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[Other resource任意平面的裁切0.2

Description: 基于vtk的三维重构与裁切: 1.16位非压缩位图的读取与设置. 2.图像数据载入映射器 3.裁切平面的设置 4.边界的设置与显示 5.三维重构 注:需安装vtk4.0以上版本-It s about 3D reconstruct and clip based on VTK including reading and configration of 16 bits non_contracted bitmaps,the mapper for image data loading, configration of plane for clip,configration and display of borders and 3D reconstruct.(PS:VTK 4.0 or above version is needed)
Platform: | Size: 853508 | Author: 师为礼 | Hits:

[3D Graphic任意平面的裁切0.2

Description: 基于vtk的三维重构与裁切: 1.16位非压缩位图的读取与设置. 2.图像数据载入映射器 3.裁切平面的设置 4.边界的设置与显示 5.三维重构 注:需安装vtk4.0以上版本-It s about 3D reconstruct and clip based on VTK including reading and configration of 16 bits non_contracted bitmaps,the mapper for image data loading, configration of plane for clip,configration and display of borders and 3D reconstruct.(PS:VTK 4.0 or above version is needed)
Platform: | Size: 4356096 | Author: 师为礼 | Hits:

[Graph programVTK2_Object-OrientedDesign

Description: VTK user s guide 好不容易才找到的,由于目标文件比较大连载中-VTK user's guide is not easy to find. As the target file larger series
Platform: | Size: 2203648 | Author: mm | Hits:

[OpenGL programVTK

Description: 利用VTK软件包进行医学图像的三维重建。VTK可以到官方网站下载,安装和配置步骤,自己去网上查找。-VTK package using the three-dimensional reconstruction of medical images. VTK can go to the official website to download, install and configuration steps, go online to find their own.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 唐佳林 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 955392 | Author: kane | Hits:


Description: 这个是VTK比较重要的三章的中文翻译,希望能对VTK初学的爱好者有所帮助!-This is the more important chapters VTK Chinese translation of the VTK hope to help novice enthusiasts!
Platform: | Size: 1059840 | Author: ZZL | Hits:

[Graph programvtk-5.0.4

Description: 它是美国Kitware 公司开发的一套免费的C++ 类库,它吸收了众多优秀的图像处理和图形生成算法,是一个源代码开放、面向对象的计算机图形、可视化技术及图像处理软件系统,可在C++ 、Tcl 、Java 和Python 语言环境下使用[6]-asfasf
Platform: | Size: 11387904 | Author: 傅剑峰 | Hits:


Description: vtk安装程序,对于初学者学习vtk有很大帮助。-Setup vtk, vtk for beginners to learn a great help.
Platform: | Size: 23934976 | Author: haley | Hits:


Description: vtk安装软件,医学影像可视化处理软件的开 发工具 -vtk installed software, visualization of medical image processing software development tools
Platform: | Size: 8523776 | Author: xxt | Hits:


Description: windows下基于VC6.0的安装必备-A helpful software to programing
Platform: | Size: 5084160 | Author: 严荣国 | Hits:

[Special Effectsvtk-5.4.2

Description: image processing using visual c-image processing using visual c++
Platform: | Size: 23936000 | Author: arefinster | Hits:


Description: 视觉化工具函式库(VTK,Visualization Toolkit)是一个开放源码,跨平台、支持并行处理(VTK曾用于处理大小近乎1个Petabyte的资料,其平台为美国Los Alamos国家实验室所有的具1024个处理器之大型系统)的图形应用函式库。2005年实曾被美国陆军研究实验室用于即时模拟俄罗斯制反导弹战车ZSU23-4受到平面波攻击的情形,其计算节点高达2.5兆之多。-Visual Tools Function Library
Platform: | Size: 23745536 | Author: 疲羽寻梦 | Hits:


Description: vtk用户手册 甘肃省科学院自动化研究所 1.系统概述 2.VTK使用基础 3.可视化技术 4.可视化图像及三维体数据 5.VTK数据接口对象-vtk user manual Gansu Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation. the System Overview 2.VTK foundation. visualization technology visual images and three-dimensional volume data 5.VTK data interface object. . .
Platform: | Size: 3041280 | Author: vic | Hits:


Description: 读取mhd文件 vtk:5.4 itk:3.14-read mhd files vtk:5.4 itk:3.14
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhao | Hits:

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