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Movie player for LINUX,是一个非常全能的播放器,支持包括most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF/WMV, QT/MOV,DVD,DivX5,wma,ogg,wav,Realplayer8.0在内的许多种媒体格式,对输出的格式支持也非常好(X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib),是LINUX种看电影动画的首选。12月7号放出的版本。这个版本开始支持wmv/wma9了。-Movie player for LINUX is a very all-round player, including support most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF / WMV, QT / MOV, DVD, DivX5, wma, ogg, wav, Realplayer8.0 of many kinds of media formats, the output format support is also very good (X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib), LINUX species animated movie of choice. December 7 release version. This version of wmv/wma9 support.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4mb Publisher : lucy

DL : 0
DecodeVOB extras MPEG-2 video streams (M2V) and Dolby Digital audio streams (AC3) from DVD multiplexed streams (VOB).-DecodeVOB extras MPEG-2 video streams (M2 V) and Dolby Digital audio streams (AC3) from DV D multiplexed streams (DVD).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.77kb Publisher : bombur

EM8511s中使用的mpg播放器,,支持解码MPG,MPEG,DAT,VOB等媒体,优秀的PMP方案。-EM8511s used mpg player, and support decoders MPG, MPEG, DAT, DVD, and other media, the PMP outstanding program.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28.69kb Publisher : 浪心剑客

MPEG-2 Video Decoder SourceCode,MPEG-2 视频解码LIB库源码-MPEG-2 Video Decoder SourceCode, LIB source code of MPEG-2 video decoding
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 463kb Publisher : larry

Movie player for LINUX,是一个非常全能的播放器,支持包括most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF/WMV, QT/MOV,DVD,DivX5,wma,ogg,wav,Realplayer8.0在内的许多种媒体格式,对输出的格式支持也非常好(X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib),是LINUX种看电影动画的首选。12月7号放出的版本。这个版本开始支持wmv/wma9了。-Movie player for LINUX is a very all-round player, including support most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF/WMV, QT/MOV, DVD, DivX5, wma, ogg, wav, Realplayer8.0 of many kinds of media formats, the output format support is also very good (X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib), LINUX species animated movie of choice. December 7 release version. This version of wmv/wma9 support.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4mb Publisher : lucy

DL : 0
DecodeVOB extras MPEG-2 video streams (M2V) and Dolby Digital audio streams (AC3) from DVD multiplexed streams (VOB).-DecodeVOB extras MPEG-2 video streams (M2 V) and Dolby Digital audio streams (AC3) from DV D multiplexed streams (DVD).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : bombur

EM8511s中使用的mpg播放器,,支持解码MPG,MPEG,DAT,VOB等媒体,优秀的PMP方案。-EM8511s used mpg player, and support decoders MPG, MPEG, DAT, DVD, and other media, the PMP outstanding program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 浪心剑客

MPlayer是Linux 上的最强大的电影播放器的Windows版本。它能使用众多的本地的,XAnim,RealPlayer,和Win32 DLL编解码器,播放大多数MPEG,VOB,AVI,OGG,VIVO,ASF/WMV,QT/MOV,FLI,RM,NuppelVideo,yuv4mpeg,FILM,RoQ文件。 神乎奇技的媒体播放软件,让你在低配置电脑下也能流畅播放DVDrip视频,MPlayer是完完全全的绿色软件,本身编译自带了多种类型的解码器,不需要再安装xvid、ffdshow、ac3 filter、ogg、vobsub等等所谓看DVDrip必备解码器,也不会跟你的电脑原来所安装的解码器有任何冲突。 这里提供的是win的UI 找个MPLAYER非安装版本,将你编译后的EXE放到MPLAYER目录,执行。。。 当然需要MPLAYER,因为这个是UI,就是界面调用,或者说只是个前台。-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 541kb Publisher : hujiacheng

DVD AUTHOR源码,可以用来参考实现DVD AUTHOR的实现。-ReJig is a Windows GUI based MPEG-2 transcoding utility using compressed domain transcoding[recompress MPEG2 to MPEG2]. It also supports DVD9 to one DVDR transcoding and basic DVD Authoring and VOB demultiplexing.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 469kb Publisher : c

VirtualDub, 支持mpeg类型文件(*.mpg, *.m2v, *.vob).-VirtualDub, support mpeg file(*.mpg,*.m2v.*.vob) .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 954kb Publisher : robin

The latest sources (May 2010) of RTSP server/client implementation by live555. Implementation supports also lots of media formats (mpeg 1,2,3,4, aac, vob, wav, h263, h264 etc). Sources a distributed by GNU license-The latest sources (May 2010) of RTSP server/client implementation by live555. Implementation supports also lots of media formats (mpeg 1,2,3,4, aac, vob, wav, h263, h264 etc). Sources a distributed by GNU license
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 442kb Publisher : rfsettling

视频转码工具,可以将WMV,MP4,flv,avi,mkv,mpg,swf,vob,mpeg各式转换成3gp格式-Video transcoding tool that can be WMV, MP4, flv, avi, mkv, mpg, swf, vob, mpeg into 3gp format for all kinds of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.55mb Publisher : 扬帆

UMPlayer是一款出色的开源免费媒体播放器。,优化了相关设置,,使用MPlayer做为后端引擎。凭借先进的内置解码器,它能够轻松的播放任何媒体格式,包括音频CD/DVD/(S)VCD,在线流媒体以及TV卡输出,甚至还能播放不完整的媒体文件。 UMPlayer的界面简单直观,支持多国语言(含简体中文)。它还拥有众多的鲜明特性,例如:支持Windows、Linux、Mac等系统,有免安装便携版,可更换皮肤的界面,内置字幕搜索引擎,音频/字幕同步处理,增强的渲染过滤器和YouTube录播。 拥有超过270个内置的音、视频编、解码器,UMPlayer可以支持几乎所有的。包括AAC, AC3, ASF, AVI, DIVX, FLV, H.263, Matroska, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPEG, OGG, QT, RealMedia, VOB, Vorbis, WAV, WMA, WMV, XVID等等。-UMPlayer is an excellent free open source media player. Optimize the settings ,, use MPlayer as backend engine. With advanced built-in decoder, it can easily play any media formats, including audio CD/DVD/(S) VCD, online streaming and TV card output, and even play media files incomplete. UMPlayer simple and intuitive interface, support for multiple languages ​ ​ (including Simplified Chinese). It also has many distinctive features, such as: support for Windows, Linux, Mac and other systems, there is a portable version of the free installation, skinnable interface, built-in subtitle search engine, audio/subtitles sync, enhanced filter rendering and YouTube record broadcast. Has more than 270 built-in audio and video encoder and decoder, UMPlayer can support almost all. Including AAC, AC3, ASF, AVI, DIVX, FLV, H.263, Matroska, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPEG, OGG, QT, RealMedia, VOB, Vorbis, WAV, WMA, WMV, XVID, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.12mb Publisher : 黄远文

专门为PSP、IPOD、手机等移动视频设备设计,能将DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI等视频转换为MP4/3GP/MTV格式。拥有无可匹敌的转换速度和视频质量,可调整视频分辨率、纵横比等(It is specially designed for mobile video devices such as PSP, IPOD, mobile phone, etc. It can convert DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI and other video into MP4/3GP/MTV format. With unrivalled conversion speed and video quality, adjustable video resolution, aspect ratio, etc.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : 雷雨2019
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