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This file contains one-line descriptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply - flip the orientation of faces normalsply - compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply - transform vertices (translation, scale, rotation) Create PLY Files ---------------- platoply - make any of the five Platonic solids sphereply - create a sphere File Conversion --------------- ply2ascii - convert polygon file to ASCII version ply2binary - convert polygon file to binary version ply2iv - convert to Inventor file format obj2ply - convert from Wavefront .obj format Information About Files ----------------------- boundply - find bounding box of object and re-position if desired headply - print out the entire file header Support Routines ---------------- ply.c - layout grammar parsing and file I/O for geometry filters adjacency_module.c - determining ajacency between vertices and faces
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 52.21kb Publisher : 狗蛋

DL : 0
This file contains one-line descriptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply - flip the orientation of faces normalsply - compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply - transform vertices (translation, scale, rotation) Create PLY Files ---------------- platoply - make any of the five Platonic solids sphereply - create a sphere File Conversion --------------- ply2ascii - convert polygon file to ASCII version ply2binary - convert polygon file to binary version ply2iv - convert to Inventor file format obj2ply - convert from Wavefront .obj format Information About Files ----------------------- boundply - find bounding box of object and re-position if desired headply - print out the entire file header Support Routines ---------------- ply.c - layout grammar parsing and file I/O for geometry filters adjacency_module.c - determining ajacency between vertices and faces-This file contains one-line descriptions of the geometry filters. Geometry Manipulation --------------------- flipply- flip the orientation of faces normalsply- compute surface normal vectors at vertices xformply- transform vertices (translation, scale, rotation) Create PLY Files ---------------- platoply- make any of the five Platonic solids sphereply- create a sphere File Conversion --------------- ply2ascii- convert polygon file to ASCII version ply2binary- convert polygon file to binary version ply2iv- convert to Inventor file format obj2ply- convert from Wavefront .obj format Information About Files ----------------------- boundply- find bounding box of object and re-position if desired headply- print out the entire file header Support Routines ---------------- ply.c- layout grammar parsing and file I/O for geometry filters adjacency_module.c- determining ajacency between vertices and faces
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 52kb Publisher : 狗蛋

libwave is a library for reading Wavefront .obj object files and rendering them with IrisGL or OpenGL. It supports basic geometry (faces and lines), and materials and texture maps, as far as is possible with GL (i.e. no bump maps, reflection, or refraction).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 30kb Publisher : edon

wavefront object importer in openGl
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 204kb Publisher : openArms

format of .obj files for 3d modelling. Object files define the geometry and other properties for objects in Wavefront s Advanced Visualizer. Object files can also be used to transfer geometric data back and forth between the Advanced Visualizer and other applications. Object files can be in ASCII format (.obj) or binary format (.mod). This appendix describes the ASCII format for object files. These files must have the extension .obj.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 40kb Publisher : himanshu

DL : 0
1.通过互联网查找Wavefront obj文件的格式定义; 2.编写C++程序解析Wavefront obj文件; 3.用3D建模工具构造两个以上的obj文件; 4.利用OpenGL绘制obj文件表示的3D模型; 5.使用VBO(Vertex Buffer Object)加速3D模型的绘制; 6.利用键盘控制3D模型的旋转、平移和缩放。-Draw out the three-dimensional animation in C++ environment through 3Dmax modeling
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : lizhiqiang

【谷速软件】显示眼波对象结构 可以作为参考使用学习下-[Software] to display speed valley wavefront object structure can be used as the reference to the use of learning
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 王李

读取obj 3D文件 来源于GitHub,开源项目-Read and Write Wavefront OBJ geometry and MTL files. The function read_wobj allow Wavefront object files including material MTL files to be read into a Matlab structure. The function write_wobj exports a Matlab structure to an OBJ file. It doesn t matter if the object file contains splines or polygon based geometry, it reads and writes almost all .obj files. See help read_wobj and help write_wobj
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 203kb Publisher : weiji
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