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Nemesis a complete Linux video security system. It s idea is a cheap replacement for your commercial video system that can retail from a total of $15,000 up.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 66.58kb Publisher : 宋潜

这是我想到的一个非常有用的小程序,顾名思义,这个程序就是把不同的信号(如不同的文件:文本,图片,语音,乃至视频...)储存入电脑的图片文件.BMP文件中,以达到节省空间,安全加密,数据保护,多媒体同时运行,提高空间与时间的并行性。 -I think this is a very useful small program, as the name suggests, the procedure is different signals (such as different files : text, images, voice and even video ...) storage computer image files. BMP file, to save space, security encryption, data protection, while multimedia and increase the space and time of parallelism.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : 盒香烟

一个基于dorgem(一个open source的video capture program)video/image processing平台。 1。移植实现了virtualdub的filter的功能,可以很方便的进行image processing, video processing的快速实现。 2。基于vfw的live capture功能 3。提供一些基本filter. 4。初始的图象处理用于安全监控。-dorgem (an open source of the video capture program) video/image processing platform. 1. Virtualdub transplant realized the filter function, it is very convenient for image processing, video processing the rapidly. 2. Based on the live capture vfw function 3. Provide some basic filter. 4. Initial image processing for security monitoring.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.57mb Publisher : xiong bing

视频监控,智能小区安防实时视频图像跟踪系统的研究-Video surveillance, intelligent residential security video images in real-time tracking system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 512kb Publisher : mang

探讨了基于zigzag置乱的MPEG4视频数据加密技术,指出了这种方案在安全性方面的不足,提出了改进方 案。改进的方案中AC系数用不同的置乱表置乱,DC系数用高强度的加密算法AES加密。最后给出了改进后的加密效 果,并且从加密速度,安全性和码流变化三个指标衡量了该方案的应用价值。 -Discussion based on the zigzag Scrambling MPEG4 video data encryption technology, pointing out that such a program in the security deficiencies, suggestions to improve the program. Improvement program with a different AC coefficient table Scrambling Scrambling, DC coefficient of high-strength encryption algorithm AES encryption. Finally, the effect of the improved encryption, and from the encryption speed, safety and code changes in the three indicators to measure the flow of the program application value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 162kb Publisher : 吴笛

Nemesis a complete Linux video security system. It s idea is a cheap replacement for your commercial video system that can retail from a total of $15,000 up.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : 宋潜

security servilieance, caputure n record video frm remote webcam
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 824kb Publisher : neel

During the past four years, most of our research activities have been focused on image but also video and 3-D objects processing for security applications (watermarking and biometrics) and communications (talking heads, interfaces), with a special emphasis on facial images. More about our work can be found at Our research activities are conducted with the backing of several industrials, in particular France Telecom Research and STMicroelectronics. For the past few years, we have had a regular scientific collaboration on Fractal Image Coding, Watermarking and Biometrics with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), in particular with Prof. K. Ros
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : surajs

运 动 对 象检测在面向对象的视频编码、基于内容的检索、安全监控等领域 都有重要用途,特别是在安全监控应用中,运动对象检测是基于视频的安全监 控异常报警任务的关键算法。由于实际监控背景一般比较复杂,例如背景中的 树枝叶晃动、场景照明亮度的变化等都会对运动对象检测造成影响,因此复杂 场景下的运动对象检测不是一项简单的任务。另外,当摄像机运动时,由于图 像背景是不断变化的,进一步增加了运动对象检测的复杂性。-Detection of moving objects in object-oriented video coding, content-based retrieval, in areas such as security monitoring Have important uses, especially in safety monitoring applications, moving object detection is based on the security video monitoring Abnormal alarm control key algorithm tasks. As the actual monitoring of the background is generally more complicated, for example, in the context of Leaf branches sway, changes in scene lighting levels will have an impact on moving object detection, so the complexity of Scene detection of moving objects is not a simple task. In addition, when the camera movement, as Figure As the background is constantly changing, the movement to further increase the complexity of object detection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : ywt

这个源代码是一套比较专业的基于运动物体检测技术的摄像监控安保系统。系统不是很大,但运用的技术很强,比如摄像采集部分使用了微软自带的AviCap32.dll 动态链接库进行摄像数据采集,保存的图像资料使用完全源代码的JPEG、Bitmap类进行图像的快速存储以及剪裁拼接,甚至文字插入等GDI编程。 以上只是这个源代码的技术说明,功能上系统支持对摄像头的一些参数设置,如感光度调节、自动对焦时延、帧速率以及监测到水平运动物体之前马上激活摄像头,这个是这个软件的一大特色可以识别运动的物体,并生成没有物体活动及有物体活动的几张拼接对比图和日期。 源代码还支持录像记录,可以调出任意所选时间段的录像资料查看,并可以查看对比、播放等。 该源代码对于正在编写监控安保及对摄像头操作的网友可以提供很好的参考学习。 源代码没有采用第三方控件,完全代码。-The source code is a set of more specialized technology-based moving object detection camera surveillance security system. System is not great, but the use of the technology very strong, such as video capture part of the use of Microsoft s own dynamic-link library AviCap32.dll camera data acquisition, preservation of image data using the full source code of the JPEG, Bitmap class A Fast storage and tailored stitching, or even insert text such as GDI programming. These are just a technical description of this source code, functional system-on support to some of the parameters of the camera settings, such as sensitivity adjustment, auto focus delay, frame rate and monitoring to the level right away, before moving objects to activate the camera, this is the software a major feature of the movement can be identified objects, and generates no objects are objects, events and activities of several splicing comparison chart and date. The source code also supports video recordin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 133kb Publisher : 说不得

高集成度与优化特性不仅能以仅为前代应用系统十分之一的成本实现同等的高性能,同时还确保了所需的高灵活性,以满足多会议单元(MCU)与视频安全监控等应用-High level of integration and optimization features not only the previous generation of only one-tenth of the cost of application system to achieve the same performance, while also ensuring the necessary flexibility to meet the multi-conference unit (MCU) and a video security surveillance apply
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 859kb Publisher : zadfsdfklf

securing the video by applying digital water mark.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.19mb Publisher : Md Ayub

图像识别在大楼安防中的应用例子,基于运动物体检测技术的摄像监控检测。-Image recognition applications in building security in the example of object detection based on motion detection technology for video surveillance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 124kb Publisher : zhangdy

The newly adopted MPEG-4 Fine Granularity Scalability (FGS) video coding standard offers full scalability to enable easy and flexible adaptation to changing constraints and different requirements. Encryption of an FGS stream should preserve the full scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel and low complexity scheme to encrypt MPEG-4 FGS streams which enables full FGS functionalities. The encrypted FGS stream can be processed by middle stages directly on the ciphertext without decryption. In addition, the proposed scheme has no degradation on either FGS compression efficiency or error resilient performance, and allows random access. Experimental results as well as a preliminary security analysis of the proposed scheme are also included in this paper.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 84kb Publisher : wang

DL : 0
视频图像是安防监控系统的重要信息来源,为现场发生的事件提供最重要的信 息和证据。而视频图像显示设备在显示和还原现场图像,供人员监视观看、及时发现现场的情 况中,起了关键的环节作用。实际中,应根据不同的环境要求,结合显示器的特点,选择不同 类型的显示设备,以达到最佳效果。-Video security monitoring system is an important source of information for on-site events to provide the most important information and evidence. The video image display device and restore the scene image in the display for the staff to monitor viewing, the scene to discover the case, played a key link role. Practice, should be based on different environmental requirements, combined with the characteristics of the display, choose different types of display devices, to achieve the best results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 737kb Publisher : xiaoquan

在加强社区内部的管理中,拥有可以对社区内部进行监控的系统可以节省下来很大一部分人力,并且比人为的巡逻更加可靠、安全。社区视频监控系统主要是利用摄像头和视频采集卡进行视频监控的,本社区视频监控系统主要实现以下功能: 视频监控。 云台控制。 快照和录像。 录像回放。 定时自动监控。 监控管理及日志。 -In strengthening the internal management of the community, has within the community can monitor the system could be saved a large part of the human, and more reliable than human patrols, security. Community video surveillance system is mainly used camera and video capture card for video surveillance, video surveillance system in this community to achieve the following main functions: video surveillance. PTZ control. Snapshots and video. Video playback. Time automatic monitoring. And log monitoring and management.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.79mb Publisher : 大江

提供的代码是编写一个基于linux系统的网络视频点播应用程序,利用Qt工具编写图形界面和基于TCP协议的网络传输模块。Linux操作系统以其开源性、多用户多任务、支持多种硬件平台、可靠地安全稳定性能以及日趋完善的图形界面和丰富的网络功能等等,逐渐成为了各行业的首选操作系统,尤其是基于ARM内核的嵌入式linux更是得到了极为广泛的应用。 本系统分为服务器端和客户端两部分。服务器端提供多视频源,供用户进行选择,客户端提供人机交互界面,当用户需要点播某个视频时,首先在Ip Address栏输入服务器的Ip地址,然后选择movies栏的下拉框,从视频列表中选择相应的视频目录,接着点击play按钮,一段缓冲之后开始播放视频,这样就完成了点播功能。-The code is written to provide a linux-based VOD system, applications, graphical user interface written using Qt tools and TCP-based network transmission module. Its open-source Linux operating system, multi-user multi-tasking, support multiple hardware platforms, reliable performance, and increasing security and stability improved graphical interface and a rich network functionality, etc., has become the operating system of choice for various industries, especially ARM core-based embedded linux is to get a very wide range of applications. The system is divided into server and client in two parts. Server to provide multiple video sources for users to choose, the client provides interactive interface, users need a video on demand, the first in the Ip Address field, enter the server s Ip address, then select the movies column drop-down box, from video list, select the appropriate video directory, then click the play button, a buffer after the video starts playing, thus completing t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : nie is your comprehensive source for information on video security applications and developments in the areas of IP
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : velusamy

社区视屏监控系统,包含窗口的创建与管理,动态创建子口窗口,视屏采集卡的应用,新建类-Community-screen monitoring system, including the creation and management of the window, dynamically created Zikou window, screen capture card applications, the new class
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.85mb Publisher : michaelquan

对目前互联网视频内容安全的现状及相关技术进行了介绍,对互联网视频方面的新人了解行情与现状有一些帮助-Internet video content on the current security status and related technologies were introduced, new aspects of the Internet video market and understand the status of some help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 361kb Publisher : zhangyi
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