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这个例子举例说明了一个简单的新闻 Portal。新闻内容是从数据源(这里称为 DataSource )传送到 JSP 页,同时信息内容也要作为一个 Web 服务发布出来。这个 Portal 也可以从 StockQuote Web 服务中检索最新的股票报价并显示在同一个 JSP 页中。-This example illustrates a simple news Portal. News content is from the data source (referred to here as DataSource) sent to the JSP pages, and information content also as a Web service release out. The Portal can also StockQuote Web services retrieve the latest stock quotes and show the same JSP page.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 102kb Publisher : 单轲

一个基于Web 链接挖掘和内容相关性分析的智能信息检索系统-links to a Web-based mining and content analysis of the Intelligent Information Retrieval System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher :

PHPWind大型多用户高速博客个人主页系统 PHPWind 推出大型多用户博客(BLOG), 该系统以众多个人日志(主页)为内容基础, 为网站内容管理与发布提供了更好的解决方案! (1) 以 .html 为链接模式架设整个网站, 让站点的内容大量出现在各大搜索引擎 (2) 全面支持 二级域名 比如 我的个人主页 (3) 做为一个可独立运行的系统, 同时可选择性的与论坛会员及文章数据进行完美整合! (4) 完全支持 RSS, 与 WAP 手机浏览, 用句广告词就是: 手机也能博客! (5) 强大的系统管理, 能简便地进行系统管理与用户日志管理! (6) 采用多层设计, 根分类 -- 多级子分类 -- 系统团队博客 -- 个人团队博客 -- 个人主页 -- 个人专辑 (7) 采用phpwind负载核心, 具备流畅的速度与高负载能力! (8) 采用phpwind模版设计思想, 与多语言设计思想! 最大程度地进行扩展与设计!-PHPWind large multi-user system blog WEBSITE PHPWind launched a massive multi-user blog (BLOG), the system to many personal log (Home) as a foundation for Web content management with the release provided a better solution! (1). Html to link model planes the whole site is set up so that the contents of a large number of sites in the major search engines (2) full support for two domain names such as my personal home page (3) as an independent operation of the system, while the option of the Forum members and several articles It is perfect for integration! (4) fully supports the RSS, and WAP mobile browser, with the words sentence : phone can blog! (5), a powerful management system, can easily for systems management and user log management! (6) multiple design-classi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 285kb Publisher : 罗兵

这是网页内容过滤的部分源代码,可以自己设置过滤主题!-This is the web content filtering part of the source code, they can provide filtration theme!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.76mb Publisher : 李宝宝

获取网页指定内容,根据关键字提取网页内容-access to the designated website content, keyword extraction Web Content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : fj

网络过滤软件。 1. 先进的网址识别过滤以及网页内容智能过滤技术,对浏览器进行实时监控。 2. 对搜索引擎的搜索进行及时的过滤,并以警告信息提示用户。 3. 将访问者以及访问网址的详细信息写入历史记录。 4. 网站锁定模式。该模式下只能访问事先设置好的网站,适合学校,家庭等场合使用。 5. 容错功能。对符合关键词却没有色情内容的正常网站进行容错。 6. 多机设置同步更新。 7. IE浏览器主页锁定和标题防改功能。 8. 可设置禁止在本机运行的程序、游戏等。-network filtering software. 1. Address Recognition advanced filtering and web content filtering smart technology, the browser for real-time monitoring. 2. Search for the search engine to make timely filters, and a warning message to prompt the user. 3. Visitors will visit the website and more information into the historical record. 4. Site locked mode. The mode can only prior visit to set up a good website for schools, families and other public events. 5. Fault tolerance. Keywords right with no pornographic content of the website normal fault tolerance. 6. Machines installed synchronous updates. 7. IE browser Home lock and functional title defense reform. 8. Can be set to prohibit the operation of the machine procedures games.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.38mb Publisher : sheriffyang

C#编写的网页内容抓取工具,多线程采集,效率很高-C# Prepared crawler web content, multi-threaded collection, high efficiency
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 273kb Publisher : youdechun

DL : 0
在C#中实现类似速达软件的网页界面调用功能,即用网页写界面,然后点击网页内容可调用本地的窗口。 程序只实现了最简单的调用功能,不过这作为抛砖引玉已经足够了。大家可以在此基础上再扩展其他内容-In the C# Superdata Software to achieve a similar function to call the web interface, that is the interface used to write web pages, and then click Web content can be a window for local calls. Procedures only to achieve the most simple function call, but it was enough as a start. On this basis we can further expand to other content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : 阳光小子

在Win32程序中利用纯C语言实现网页内容显示-Win32 program in the use of pure C language web content display
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : wch

DL : 0
可以进行网页的过滤,提取网页内容,过滤广告,图片等内容-Can filter web pages, extract web content, filtering ads, pictures, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 259kb Publisher : cindy

DL : 0
C++写的网络爬虫程序,可以正确爬下网页内容-C++ Write network reptiles procedures, you can climb down the right Web content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.54mb Publisher : ly

打开网页,并分析网页内容,提取其中的股票信息-Open the pages, and analysis of web content, one of the stock extract information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : lee

SharePoint® 2007 Web Content Management Development-SharePoint® 2007 Web Content Management Development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.29mb Publisher : va

In this project, we present a complete framework and findings in mining web usage patterns from Web log files of a real website that has all the challenging aspects of real life web usage mining, including evolving user profiles and external data describing ontology of the web content. Even though the website under study is part of a non-profit organization that does not "sell" any products, it was crucial to understand "who" the users were, "what" they looked at, and "how their interests changed with time", all of which are important questions in Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.54mb Publisher : Rajamanickam

Web数据挖掘(世界著名计算机教材精选),作者BingLiu刘冰 刘兵(BingLiu),伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UIC)教授,他在爱丁堡大学获得人工智能博士学位。刘兵教授是Web挖掘研究领域的国际知名专家,在Web内容挖掘、互联网观点挖掘、数据挖掘等领域有非常高的造诣,他先后在国际著名学术期刊与重要国际学术会议(如KDD、WWW、AAAI、SIGIR、ICML、TKDE等)上发布关于数据挖掘、Web挖掘和文本挖掘论文一百多篇。刘兵教授担任过多个国际期刊的编辑,也是多个国际学术会议(如WWW、KDD与AAAI等)的程序委员会委员。 本书旨在阐述web数据挖掘的概念及其核心算法,使读者获得相对完整的关于web数据挖掘的算法和技术知识。本书不仅介绍了搜索、页面爬取和资源探索以及链接分析等传统的Web挖掘主题,而且还介绍了结构化数据的抽取、信息整合、观点挖掘和Web使用挖掘等内容,这些内容在已有书籍中没有提及过,但它们在Web数据挖掘中却占有非常重要的地位。全书分为两大部分:第一部分包括第2章到第5章,介绍数据挖掘的基础;第二部分包括第6章到第12章,介绍Web相关的挖掘任务。 -Web data mining (world-renowned computer materials selection), the authors BingLiu Liu Bing Liu Bing (BingLiu), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) professor, Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University. Professor Liu Bing is the field of Web mining research internationally renowned expert in Web content mining, Internet, view mining, data mining and other areas have very high attainments, he worked in internationally renowned academic journals and major international conferences (such as KDD, WWW, AAAI, SIGIR, ICML, TKDE, etc.) on the release of data mining, Web mining and text mining papers more than a hundred articles. Professor Liu Bing served as editor of several international journals, but also a number of international conferences (such as WWW, KDD and AAAI, etc.) of the Program Committee. This book seeks to explain the concept and web data mining of the core algorithm, so that readers gain a relatively complete information on web data mining algorithms
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.2mb Publisher : 陈东

这是一本关于web data mining的书籍。既适合初学者,也适合有一定基础的人群。作者刘兵是Web挖掘研究领域的国际知名专家,在Web内容挖掘、互联网观点挖掘、数据挖掘等领域有非常高的造诣。-This is a book about web data mining. Not only for beginners, but also the basis for a certain crowd. Bing is the author of Web mining research internationally renowned expert in Web content mining, Internet, view mining, data mining and other areas have very high attainments.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.09mb Publisher : 郑牟

介绍如何用C#实现抓取网页内容。包括1、抓取一般内容。2 抓取网页内容-图片。3、抓取网页内容-Post 数据。4、抓取网页内容-防止重定向。5、抓取网页内容-保持登录状态。-Describes how to use C# to grab web content. Including crawl the general content. Crawl Web content- pictures. 3, spider web content-Post data. 4, crawling web content- to prevent redirection. 5, spider web content- and stay logged in.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : hjerw

C#_抓取网页内容,对于初学者很有帮助。-C# _ grab web content, very helpful for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : huang

其他网页内容抓取,从其他网页上面抓取内容-Other web content to crawl, crawl content from other pages above
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 132kb Publisher : 李斌

C++或C抓取网页内容 简单的网页抓去,初学者可以看看,很好的,-C++ or c capture Web content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : chen
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