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图像插值程序,在一些场合需要提供真实接触感觉,可以根据视角位置变化而生成对应视点的视图,提供相应的三维感觉,从而能够“环视”场景中的三维物体。-image interpolation procedures, in some occasions the need to provide access to real sense, it may change position and perspective generation of the corresponding Perspective View, with a corresponding three-dimensional feel, to "look at" the scene of the 3D object.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 133.71kb Publisher : 苏真

此程序为一图像处理程序,用OPENGL编制, 用户首先选择是绘制二维或三维图形,对于相应的图形输入一定的数据后保存,即可出现需要的图形窗口,可以进行数据预数据,查看变差函数,运用克里格插值,观查图像生成过程及帧描绘过程,最后点击输出即可看到所实现的图形,此为一个非常不错的图形图像处理程序。且是用MFC实现的,功能强大,便于窗口运行。-procedure for an image-processing program, using OpenGL establishment, users first choice is drawn 2D or 3D graphics for the corresponding graphics input certain data preservation, there is a need to be a graphics window for data pre-data View variogram, using Kriging interpolation, concept check image generation process and frames painted process, the final output can click to see achieved by the graphics, this was a very good graphics and video processing. Which is MFC, powerful, easy operation window.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 250.46kb Publisher : luoye

通过MFC编制的可以阅读Adobe(pdf)文件的程序插见,是学习文件操作的良好例子.-compiled by MFC can read Adobe (pdf) documents, see the interpolation procedures, the operation is to study the documents are good examples.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : 吴宁

图像插值程序,在一些场合需要提供真实接触感觉,可以根据视角位置变化而生成对应视点的视图,提供相应的三维感觉,从而能够“环视”场景中的三维物体。-image interpolation procedures, in some occasions the need to provide access to real sense, it may change position and perspective generation of the corresponding Perspective View, with a corresponding three-dimensional feel, to "look at" the scene of the 3D object.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 133kb Publisher :

此程序为一图像处理程序,用OPENGL编制, 用户首先选择是绘制二维或三维图形,对于相应的图形输入一定的数据后保存,即可出现需要的图形窗口,可以进行数据预数据,查看变差函数,运用克里格插值,观查图像生成过程及帧描绘过程,最后点击输出即可看到所实现的图形,此为一个非常不错的图形图像处理程序。且是用MFC实现的,功能强大,便于窗口运行。-procedure for an image-processing program, using OpenGL establishment, users first choice is drawn 2D or 3D graphics for the corresponding graphics input certain data preservation, there is a need to be a graphics window for data pre-data View variogram, using Kriging interpolation, concept check image generation process and frames painted process, the final output can click to see achieved by the graphics, this was a very good graphics and video processing. Which is MFC, powerful, easy operation window.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.46mb Publisher : luoye

刚学数值分析,就碰到了插值。于是用VC编写了这个小程序。功能:绘制原函数、Lagrange插值、三次样条插值函数。移动鼠标就可以查看函数值。Enjoy it!-Just learning numerical analysis, we encountered interpolation. VC was used to prepare this small program. Functions: rendering the original function, Lagrange interpolation, cubic spline interpolation function. Move the mouse you can view the function value. Enjoy it!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 49kb Publisher : 大乔

本程序提供了邻近值插值和三次卷积插值两种插值方法,可实现图像的任意比例放大缩小和任意角度的旋转,但由于本人不会MFC编程,所以所有变换结果必须到相应文件夹下(必须同时存放图形文件和程序)查看。-This procedure provided a neighboring value of interpolation and cubic convolution interpolation of two interpolation methods, can realize an arbitrary ratio of image zoom and rotation of any angle, but because I will not MFC programming, so all results must be to transform the corresponding folder (must be stored graphics files and programs) to view.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 清枫

用拉格朗日插值多项式求函数近似值 在visual C++ 6.0可以查看源代码-Lagrange interpolation polynomial for function approximation in the visual C++ 6.0 can view the source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 和佩

自动绘制等值线的方法从技术方向上看可以分为两大类,插值和曲线拟合.其中曲线拟合总的来说效果不如插值算法经典和应用广泛,效果也较逊色.这里着重介绍插值算法.-Automatic drawing method isogram direction from a technical point of view can be divided into two categories, interpolation and curve fitting. In which the effect of curve fitting in general than the classical interpolation algorithm and a wide range of applications, the results would be more favorably. Here interpolation algorithm highlights.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 227kb Publisher : 毛毛

Matlab code to view the image of a triangle under different views given the coordinates and color of its vertices. Colors inside triangle are found by interpolation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : ruchir

这是运用分形插值曲线细化的折线图的源代码-This is the use of fractal interpolation curve refinement of the source code line chart
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : liji

。本书首先讲述了MATLAB语言程序设计基础,然后分别介绍了符号计算在微积分和复变函数两门大学数学基础课程中的应用,接着系统的介绍了线性方程组、非线性方程与最优化方法、特征值与特征向量、插值与函数逼近、估计方法和数据拟合、积分计算、常微分方程的数值方法。从实用角度考虑,本书许多章节都给出了一些数值分析的应用范例,并在最后一章单独介绍了一些综合性较强的数学建模问题-This book starts by describing the basis of MATLAB programming language, and then introduced the symbolic computation in calculus and complex functions based on two college courses in applied mathematics, and then introduced the system of linear equations, nonlinear equations with the most optimization method, eigenvalue and eigenvector, Interpolation and function approximation, estimation and data fitting, integral calculation, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. From a practical point of view, many of the chapters the book gives some numerical analysis are examples of the application, and separate in the final chapter describes some of the more integrated mathematical modeling
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : 刘良勇

书名:[MATLAB语言常用算法程序集].(龚纯).清晰版 内容:插值,函数逼近,特征值计算,数值微分,数值积分,方程求根,非线性方程组求解,线性方程组的直接法,线性方程组的的迭代法,随机数生成,特殊函数计算,常微分方程的初值问题,偏微分方程的数值解法,数据统计和分析。-Title: [MATLAB algorithms commonly used in assembly language]. (Gong pure). Clearer view of the contents: interpolation, function approximation, eigenvalue calculation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, finding roots of equations, nonlinear equations, linear equations group, direct, linear equations of the iterative method, random number generation, calculation of special functions, initial value problems for ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of partial differential equations, statistics and analysis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.35mb Publisher : 刘鹏

1) 将y4m格式的视频文件读入到Matlab中,文件可以从如下网站下载: 2) 使用examples.m将y4m视频文件中的每一帧图像读取出来 3)把奇数帧的偶数行丢弃,把偶数帧的奇数行丢弃,这样就形成了隔行视频 4)分别采用垂直重复,行平均,垂直内插,场平均,行场平均的方法进行去隔行 5)分析结果 -1) y4m video file format will be read to Matlab, files can be downloaded from the following: < > 2) use examples. Y4m video files to the maliki each frame image read out 3) the odd frame the even lines of the cast, even frame odd lines discard, formed so interlaced video 4) the vertical repeat, do respectively, vertical interpolation, on average, field average, the average method do games to doubled-spaced 5) analysis results1) y4m video file format will be read to Matlab, files can be downloaded from the following: < > 2) use examples. Y4m video files to the maliki each frame image read out 3) the odd frame the even lines of the cast, even frame odd lines discard, formed so interlaced video 4) the vertical repeat, do respectively, vertical interpolation, on average, field average, the average method do games to doubled-spaced 5) analysis results
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.74mb Publisher : 孙亮

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高速切削加工技术是一种先进的制造技术,具有强大的生命力和广阔的应 用前景,已成为切削加工的主流。数控插补技术是数控系统实现轨迹运动控制 的基础,插补运算是CNC系统软件实现运动控制的核心模块,插补算法的优劣 将直接影响到CNC系统的性能。因此,实现一种高精度和高速度的插补方法是 插补的关键所在。 本文在分析传统基准脉冲插补、数据采样插补的算法的基础上,着重研究 了三次NURBS曲线实时插补技术,针对部分算法的不完整或效率低,提出了 一种简单快捷的插补算法。采用NURBS曲线的矩阵表达式,将整个插补过程 分解为插补预处理和实时插补。在插补预处理中完成了大量的计算,预处理的 计算结果直接应用于实时插补,使插补算法满足了NURBS曲线插补的实时性 要求,再辅以必要的轮廓误差控制,实现了加工速度自适应于加工路径的 NURBS曲线直接插补。 本文讨论的插补算法采用C++语言实现,并在VC++6.0的编程环境中实现 了插补算法的计算机仿真,验证了算法的正确性和可行性。-The high speed cutting is one of advanced manufacture technique,which has the powerful vitality and the broad application,and already became the mainstream of machining.The interpolation technology of NC is the foundation of path s control in the CNC system,and the interpolation operation is the core module of CNC system software,which comes the motion control true.The interpolation algorithm,whose function is good or bad,directly influences the performance of CNC system.So,a kind of interpolation method with the high accuracy and high speed is the key of interpolation. Based on analyzing the traditional pulse interpolation and data sampling interpolation,this paper emphasizes on the NURBS curve real-time interpolation technology.In view of the partial algorithms which is incomplete and the low efficiency,this paper propose a simple and quick interpolation algorithm.Using the matrix representation of NURBS curve,the whole interpolation process is divided into appropriate pretreat
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 翁經堯

简单的功能介绍 1客户服务 ---会员卡绑定服务 ---会员卡打折服务 ---无卡普通服务 ---查看服务记录 2会员管理 ---会员信息管理 ---新增会员 ---会员续卡 ---积分兑换礼品 3仓库管理 ---库存信息管理 4员工管理 5系统管理 开发环境: vs2008 SQL SERVER 2005 1.首先执行DB文件夹里的数据库脚本。 2.修改UI层里的App.config的数据库登陆名称和密码,及数据库备份还原的帐号和密码。 3.使用既插既用刷卡机。(ID卡) 程序既可正确运行. 已经用脚本文件生成了数据库,放置在DB_51aspx文件夹下附加即可,可以省略上边操作的第一步。如果有出现附加数据库失败的问题,请自行通过脚本文件生成数据库。会报错但不影响使用,修改数据库连接。-Simple Features 1 Customer Service --- Member Card bind service --- Member Card discount services --- No ordinary service card --- View service record 2 Member --- Member Information Management --- New Member --- Membership Renewal Card --- Redeem gift 3 Warehouse Management --- Inventory Information Management 4 staff management 5 System Management Development environment: vs2008 SQL SERVER 2005 1 DB folder in the first perform the database script. (2) modify the App.config UI layer of the database login name and password, and database backup to restore the account and password. 3 using both interpolation is well spent and credit card machine. (ID card) Program can run correctly. Has been used to generate the database script file, placed in the folder attached to DB_51aspx, operating above the first step can be omitted. If there has been an additional database to fail, your own script file generated by
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.67mb Publisher : kdk

图像插值程序源码,在一些场合需要提供真实接触感觉,能根据视角位置变化而生成对应应视点的视图,提供相应的三维感觉,从而能够“环视”场景中的三维物体。 可直接使用。 -The source of the image interpolation process, in some instances need to provide real contact feeling can generate the corresponding changes in the perspective of location should be the point of view of view, to provide the corresponding three-dimensional feel, to be able to " look around" three-dimensional objects in the scene. Can be used directly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 134kb Publisher : weimingmm

基于两幅视图的纵向插补方法IBR iamge based rendering-Based on two longitudinal view interpolation method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : xufeng97

视图变形技术是对不同视点的物体或景观进行变形时产生新的视点,从而确保一系列真实自然的图像渐变。-View morphing technology is different viewpoints deformation of objects or landscapes generate new viewpoints, thus ensuring a range of authentic natural image gradient.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.06mb Publisher : jone

三次样条插值算法的原理三次样条插值鉴于高次插值不收敛又不稳定的特点。-Three times spline interpolation algorithm of the principle of the three spline interpolation in view of the high order interpolation is not convergence and instability.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Wind
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