometric transformations, from lighting to texture mapping. The authors cover newer OpenGL capabilities, including OpenGL 2.1’s powerful programmable pipeline, vertex and fragment shaders, and advanced buffers. They also present thorough, up-to-date introductions to OpenGL implementations on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, UNIX, and embedded systems.
Platform: | Size: 11851776 | Author: zyz | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsVertex_Cover_Code

Description: This project discusses different techniques and algorithms used to solve the parameterized Vertex Cover problem. A vertex cover of a graph G(V,E) is a subset of vertices V such that for every edge (u, v) ⊆ E, at least one of the vertices u or v is in the vertex cover. The best algorithm for this problem is known to run at O(1.2852k + kn). The optimal solution is intractable, thus optimization strategies in solving the vertex cover problem are brought off-the-shelves, including pre-processing, kernelization, and branching methodologies. A performance bound is considered for approximation algorithms listed in this research.-This project discusses different techniques and algorithms used to solve the parameterized Vertex Cover problem. A vertex cover of a graph G(V,E) is a subset of vertices V such that for every edge (u, v) ⊆ E, at least one of the vertices u or v is in the vertex cover. The best algorithm for this problem is known to run at O(1.2852k+ kn). The optimal solution is intractable, thus optimization strategies in solving the vertex cover problem are brought off-the-shelves, including pre-processing, kernelization, and branching methodologies. A performance bound is considered for approximation algorithms listed in this research.
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: pearline | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms3041

Description: poj 第3041_Asteroids题,最小顶点覆盖 网络流 最小割 邻接表-poj first 3041_Asteroids problem, minimum vertex cover network flow minimum cut adjacency list
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ni | Hits:


Description: 输入关联矩阵F及节点个数n得到近似覆盖顶点,只是这种近似算法结果很差-Input correlation matrix F and the node n be the number of vertex cover approximation, only the results of such poor approximation algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: masai | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsource

Description: Very good collection of c++ source code. Implementation of diffrents alghoritms in graph theory, such as floyd,fulkerson. dijkstra,warshall, binary tree,map coloring,vertex cover.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: croms | Hits:

[Data structsMinimum-weight-vertexCoverProblem

Description: 最小权顶点覆盖问题,C++完成,模块化实现函数功能-Minimum weight vertex cover problem, C++ to complete, modular feature implementation function
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王皓 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmspku3715-Blue-and-Red

Description: Blue and Red 图论相关问题,标准最小点覆盖集 最小点覆盖 具体集合 -Blue and Red graph related problems, the standard set of minimum vertex cover specific set of minimum vertex cover
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: yuioj | Hits:


Description: 最小权顶点覆盖问题,数据结构和算法设计,基于VC开发环境的一个非常经典的例题!-Minimum weight vertex cover problem, data structures and algorithm design, based on VC development environment a very classic example!
Platform: | Size: 294912 | Author: liweihua | Hits:
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