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现在的许多windows下的应用程序,都采用了图形化的界面,例如:WINAMP等!这样做的好处是可以使程序界面更漂亮生动,更具吸引力。但是在这样的界面下就不能使用Windows原来的标题条了,否则会影响界面的美观性。那么在没有标题条的情况下如何用鼠标拖动窗体呢?或者拖动其它的控件呢?-the windows of many applications have adopted a graphical interface, for example : alpha, etc.! The advantages of such procedures can be so beautiful interface more lively, more attractive. But this interface can not use Windows of the original title, otherwise it may affect the aesthetic interface. So in the absence of the title of how to use the mouse Drag Window? Drag or other controls?
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.79kb Publisher : tany

随着Windows98的推出,越来越多的微机用户已习惯于Windows操作系统。不过Windows应用软件的开发对于一般工程技术领域的技术人员来说并非易事,然而使用微软的VisualBasic6.0(简称VB6)来开发这些方面的Windows应用软件就十分方便,编程工作量相对较小,只需进行主要应用功能的编程和少量界面控制的编程。本文介绍利用VB6串行通信编程的方法对采用了RS-232接口的仪器,进行串行通信的计算机测控软件开发和实现仪器功能和指标的验收。-With the launch of Windows 98, more and more computer users are accustomed to Windows. But Windows application software development for the general area of engineering and technology and technical personnel is not easy, but to use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) to the development of these applications on Windows is very convenient, programming workload is relatively small, only major applications programming a small amount of control and interface programming. This paper describes the use of VB6 serial communication programming method used to the RS-232 devices, serial communication control computer software development and the achievement of equipment functions and targets of acceptance.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 徐徐

本书是美国微软出版社授权的MicrosoftVisualStudio中文版系列中的一本。全书按字母顺序列出了VisualBasic6.0的函数、语句、方法、属性及事件,附录部分提供了ANSI字符集、数据类型、运算符等等的数学函数及转换函数。本书不但是从事VisualBasic6.0应用和开发人员的工具书,也可作为大专院校相关专业的师生、科研院所的科技人员自学和教学的重要参考书。本书还提供配套的电子书,以方便读者携带、学习和长久保存。-the book is Microsoft Press MicrosoftVisualStudio authorized by the Chinese edition of the series, one. The book listed in alphabetical order by VB6.0 functions, the statement, methods, properties and events, appendix portion of the ANSI character set, data types, etc. Operators of mathematical functions and conversion functions. This book is not only engaged in the development of Visual Basic 6.0 applications and the tools that can be as professional institutions related to the teachers and students, research institutes and technological personnel in learning and teaching as an important reference book. The book also provides matching e-books, for the convenience of the reader to carry, learning and the long-term preservation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.23mb Publisher : 肖西林

   本文讨论了Visual Basic应用程序访问SQL Server数据库的几种常用的方法,分别说明了每种方法的内部机理并给出了每种方法的一个简单的实例,最后比较了每种方法性能和优缺点。 -This article discusses the Visual Basic applications to access SQL Server database of several commonly used method, respectively, the internal mechanism of each method and each method gives a simple example, the last comparison of the performance and the advantages and disadvantages of each method .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : lyl

《Visual Basic.NET GDI+技术教程》源码 《Visual Basic.NET GDI+技术教程》的图书简介 GDI+是在Windows窗体应用程序中以编程方式显示图形图像的一种方法。 本书讨论GDI+技术、“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单。由三部分组成,第一部分,概述了GDI+及GDI+的新功能,讨论了Graphics对象及该对象的方法,状态和创建,讨论了五种画笔的使用,讨论了Font对象,构造函数、属性、方法和颜色,讨论了Color对象的成员及它们的应用, RGB函数,Alpha混合线条的填充,讨论了GraphicsPath对象,该对象的方法及应用,创建轨迹梯度。第二部分,讨论使用GDI+显示图形图像;GDI+支持的图形文件的格式,加载和显示图形图像文件,在控件中显示图形图像。第三部分,讨论了“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单;使用“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单制作和编辑图形图像的颜色处理。 本书适合于对Visual Basic编辑有一定了解,希望进一步学习Visual Basic.NET的GDI+技术的读者。-"Visual Basic.NET GDI technology tutorial" source "Visual Bas ic.NET GDI technology tutorial "on the books in the Windows GDI Form Application Program to series Cheng shown graphic images of a method. This book discusses GDI technology, "Graphics Editor", "Image" menu. Consists of three parts, the first part of an overview of GDI and the new GDI functions, discussed the Graphics object and the object methods and the creation of the state, discussed the use of five brushes, discussed the Font object, Constructors, attributes, methods and color, Color object of the members and their application, RGB function, Alpha mixed the filling lines, discussed the GraphicsPath object that the methodology and applications, creating track gradient. The second part,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 834kb Publisher : 杨帅

《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》配套源码 《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》简洁而专业地指导Visual Basic 程序员如何利用微软的Visual Basic 企业版进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在莛发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大地方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开发和数据库编程。-"VISUAL BASIC 6 Database Programming Solutions" complementary source "VISUAL BASI C 6 Database Programming Solutions, "a concise and professional guidance Visual Basic programmer how to use Microsoft's V isual Basic Enterprise Edition for the design and creation of database applications. Cover the contents of VB6 programmers need to know about eight, and to provide a database programmers often encounter the problems need solutions. Also explains how to combine these technologies together, to create stalk of grass is the development of client/server, and the Web-based applications. Accompanying CD covered the book's code examples, great convenience for readers to learn and use VB6 procedures for the development and database programming.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : 杨帅

This book is an in-depth exploration into eVB s inherent features, and how to use them to solve likely mobile application programming tasks. After reading the book the reader will be able to write applications tackling a wide array of business problems for Windows CE-powered devices, both customized and for PocketPC and Handheld PC products. This book will help ease the transition into the language, and provide a reference for even more experienced developers.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.28mb Publisher : qin lu

DL : 0
一个学生成绩管理系统应用程序,visual basic.net开发-A student achievement management system applications, visual Development
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 36kb Publisher : zhangwei

DL : 0
摄像头监视程序,可以用于VB等应用程序的摄像头监视程序-Camera surveillance procedures, can be used in VB applications such as camera surveillance procedures
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 287kb Publisher : dfghsdh

系统利用Visual Basic 6.0作为前台数据库开发语言,把SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库而开发的。系统采用了C/S两层数据结构,能够将个人应用与企业专门的业务数据处理需要结合起来,以满足该企业总体信息处理需求 -System uses Visual Basic 6.0 as front desk database development language, the SQL Server 2000 database as a background developed. System uses the C/S two-tier data structure, can be devoted to personal applications and corporate data-processing needs of the business combination to meet the business needs of the overall information processing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : cc

Sources Code for Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : Gao9

《Visual Basic 6 宝典》页数:857 (23.9MB) 格式:超星Visual Basic 6具有新的数据库编程和Web服务器编程功能,深受人们欢迎,被众多美国公司视为企业级重要应用程序开发的首选工具。本书内容涉及Active Data Object、IIS和ActiveX编程、Windows API的使用。本书还提供宝贵的专家建议和大量代码实例,帮助您从容迎接一切编程挑战,建立功能强大且性能可靠的解决方案。本书包含Visual Basic 6的各个方面:了解Visual Basic 6如何加入Visual Studio家族;掌握面向对象编程的基础知识-----窗口、类、对象;结合OLE DB使用新功能Active Data Objects,简化数据库编程;利用新特性WebClass建立IIS应用程序,避免开发Active Internet服务器时可能遇到的陷阱;学习使用Windows API,全面掌握Visual Basic,建立强大的出错处理机制,提高应用程序的可靠性 -"Visual Basic 6 book" Pages: 857 (23.9MB) format: Chaoxing new Visual Basic 6 database programming and Web server programming function, by the people welcomed by many U.S. companies as an important enterprise-class applications the preferred development tools. Book cover Active Data Object, IIS and ActiveX programming, Windows API use. This book also provides valuable expert advice and a large number of code examples to help you easily programmed to meet all challenges, the establishment of a powerful and reliable solution. This book contains the Visual Basic 6 in all aspects: understanding of Visual Basic 6 How to join the Visual Studio family object-oriented programming to master the basic knowledge----- window, type, object combination of OLE DB functionality using the new Active Data Objects, to simplify database programming WebClass the establishment of the new features using IIS application, to avoid the development of Active Internet server traps that may be encountered lea
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13.45mb Publisher : 王齐

Visual Basic 6 数据库编程大全》页数:758 (15.8MB) 格式:超星 本书是专门指导程序员如何用微软的Visual Basic企业版,进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。其内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在蓬勃发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开发和数据库编程。 本书适合于从初级到高级的程序开发人员,及对程序开发和数据编程有趣的业余爱好者 -Visual Basic 6 Database Programming Book " Pages: 758 (15.8MB) format: Superstar This book is devoted to guiding programmers how to use Microsoft' s Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, design and create database applications. The content covered by the VB6 programmers to understand the eight areas, and provided for the database programmer will always be the need for the various problems solution. At the same time about how to combine these technologies to create booming client/server and Web-based applications. CD-ROM accompanying the book covers examples of program code, which greatly facilitate the reader to learn and use VB6 programming and database development. This book is suitable for beginner to advanced, from the developers of the program, and program development and data interesting amateur programming
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.82mb Publisher : 王齐

Windows users take advantage of shell extensions on the desktop every single day, but understanding what they are and how to program with them can be tricky and, until now anyway, usually required the use of Visual C++. Filled with expert knowledge of the underlying Windows shell COM objects, Visual Basic Shell Programming is all that you need to write shell-enabled applications that look more professional, as well as rival the functionality of programs that are written in C++.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : Miley Zhang

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step is a comprehensive introduction to Visual Basic programming using the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 software. I’ve designed this practical, hands-on tutorial with a variety of skill levels in mind. The result is that new programmers can learn software development fundamentals in the context of useful, real-world applications, and experienced Visual Basic programmers can quickly master the essential tools and programming techniques offered in the Visual Basic 2008 upgrade.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.87mb Publisher : Hai

水温监控系统,下位机,板卡,通信,VB软件。最基本的应用。-Temperature monitoring system, the next crew, boards, communication, VB software. The most basic applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 304kb Publisher : daniel

全面介绍Visual Basic 2010 的各种编程知识,展示如何创建上述应用程序和服务。 同时,您也可以学习面向对象的编程技术,掌握创建业务对象和Windows 控件的方法。-Comprehensive introduction to the Visual Basic 2010 programming knowledge, and demonstrate how to create applications and services. The same time, you can learn object-oriented programming techniques, the methods needed to create business objects and Windows controls.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.69mb Publisher : 陈杰

Pairing fundamental programming concepts with business applications and also fun and engaging game applications, MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2012: RELOADED, 5E provides a solid foundation in programming principles and how to use them. The book begins by covering the basics, like creating user interfaces, and understanding variables, constants, and calculations. Building upon this knowledge, coverage progresses to more advanced topics like creating classes and objects and using ADO.NET, LINQ, and ASP.NET. This edition leverages the powerful pedagogy of previous editions, but brings it up-to-date with Visual Basic 2010 and new examples and applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.57mb Publisher : walvekarrajesh

Windows API函数在Visual Basic中的应用实例-VISUAL BASIC APPLICATIONS
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : TTT_DAJIATING

《Visual Basic 2010(中文版)从入门到精通》坚持以语言为基础和应用为主导的编写原则,介绍如何使用Visual Basic 2010开发Windows窗体应用程序和ASP.NET应用程序。为了更好地帮助读者在短时间内掌握使用Visual Basic语言开发各种应用程序的知识点和编程技巧,全书的基础知识介绍清晰,理论联系实际,具有很强的操作性。《Visual Basic 2010(中文版)从入门到精通》还提供了大量的通过测试可运行的完整实例,这些实例都有设计步骤、代码详解、程序运行结果等。 读者对象:《Visual Basic 2010(中文版)从入门到精通》适合初学和中级编程人员。("Visual Basic 2010 (Chinese Edition) from entry to the master" adhere to the language as the basis for the preparation of the leading principle and application, describes how to use Visual Basic 2010 to develop the Windows form and ASP.NET applications. In order to help readers master the use of Visual Basic language to develop various applications of knowledge and programming skills in a short period of time, the book introduces the basic knowledge, theory and practice, has very strong operation. Visual Basic 2010 (Chinese version) from entry to the master, also provides a large number of through testing, you can run a complete example, these examples have design steps, code detailed, program operation results. Readers: Visual Basic 2010 (Chinese version) from entry to mastery, suitable for beginners and intermediate programmers.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28.85mb Publisher : beeso
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