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Description: simple serial port class for visual basic .net
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: sohail | Hits:


Description: visual basic .net example for serial port communication
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: sohail | Hits:

[Com Portdbrj

Description: 一款用于地磅称重管理的小软件,简单演示了串口和地磅连接读取重量的示例。可以显示皮重,净重 ,有数据库清单。登录密码为 admin-For the management of a small piece of software loadometer weighing, simple demonstration of the serial port and read the weight of the sample loadometer connections. Can display the tare, net weight, have a database list. Login password for the admin
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: weifeng | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCommPort

Description: 串行端口的例子在Visual Basic.net(VS 2008)这允许您与串口通信。我测试了这个进行交流,一个调制解调器。代码是快速和稳定的,我用它来做大文件传输。-Serial port example in Visual Basic.net (VS 2008) This allows you to communicate with the serial port. I tested this to communicate a modem. Code is fast and stable, and I use it for large file transfers.
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 脆皮茄子 | Hits:


Description: Comunicate with Serial Port by Visual Basic.net.. This project help you sending and receiving string
Platform: | Size: 545792 | Author: duchuy | Hits:

[Graph DrawingTempratureGraph

Description: Visual Basic dot Net program for displaying the temperature reading from the serial port in the graph.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ebena | Hits:

[Com Portled_controller

Description: A Visual BAsic dot net Program to control some set of LED coupled to a micro controller PIC 16F887 through the serial port.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ebena | Hits:

[Windows Developserial-port-vb

Description: 通过visual basic.net编写windows下的串口通信程序;(serial port using visual basic.net at windows environment.)
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: zchaobar | Hits:

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