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一个基于C#的AJAX的源代码以及DEMO项目。AJAX采用XMLHTTP + JS 实现的无刷新页面的技术,典型应用有 Google Map等。-Source code of c sharp based on AJAX, and a demo project with it. The implement of AJAX is using XMLHTTP and JavaScript without refresh web pages, specific application with AJAX is Google Map and so on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : jiao

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B/S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher :

用Mapxtreme for java开发webgis,其中涉及地图服务器的多用户进程访问的问题,本程序提供了源码程序-with MapXtreme webgis for java development, which involves map server multi-user access to the process, the procedures provide a source programs
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 吴军

小型web环境gis地理信息系统完整源码-small web environment gis geographic information system integrity FOSS
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : 张雷

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征服Ajax——Web 2.0快速入门与项目实践(.net)配套光盘 本书共11章,前两章介绍了Ajax技术的基本概念及相关的基础技术。第3章~第5章实现了基于Ajax的数据验证、自动完成功能以及一个基于Ajax的动态树形菜单。第6章~第11章的每一章介绍了一个完整的应用。它们分别是个性化主页、论坛主题搜索、无刷新聊天室、地图查看系统、相册浏览和Web版的MSN。这些例子经过精心设计,尽可能减少与Ajax无关的内容,让读者以最快的速度掌握Ajax开发技术。这些示例涵盖了Ajax开发的7项基本技术:XMLHttpRequest、DOM、XML、JavaScript、XHTML、CSS和XSLT-conquering Ajax-- Web 2.0 Quick Start with the project Practice (. Net) supporting the CD, a total of Chapter 11, the first two chapters of Ajax, the basic concept and associated infrastructure technology. Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 5 based on the realization of the data validation Ajax, Automatic functions and completed an Ajax-based dynamic tree menu. Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 11 of each chapter of a complete application. They are personalized home page, search the forum theme, no set chat room, Map View, Album version of the Web browser and MSN. These examples are carefully designed to minimize Ajax has nothing to do with the content, allow readers to grasp the speed of the fastest Ajax development techniques. These examples cover the Ajax development of the seven basic skills : XMLHttpRequest, the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.08mb Publisher : ant008

MapXtreme for Java是基于J2EE技术、服务器端的为创建Web地图服务应用的市场上第一个100%Java跨平台解决方案,使用它可实现三种Web GIS模式.本文介绍了创建地图、显示地图专题分析等十个专题。-MapXtreme for Java is based on J2EE technology, server-map for the creation of Web services application of a market first 100% Java cross-platform solutions, It can use these three modes of Web GIS. This paper introduces the creation of maps. Show map analysis of 10 thematic topics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 刘宝杰

作者是Ajaxian.com的创始人,JavaOne、TheServerSide等诸多高级别会议的演讲者。本书作为Pragmatic系列之一,从实践出发,通过实例展示Ajax的诸多特性,手把手教你实现Google Map的绚丽效果。不仅教会你Ajax的技术细节,同时还带你了解各种功能强大的主流Ajax工具包(Dojo、Prototype、、DWR、Backbase、SmartClient、Ajax.NET、SAJAX、JSON-RPC),掌握Ajax实时查看源代码的方法以及进行代码调试的相应方法,学习Ajax的开发模式和框架。本书后半部分共用了五个章节,从服务器端编程的角度,详细讲述了Ajax同PHP、Ruby On Rails、Java和.NET等语言的融合,最后还介绍了与Ajax相类似的其他RIA技术以及Ajax的精彩未来(E4X, Canvas, SVG,的相关应用)。本书的全部代码下载地址: 本书秉承了《程序员修炼之道》的特点—— “从小工到专家”,各个层次的web开发人员都能从本书中获益匪浅。 -author is the founder of, JavaOne, TheServerSide and many other high-level meeting of the speaker. Pragmatic the book as one of the series, starting from practice, Ajax examples demonstrate the many characteristics Shoubashoujiao you realize the splendor Google Map results. Ajax church you not only technical details, also take you to understand the powerful mainstream Ajax Kit (Dojo, Prototype,, DWR, Backbase, SmartClient, Ajax.NET, SAJAX, JSON-RPC). Real-time master Ajax View the source code for the methods and the corresponding code debugging methods, Learning Ajax development model and the framework. The latter part of the book spent five chapters from the server side programming point of view, described in detail by Ajax with PHP, Ruby On Rails, Java and. NE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.46mb Publisher : zoujian

MapEasy is a web mapping client api which has an alogy with Google Map Api. It helps to build a map-based application easily. Based on Javascript and AJAX technology, MapEasy will work on most modern browsers (Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0+) using simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG,PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking... Key Features: open source pure javascript application easy to use API is similar to google map api decouple the map view and the data service. independant from the specifical map data service self define Plane Coordinate system(not available yet) customisable and easy to extend support IE6, Firefox/Mozilla, Opera(not available on Opera yet) support Latitude/Longitude Coordinate System -MapEasy is a web mapping client api which has an alogy with Google Map Api. It helps to build a map-based application easily.Based on Javascript and AJAX technology, MapEasy will work on most modern browsers (Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 6.02 B!) using simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG, PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking. .. Key Features: open source pure javascript application easy to use API is similar to google map api decouple the map view and the data service. independant from the specifical map data service self define Plane Coordinate system (not available yet) customisable and easy to extend support IE6, Firefox/Mozilla, Opera (not available on Opera yet) support Latitude/Longitude Coordinate System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 94kb Publisher : tim.wu

Ka-map是一个Ajax概念的很好的MapServer前端工具,官方网址 is a very good Ajax concept MapServer front-end tools, the official Web site
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 142kb Publisher : hello

Ka-map是一个Ajax概念的很好的MapServer前端工具,官方网址 is a very good Ajax concept MapServer front-end tools, the official Web site
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 641kb Publisher : hello

webgis,web电子地图客户端,具有电子地图常用功能-webgis, web electronic map client, with electronic maps commonly used functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.74mb Publisher : mryang0725

arcgis server 9.3 web map application,通过加载服务端地图,基于B/S的地图漫游-arcgis server 9.3 web map application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : harsing

Scanin geomedia web map supermap TerraVista生成视景数据库 VirtuoZo数字摄影测量系统 集思宝G516-专业GIS数据采集器 激光测距仪手册-Scanin geomedia web map supermap TerraVista generated visual database VirtuoZo Digital Photogrammetric System brainstorming Po G516-professional GIS Data Collector Manual laser rangefinders
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 78kb Publisher : gxl2001

make map with java. its for your web is very usefu-make map with java. its for your web is very usefull
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : cylant

基于 ArcIMS的地图切图原理(定范围) 此切图原理服务于基于预生成技术的Web地图显示系统,这种技术 在2006年已经广泛应用于公共地图服务领域,包括国内用户使用较多 的GoogleMaps、Microsoft Live Map、YahooMaps、51ditu、Mapbar、 SogouMap等;-ArcIMS-based map of the cut diagram (scope) This cutting diagram generated based on pre-service technology in the Web map display system, this technology In 2006, has been widely used in the field of public map services, including domestic users more The GoogleMaps, Microsoft Live Map, YahooMaps, 51ditu, Mapbar, SogouMap, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 950kb Publisher : xiaochao

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根据Google Maps JavaScript API开发的加载地图的小实例。Google Maps JavaScript API允许您把Google地图嵌入到您自己的网页内。要使用这个API,首先您需要申请一个API key,然后替换页面中的key就可以访问了。-According to Google Maps JavaScript API developed by a small example of the map loaded. Google Maps JavaScript API allows you to embed Google Maps into your own web pages. To use this API, first you need to apply for an API key, and then replace the page in the key can be accessed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 乔欢欢

Java Google Map使用Demo,web前台使用Google API,调用Google地图-Java Google Map using the Demo, web front using the Google API, called Google Maps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : UCourse.Net

google map aspx google 地图。,google地图下载-google map
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 261kb Publisher : 莫凡

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中国地图 FLASH 源码,非常好用的WEB地图,有连接-FLASH source map of China, very easy to use WEB map, there are connections
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 90kb Publisher : 程先生

Flash技术在网络电子地图中的应用,一篇不错的论文-Flash Web map
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 276kb Publisher : 李文丰
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