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使用C语言实现整数小波S+P变换和算术编码-use C language S P integral wavelet transform and arithmetic coding
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.85kb Publisher : 潘志刚

Matlab实现Daubechies,symlets,splines,S+P小波, JPEG2000小波变换等源代码 这个m代码包含了一系列的小波变换的实现函数,有Daubechies,symlets,splines,S+P小波, JPEG2000小波变换等. 可以进行1D或者二维小波变换。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.33kb Publisher : aaa




Update : 2008-12-16 Size : 2.09kb Publisher : anyanping

用于小波变换的图像信号二维频谱分析-for wavelet transform two-dimensional image signal spectrum analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 17kb Publisher : none

【全美经典】小波十讲(Ingrid Daubechies 著)中文版- [ Entire American classics ] wavelet ten lectures (Ingrid Daubechies) Chinese edition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.75mb Publisher : 崔振峰

Wavelets have widely been used in many signal and image processing applications. In this paper, a new serial-parallel architecture for wavelet-based image compression is introduced. It is based on a 4-tap wavelet transform, which is realised using some FIFO memory modules implementing a pixel-level pipeline architecture to compress and decompress images. The real filter calculation over 4 · 4 window blocks is done using a tree of carry save adders to ensure the high speed processing required for many applications. The details of implementing both compressor and decompressor sub-systems are given. The primarily analysis reveals that the proposed architecture, implemented using current VLSI technologies, can process a video stream in real time.-Wavelets have been widely used in many sign al and image processing applications. In this p aper. a new serial-parallel architecture for wavele t-based image compression is introduced. It is based on a 4-tap wavelet transform. which is realized using some FIFO memory module 's implementing a pixel-level pipeline archite cture to compress and decompress images. The're al filter calculation over 4 blocks window is done using a tree of carry save adders to ensure t he high speed processing required for many appl ications. The details of implementing both com pressor decompressor and sub-systems are give n. The primarily analysis reveals that the prop osed architecture, VLSI implemented using current technologies, can process a video stream in real time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.71mb Publisher : sdfafaf

使用C语言实现整数小波S+P变换和算术编码-use C language S P integral wavelet transform and arithmetic coding
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 28kb Publisher : 潘志刚

小波变换的理论 是英文版的 希望有帮助-Wavelet theory is the English version of the hope that help
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 532kb Publisher : lynn

DL : 0
Matlab实现Daubechies,symlets,splines,S+P小波, JPEG2000小波变换等源代码 这个m代码包含了一系列的小波变换的实现函数,有Daubechies,symlets,splines,S+P小波, JPEG2000小波变换等. 可以进行1D或者二维小波变换。 -Matlab realize Daubechies, symlets, splines, S+ P wavelets, JPEG2000 wavelet transform, such as source code of the m code contains a series of wavelet transform to achieve function, has Daubechies, symlets, splines, S+ P wavelets, JPEG2000 and other wavelet transform. can be 1D or two-dimensional wavelet transform.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : aaa

该程序主要实现图像的无损压缩,具体算法包括: (1)整数小波变换+SPIHT无损压缩 其中整数小波可以采用JPEG2000提供的5-3小波,也可以采用S+P变换,本程序均已给出。 (2)DPCM+算术编码 DPCM采用的是JPEG中采用的方法; (3)JPEG-LS标准 JPEG-LS的无损压缩性能非常好,超过JPEG2000。-The program mainly realize lossless image compression, the specific algorithm include: (1) integer wavelet transform SPIHT Integer Wavelet lossless compression which can be used to provide the 5-3 wavelet JPEG2000, can also adopt the S P transform, the procedures are given. (2) DPCM arithmetic coding DPCM is used in JPEG methodology (3) JPEG-LS standard JPEG-LS lossless compression of very good performance, more than JPEG2000.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 101kb Publisher : yang

DL : 0
本程序实现任意偶数大小图像第二代双正交97提升小波变换 注1: 采用标准正交方法,对行列采用不同矩阵(和matlab里不同) 注2: 为了保证正交,所有边界处理,全部采用循环处理 注3: 正交性验证,将单位阵带入函数,输出仍是单位阵(matlab不具有此性质) 注4: 此程序是矩阵实现,所以图像水平分量和垂直分量估计被交换位置 注5: 此程序实现的是类小波(wavelet-like)变换,是介于小波包变换与小波变换之间的变换 注6: 此程序每层变换相对原图像矩阵,产生的矩阵都是正交阵,这和小波包一致 注7: 但小波变换每层产生的矩阵,是相对每个待分解子块的正交矩阵,而不是原图像的正交矩阵 注8: 且小波变换产生的正交矩阵维数,随分解层数2分减少 注9: 提升系数可以在MATLAB7.0以上版本,用liftwave( 9.7 )获取,这里直接给出,考虑兼容性 注10:由于MATLAB数组下标从1开始,所以注意奇偶序列的变化 注11:d为对偶上升,即预测;p为原上升,即更新-err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher :

现在在所有图像去噪滤波中最较理想的去噪算法——Bayesian Least Squares - Gaussian Scale Mixture的matlab实现代码,应用丰富,与商用图像处理软件媲美,其原理可以参见J Portilla, V Strela, M Wainwright, E P Simoncelli, "Image Denoising using Scale Mixtures of Gaussians in the Wavelet Domain-Now image denoising filter in all the most better denoising algorithm- Bayesian Least Squares- Gaussian Scale Mixture realize the matlab code, application-rich, with the commercial image processing software rival, and its principle can be found in J Portilla, V Strela, M Wainwright, EP Simoncelli,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : pudndcy

本文提出了一种基于提升算法的高效JPEG2000二维离散小波变换(2D—DWT)~ 结构,将边界延拓内嵌于离散小波变换过程中,减少了所需的内存空间和功耗。采用W 扫描输入方式和行列并行处理结构,加快了变换速度,大大提高了小波变换的效率。整个二维离散小波变换结构已经通过FPGA硬件仿真验证。-This paper presents a highly efficient algorithm based on lifting JPEG2000 two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT) ~ structure, the boundary extension will be embedded in the process of discrete wavelet transform to reduce the required memory space and power consumption. W scanning input methods used and the ranks of parallel processing structure, and accelerated the pace of change has greatly enhanced the efficiency of wavelet transform. The whole structure of two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform has been adopted FPGA hardware simulation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 178kb Publisher : H Simon

Daubechies小波源码,包含PPT讲解-source code for Daubechies wavelet, including PPT presentation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.11mb Publisher : danny

对图像的小波分解与重构,并且进行阈值滤波,对滤波前后的图像进行了对比-The image of the wavelet decomposition and reconstruction, and the threshold to filter the images before and after filtering were compared
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yanhaifeixue

利用小波变换多尺度分析的特性,在小波域的各个尺度上选取不同的阈值对基本的频域谱减法进行改进,并且根据清浊音各自不同的特点,在去噪过程中加以分离,保留了语音中的清音成分,使语音更加饱满。-The use of multi-scale wavelet analysis of the characteristics of the individual in the wavelet domain scale threshold select a different frequency domain of the basic spectral subtraction to improve and, in accordance with their respective Qingzhuo sound different characteristics, in the denoising process be separated from the retained voice of the voiceless in the composition, more full of voice.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王璇

执行一维和二维小波变换在MATLAB环境中。十几包括的小波函数有: * Haar * Daubechies 1-6 * Symlets 1-6 * Coiflets 1 and 2 * Splines and reverse splines * CDF 9/7 and Le Gall 5/3 * S+P wavelets (2,2), (4,2), (4,4), (6,2), and (2+2,2) * Two Ten "TT" * Low-complexity design * HVS design Visual 9/3 -Description Perform 1D and 2D wavelet transforms in MATLAB. WAVELET(W,L,X) computes the L-stage discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of signal X using wavelet W. For the inverse transform, WAVELET(W,-L,X) inverts L stages. Included wavelets are * Haar * Daubechies 1-6 * Symlets 1-6 * Coiflets 1 and 2 * Splines and reverse splines * CDF 9/7 and Le Gall 5/3 * S+P wavelets (2,2), (4,2), (4,4), (6,2), and (2+2,2) * Two Ten "TT" * Low-complexity design * HVS design Visual 9/3
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : chen huayi

DL : 0
for the wavelet programmers the book
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 77kb Publisher : harjit

DL : 1
心电信号在线数据知识化辅助诊断算法研究 摘 要:针对心电监护与诊断过程中数据量大、准确性和快速性要求高的特点,提出了一套基于数据知识化的心电 辅助诊断算法.该套算法包括数据识别、冗余处理、转换和提取过程,利用小波变换的多分辨率和抗干扰能力好的 特点,检测QRS波、P波、T波,提高了特征检测的准确性 利用聚类分析具有较好的鲁棒性和适合于大数据量分析 的特点,对QRS进行波形分类 算法结合了单独一搏诊断和串诊断以及多参数综合分析.采用MIT-BIH标准心电 数据库中的部分数据和心电专家确诊的心律失常数据文件对该算法进行了评估,检出率都在95 以上,表明该套 算法对部分心律失常可以进行有效分析. -A series of data knowledge discovery based electrocardiograph (ECG) auxiliary diagnosis algo- rithms were presented against the characteristics of huge data quantum, high accuracy and rapidity de- mands in the ECG monitor and diagnosis process. The algorithm consists of several stages, including data distinguishing, data redundant processing, data conversion and data extraction. The characteristics of wavelet transform, multiresolution and high anti-interference, were used to detect QRS, P and T waves and improve the accuracy of character detection. Clustering analysis characterized by better robustness and capability to analyze huge data quantum was used to classify QRS wave. The algorithm combines diagnosis based on one beat, string diagnosis and comprehensive analysis with multiparameters. Verified by partial data of MIT-BIH standard ECG database and arrhythmia data files diagnosed by ECG experts, the detect- ability exceeded 95 , which showed that the algorithm could analy
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 67kb Publisher : Shi

Its a method where we have used wavelet and svd method to estimate the age of digital fingerprint using knn clustering method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : matlabfresher
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