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VTK中使用鼠标拾取的例程,非常精练,来自清华大学CAD实验室内部资料-It is an example program about mouse pick using VTK from CAD lab of Qinghua University as close data.It is very terse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : 扬帆

在VC6.0环境下利用VTK5.0.3建立单文档读取VTK文件,显示三维图形-VC6.0 environment in the use of the establishment of a single document VTK5.0.3 VTK read documents, 3D graphics show
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 113kb Publisher : 李丹

MFC对话框开发中,在控件上显示VTK的绘制窗口的一个例子-The development of MFC dialog box, in the control display window VTK rendering an example of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : 杨鸿远

VTK+MFC单文档下读取点云数据,并且实现三维重建。是一个很不错的学习VTK的示例程序。-VTK+ MFC single document to read point cloud data, and the realization of three-dimensional reconstruction. Is a very good example of procedural learning VTK
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.78mb Publisher : 宋同学

VTK与MFC结合的一个例子,将VTK图像与窗口结合显示-VTK and MFC binding example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1005kb Publisher : 叶思源

基于ITK与VTK/MFC连接编程的实例和配置说明,很好的学习资料。-ITK progreming connected with VTK and MFC
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : 杨文丽

本书系统地介绍了VTK基础知识与开发技术,帮助VTK用户从入门到进阶,快速进入项目实战。本书第l章是VTK概览,介绍VTK的发展和编译安装;第2章以实例开题,分析VTK渲染引擎和可视化管线;第3章介绍VTK的基本数据结构,并在第4章中以实例分析VTK中数据读写功能;第5~6章通过实例阐述VTK在图像和图形处理中的应用;第7章分析VTK的体绘制技术;第8章讲述VTK交互技术;第9章内容为VTK在Qt、MFC等环境下的开发技术;第10章分析了VTK的基础架构和管线机制,并通过实例讲解自定义Filter类.(This book systematically introduces the basic knowledge of VTK and development technology to help VTK users from entry to advanced, and quickly enter the project combat. Chapter l is the overview of VTK, introduces the development of VTK and compile and install; second chapter with an example of opening, analysis of the VTK rendering engine and visualization pipeline; the third chapter introduces the basic data structure of VTK, and in the fourth chapter with an example analysis in VTK data read and write functions; chapter 5~6 through the examples in VTK image and graphics processing in the application; the seventh chapter is the analysis of VTK volume rendering technology; the eighth chapter describes the interactive technology of VTK; the ninth chapter is the VTK in Qt and MFC development environment; the tenth chapter analyzes the VTK infrastructure and the pipeline mechanism, and through the examples to explain the self defined Filter class.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.42mb Publisher : 不会写程序的赛哥
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