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Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows XP SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Author: jamikazu Mail: Bug discovered by determina ( Credit: milw0rm,metasploit, SkyLined, invokes calc.exe if successful -Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I th ink it is first real remote code execution explo it on vista =) Tested on : Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 60 00) (default installation and UAC enabled) Win dows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (d efault installation and UAC enabled) X-Windows P SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Author : jamikazu Mail : Bug discovered by determi na ( Credit : milw0rm, metasploit, SkyLined, http : / / / invokes calc.exe if successful
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.58kb Publisher : lee

Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation and UAC enabled) Windows XP SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Author: jamikazu Mail: Bug discovered by determina ( Credit: milw0rm,metasploit, SkyLined, invokes calc.exe if successful -Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I th ink it is first real remote code execution explo it on vista =) Tested on : Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 60 00) (default installation and UAC enabled) Win dows Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (d efault installation and UAC enabled) X-Windows P SP2 (It also must to work on all nt based windows but not tested) Author : jamikazu Mail : Bug discovered by determi na ( Credit : milw0rm, metasploit, SkyLined, http :// calc.exe if successful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lee

vista listCtrl 一个可自画的 listCtrl 类。 效果非常漂亮。以wtl 实现. 可以说已经做到了 自画listCtrl 的最高峰了-vista listCtrl a self-portrait of listCtrl category. The effect was very beautiful. Wtl to achieve. Can be said to have done a self-portrait of the peak listCtrl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : fsqing

Vista ico 圖庫1 ico Gallery
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.19mb Publisher : chingrenn

软件名称:BISM "菁搜" FTP搜索引擎 软件版本:V1.0 见议分类:网络软件-> 搜索引擎 联系EMAIL:BISM软件工作组 余文锋 陈鸿雏 吴侃侃 软件网站: 软件容量:4700 KB 软件类型:国产软件 / 简体中文 / 共享软件 应用平台:WinNT/2000/XP/2003/vista 界面预览:无 软件介绍:内网的百度,功能强大的FTP搜索引擎. 针对大型局域网和城域网设计。 这款引擎为局域网用户提供了很大的方便,用户可以精确,快速地通过引擎查找到自己想要的资源,如课件,软件,电影等等。这可以大大地减少用户寻找目的资源的时间,也提高了资源的利用率,扩大了网络资源共享,强大的FTP资源共享平台。-Software name: BISM "Ching found" FTP search engine Software version: V1.0 See you Categories: Network software-> search engine Contact EMAIL: BISM Software Working Group E-MAIL: 余文锋 E-MAIL: Wolf child E-MAIL: Miss Kan-Kan E-MAIL: Software Web site: Software capacity: 4700 KB Software Type: China-made software/Simplified Chinese/sharing software Application Platform: WinNT/2000/XP/2003/vista Interface Preview: None Software: Baidu intranet, FTP powerful search engine. For the design of large-scale LAN and MAN. The engine for LAN users with a great deal of convenience, the user can accurately and quickly through the engine you want to find their own resources, such as courseware, software, movies and so on. This can greatly reduce the user time to find the purpose of resources, but also to improve the utilization of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.62mb Publisher : 余文锋

KernelSocketsModule is intended to provide the simple common network programming interface in kernel mode without dependence on target operating system. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 it uses TDI-implementation, on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 it uses Windows Sockets Kernel (WSK) implementation. Interface stays the same. Sorry, but most of comments are in Russian. Simple SMTP-client module that uses this KernelSocketsModule is provided for example. Provided project is fully-working (on 28.02.2010) example, that sends e-mail to certain mailbox on "" server. You can find account parameters inside the project.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : villy

DL : 0
欢迎使用 无敌邮件群发机 注意事项: 1.如系统是win 7或者Vista的用户请右击程序图标 -> 以管理员身份运行。 2.试用版的发信账号现在免费邮箱最好用为gmail邮箱( 或者126邮箱(。 3.编辑好任务后请点击设置 -> 发信参数 -> 发送线程,将默认数值5设为1,试用版不需要高线程,其余的默认即可。 4.为了保证发信效果,邮件内容和邮件主题不能用乱写一些字符,“kjahddkjandkjdhsoh”、“kjsghsdknrrkkqhsnsjn”、“kahsdkjas”之类的内容,还有“测试”、“test”等字样也不要出现。 5.还有不明白的地方请看视频教程 或咨询无敌工作室客服,联系QQ:1228256453-Invincible Invincible 4.8.rar mass mailing mass mailing mass-mailing 4.8.rar 4.8.rar invincible invincible mass-mailing 4.8.rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.09mb Publisher : 梁锦溪

MSpeech The program shows MSpeech work on voice recognition and launching programs on Windows using Google API. Author: Mikhail Grigorev E-Mail: License: GNU GPLv3 System requirements: OS: Win2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 Other projects:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : CHERTS

非零坊留言本 v3.3 VISTA版 功能说明: 1、留言板共两个文件index.asp(程序页面)和#Date.mdb(数据库)(10张图片) 2、留言功能(昵称、QQ、邮箱、留言内容) 3、管理员功能(修改、删除、回复留言;查看IP;新增、删除、修改管理员) 4、可设置(名称和处理数据后返回地址) 5、留言内容进行字符过滤。-Nonzero Square Guestbook v3.3 VISTA version Function: 1, message boards, a total of two documents index.asp (Program page) and# Date.mdb (database) (10 pictures) 2. Message function (nickname, QQ, mail, message content) 3, administrator functions (edit, delete, reply to messages view IP add, delete, modify administrator) 4, can be set (after the name and return address data processing) 5, message content filtering character.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 200kb Publisher : 程上

A perfect clone of Vista analog clock. Need Win2K or higher. I will be waiting for your comments, though I don't promise replying everybody as this is an old code and I don't remember much of it, so if you ask how and why something is written, I may not be able to answer that. And usually I am pretty stuck up with various activities in my small software firm, so don't have much time to read and reply every mail. I hope you will understand.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 454kb Publisher : dhiraj
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