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Description: eXtremeDB完全工作在主内存中,不基于文件系统,减少了诸如磁盘访问、文件I/O操作、缓存同步等开销,使得eXt remeDB的存取速度提高到极限;通过数据库定义语言面向应用系统定制的API使得eXtremeDB能够面向应用最优化;事 件触发、字段优先级等特色使得eXtremeDB管理实时数据时具有确定性。   eXtremeDB根据用户需求定义的API使得eXtremeDB与应用程序无缝集成。因此,eXtremeDB不仅在系 统中嵌入,而且“嵌入”在应用程序中,是一种真正的嵌入式实时数据库。在资源紧凑的系统中,eXtremeDB基本内存开销在6 0K到100K左右;对于大量实时数据需管理的情形,eXtremeDB最大一表格的记录总数可以达到2,147,483,64 7条。    eXtremeDB直观易用的,使您在零学习周期的情况下使用它管理实时数据。不论是VxWorks、WinCE、嵌入式Lin ux还是UNIX、Solaris,eXtremeDB都能出色地进行数据管理。 -eXtremeDB entirely in main memory, it is not based on the file system, such as reducing disk access, file I / O operations, cache synchronization overhead, making eXt remeDB access speed to the limit; Through the database definition language-oriented application system customization API to make eXtremeDB Application-oriented optimization; trigger events, such as field-level priority eXtremeDB characteristics makes real-time data management certainty. EXtremeDB user requirements definition API makes eXtremeDB with the seamless integration of applications. Therefore, not only eXtremeDB embedded in the system, but "embedded" in the application process, is a true embedded real-time database. Resources compact system, eXtremeDB basic memory overhead in six 0K to about 100K; For a larg
Platform: | Size: 2304508 | Author: 张晓 | Hits:

[Other resourcevxWorks GIS

Description: vxworks下的GIS系统。 使用说明: 1.下载 \"VxEmapgis.out\" 或则 \"VxEmapgis2.out\" 到目标机 2.运行 \"main\" ,启动应用程序 , 3.按 \"ESC\" 弹出菜单, 4.选择 \"打开图层\" , 弹出图打开窗口 , 输入图层文件名称 如 “road.vxw” 或者 “water.vxw” 5.按 大写字母\"O\",确定, 或者大写字母 “C”取消 6.按方向箭头、pagedown , pageup 实现漫游 , , + , - 实现缩放 7.按 \"ESC\" 第二次可以取消菜单 8.图层控制窗口中,列出了已打开的图层 , 使用方向箭头移动,选择相应的图层可以关闭,也可以在这里打开图层 9.选择菜单项 退出系统 ,结束应用程序 注:需要支持x86-bios 的PC机 , 我测试所用机器是: 目标机: p2的350M cpu + 256M内存 + Tornado2.02 + windml2.0 主机: p4 + window2000 server 虽然我已经把windml的库连接到程序里,可能还需要安装WINDML2.0,我不大确定. 需要把图层文件(“road.vxw” , “water.vxw” , \"region.vxw\" , \"placename.vxw\"),符号文件(symbollib目录)等 拷贝到wftpd的根目录下面 VxEmapgis.out : 没有中断提示 VxEmapgis2.out: 有中断提示-VxWorks under the GIS system. Use : 1. Download "VxEmapgis.out" or the "VxEmapgis2.out" to the target machine 2. Running the "main", launch applications, 3. According to the "ESC" pop-up menu, 4. Select "Open layer," pop-up window opened map input layer document names such as "road.vxw" or "water.vxw" 5. according capital letters "O" to identify, or capital letters "C" the cancellation of six. by direction of the arrow, Page, Page roaming, and - to achieve scalability 7. according to the "ESC" a second menu can be lifted eight. layer control window, which lists the already opened layer, the use of mobile direction of the arrow, choose the corresponding layer can be closed, you can also open
Platform: | Size: 3009813 | Author: 康康 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopVxWorks 6.7 Intel千兆网卡驱动

Description: VxWorks 6.7 Intel千兆网卡驱动
Platform: | Size: 47728 | Author: jrx1979 | Hits:

[VxWorksvxWorks GIS

Description: vxworks下的GIS系统。 使用说明: 1.下载 "VxEmapgis.out" 或则 "VxEmapgis2.out" 到目标机 2.运行 "main" ,启动应用程序 , 3.按 "ESC" 弹出菜单, 4.选择 "打开图层" , 弹出图打开窗口 , 输入图层文件名称 如 “road.vxw” 或者 “water.vxw” 5.按 大写字母"O",确定, 或者大写字母 “C”取消 6.按方向箭头、pagedown , pageup 实现漫游 , , + , - 实现缩放 7.按 "ESC" 第二次可以取消菜单 8.图层控制窗口中,列出了已打开的图层 , 使用方向箭头移动,选择相应的图层可以关闭,也可以在这里打开图层 9.选择菜单项 退出系统 ,结束应用程序 注:需要支持x86-bios 的PC机 , 我测试所用机器是: 目标机: p2的350M cpu + 256M内存 + Tornado2.02 + windml2.0 主机: p4 + window2000 server 虽然我已经把windml的库连接到程序里,可能还需要安装WINDML2.0,我不大确定. 需要把图层文件(“road.vxw” , “water.vxw” , "region.vxw" , "placename.vxw"),符号文件(symbollib目录)等 拷贝到wftpd的根目录下面 VxEmapgis.out : 没有中断提示 VxEmapgis2.out: 有中断提示-VxWorks under the GIS system. Use : 1. Download "VxEmapgis.out" or the "VxEmapgis2.out" to the target machine 2. Running the "main", launch applications, 3. According to the "ESC" pop-up menu, 4. Select "Open layer," pop-up window opened map input layer document names such as "road.vxw" or "water.vxw" 5. according capital letters "O" to identify, or capital letters "C" the cancellation of six. by direction of the arrow, Page, Page roaming, and- to achieve scalability 7. according to the "ESC" a second menu can be lifted eight. layer control window, which lists the already opened layer, the use of mobile direction of the arrow, choose the corresponding layer can be closed, you can also open
Platform: | Size: 3009536 | Author: 康康 | Hits:


Description: eXtremeDB完全工作在主内存中,不基于文件系统,减少了诸如磁盘访问、文件I/O操作、缓存同步等开销,使得eXt remeDB的存取速度提高到极限;通过数据库定义语言面向应用系统定制的API使得eXtremeDB能够面向应用最优化;事 件触发、字段优先级等特色使得eXtremeDB管理实时数据时具有确定性。   eXtremeDB根据用户需求定义的API使得eXtremeDB与应用程序无缝集成。因此,eXtremeDB不仅在系 统中嵌入,而且“嵌入”在应用程序中,是一种真正的嵌入式实时数据库。在资源紧凑的系统中,eXtremeDB基本内存开销在6 0K到100K左右;对于大量实时数据需管理的情形,eXtremeDB最大一表格的记录总数可以达到2,147,483,64 7条。    eXtremeDB直观易用的,使您在零学习周期的情况下使用它管理实时数据。不论是VxWorks、WinCE、嵌入式Lin ux还是UNIX、Solaris,eXtremeDB都能出色地进行数据管理。 -eXtremeDB entirely in main memory, it is not based on the file system, such as reducing disk access, file I/O operations, cache synchronization overhead, making eXt remeDB access speed to the limit; Through the database definition language-oriented application system customization API to make eXtremeDB Application-oriented optimization; trigger events, such as field-level priority eXtremeDB characteristics makes real-time data management certainty. EXtremeDB user requirements definition API makes eXtremeDB with the seamless integration of applications. Therefore, not only eXtremeDB embedded in the system, but "embedded" in the application process, is a true embedded real-time database. Resources compact system, eXtremeDB basic memory overhead in six 0K to about 100K; For a larg
Platform: | Size: 2304000 | Author: 张晓 | Hits:


Description: 超级好的vxworks入门实验课:一共9个pdf文件,每个都是精华,我是下载了9次才搞定,绝对超值,初学者很有必要看看。 目录: 1.学习使用Tornado 开发环境;测量程序的执行时间 2. 学习创建多个任务 3. 学习使用信号量实现共享资源的保护 4. 学习使用消息队列进行通信 5. 学习并验证时间片轮转调度 6. 学习并验证基于优先级的抢占式调度 7. 理解优先级倒转问题 学习使用优先级继承以解决优先级倒转问题 8. 学习使用信号 9. 了解VxWorks 的中断机制 学习编写中断处理程序 -Super good VxWorks entry experimental courses: a total of nine pdf files, are the essence of each, I downloaded 9 times only to get absolute value, it is necessary to see beginners. Contents: 1. Learning to use the Tornado development environment measurement procedure execution time 2. Learning to create more than one mission 3. Learning to use semaphores to protect shared resources to achieve 4. Learning to use the message queue to communicate 5. To study and verify the time slice Round-Robin Scheduling 6. Learning and verify that priority-based preemptive scheduling 7. to understand the priority inversion problem learning to use priority inheritance to solve the priority inversion problem 8. learning to use signal 9. understanding of the interruption mechanism VxWorks interrupt handling procedures for the preparation of learning
Platform: | Size: 730112 | Author: jinleize | Hits:


Description: 基于s3c2440和vxworks的dm9000驱动代码,使用片选2,中断7,性能稳定,实际测试速度为40Mbps(UDP)-VxWorks-based S3C2440 and the dm9000 driver code, use the chip select 2, interrupt 7, stable performance, the actual test speed of 40Mbps (UDP)
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: xiyong | Hits:


Description: 菲利普22系列 vxworks bsp 可以用来可以和其他版本的ARM vxworks bsp(特别是7内核的进行比较)进行比较可以加深对BSP的理解和掌握-Philips 22 series vxworks bsp can be used to other versions of the ARM vxworks bsp (in particular 7 to compare the kernel) compared to deepen their understanding and grasp of BSP
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 李建 | Hits:


Description: Vxworks kernel developers guide for 6.7 users.
Platform: | Size: 3616768 | Author: richa | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMiniGUI-var-1.6.8

Description: 名称 MiniGUI - 面向实时嵌入式 Linux 系统的小型跨平台图形用户界面支持系统 目录 1. 介绍 2. 什么是 MiniGUI-Lite 3. MiniGUI 版本 1.6 的新功能特点 4. 在 Linux 上安装 MiniGUI 5. Linux 上的安装及配置示例 6. 开发历史 7. 有关作者 8. 如果遇到问题 9. 版权信息 10. 在商业或专有系统中的使用 MiniGUI 1. 介绍 MiniGUI 是一个遵循 GPL 条款的自由软件项目. 该项目由北京飞漫软件技术有限公 司主持. MiniGUI 的目标是提供一个稳定的, 轻量级的跨操作系统图形用户界面支持系统, 尤其适合基于 Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, VxWorks, ThreadX 等的实时嵌入 式系统. -Version 1.6.8 (2005/09/05) This release needs the following resource packages: * minigui-res-1.6.tar.gz The latest demo package is: * mde-1.6.8.tar.gz The latest samples package is: * mg-samples-1.6.8.tar.gz NAME MiniGUI- a compact cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system for real-time embedded systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. What s MiniGUI-Lite 3. New features of MiniGUI version 1.6 4. Installing MiniGUI on a Linux box 5. History 6. About the authors 7. If you have a problem 8. A Little FAQ 9. Copying 10. If you are developing commercial or proprietary software by using MiniGUI
Platform: | Size: 17561600 | Author: guyunchong | Hits:


Description: latest vxWorks BSP & device driver guide - part1-A must read for whoever does the device driver under vxWorks 6.7
Platform: | Size: 865280 | Author: cindy | Hits:


Description: latest vxWorks BSP & device driver guide - part2-A must read for whoever does the device driver under vxWorks 6.7
Platform: | Size: 1507328 | Author: cindy | Hits:


Description: latest vxWorks BSP & device driver guide - part3-A must read for whoever does the device driver under vxWorks 6.7
Platform: | Size: 1208320 | Author: cindy | Hits:


Description: vxWorks 5.5 -> 6.7 migration guide, tells basic stuff about moving up the ladder-vxWorks 5.5-> 6.7 migration guide, tells basic stuff about moving up the ladder
Platform: | Size: 613376 | Author: cindy | Hits:


Description: 第7章的源代码: vxworks软件开发项目实例完全解析-source code of chapter 7.
Platform: | Size: 969728 | Author: richard | Hits:


Description: TIPC 通信中间件,上传版本为1.7.6 vxWorks版本-TIPC: Cluster Communication Protocol version1.7.6 porting to vxWorks
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: chengyq | Hits:


Description: vxworks-6.7 net driver
Platform: | Size: 661504 | Author: yang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBdm99000ennda

Description: 一种基于s3c2440与vxworks的dm9000驱动driver代代码,使用片选2,中断7,性能稳定,实际测试速度为40Mbps(UDP) -A dm9000 driver s3c2440 with vxworks driver generation of code, using the chip select 2 interrupt 7, stable performance, the actual test speed of 40Mbps (UDP)
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 夏妮 | Hits:


Description: tipc-vxworks-1.7 应用于vxworks的tipc程序包
Platform: | Size: 403456 | Author: jiayong | Hits:


Description: (1)基于部分u-boot代码自己调试的vxworks BSP (2)实现了nand/nor flash的tffs文件系统 (3)实现了对spi dataflash的访问 (4)实现了对启动参数和mac地址的文件保存 (5)通过命令行升级bootrom自身 (6)支持通过命令行实现对elf/bin文件格式的vxworks的下载,升级和引导 (7)实现了atmel的对32Mflash的支持,解决了芯片本身的bug (8)实现了CPU最小系统SDRAM FLASH 网口 串口的自检操作-(1) Based on part of their own u-boot code debug vxworks BSP (2) implements the nand / nor flash of tffs file system (3) realize the spi dataflash access (4) implements the file to the startup parameters and mac address save (5) via the command line bootrom upgrade itself (6) support line to achieve vxworks elf / bin file format download, upgrade and guide (7) command to achieve the support of 32Mflash atmel solve the chip itself bug (8) to achieve a minimum system CPU SDRAM FLASH network port serial self-test operation
Platform: | Size: 2436096 | Author: wang | Hits:
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