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jsp编译的一个web邮局 无错误版!-jsp compiler of a post office error-free web version!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 468.82kb Publisher : 陈维

本系统的使用可以将工作的部分流程使用计算机的办公自动化处理,能够极大的提高办公的效率和准确程度。另外,可以便捷的统计和分析各种所需资料,方便相应政策的调整等。 该系统作为网上信息管理系统,实现网络处理功能。系统采用先进的应用系统体系结构和开发模式,提高系统的可扩展性、可维护性和交互性。该系统相对独立,接口实现简单、安全,可操作性强-the use of the system can be part of the process of using computers for office automation, the ability to greatly improve office efficiency and accuracy. In addition, the user can analyze statistics and information required to facilitate the corresponding policy adjustments. The system as a web-based information management system, network processing functions. The system uses advanced application system architecture and development model to improve the scalability, maintainability and interactive. The system relatively independent interface is simple, safe and operable
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : 贺朋

jsp编译的一个web邮局 无错误版!-jsp compiler of a post office error-free web version!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 469kb Publisher : 陈维

关于普通DLL插件的实现VC知识库里已有文章介绍,但在很多大型的软件中(如ArcGis、Office)中都不是采用这种方法,基于COM的插件在当今的大型软件中应用的更广泛-We known that regular DLL plugin implmentation already introduced in those papers of VC knowledge database, but in those large software( like ArcGis,Office), this it not popular. Plugin based on COM is popular used in large software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 69kb Publisher :

TX.WebControls.TXWebWord控件使用OCX控件形式实现了在WEB页面上编辑Word文档. 经过了半年多的测试,已经形成了比较稳定的版本,并且实现了控件的安全接口和 数字签名,客户端自动下载安装,不需要更改任何IE浏览器的设置.但WEB下OFFICE 控件都有易出错的通病,希望大家把在使用过程中发现的问题通过E-MAIL发给我, 以便及时修正.-TX.WebControls.TXWebWord controls use OCX controls in the form of Web pages on the edit Word documents. After more than six months of testing, has created a relatively stable version, and the realization of the security control interface and digital signatures, the client automatically download and install, requires no changes IE browser settings. but under OFFICE Web Controls have a common error prone, in the hope that you all will use to the problems discovered through E-MAIL sent to me, so that timely amendment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 287kb Publisher : he

信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库;   无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成;   B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便   信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。   二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a complete system, interoperable e-government network systems and land resources Administrative System Sharing of information resources library; Seamless integration : standardization OA, MIS and the organic integration of GIS; B/S : remote-office run, remote operations with map and maintaining a simple, easy installation information dissemination : WEBGIS on the Internet to browse through the release of land sales and transfers, land auctions, land registration, land clearance, mineral procedures of all types of information. Second development : based platform for a variety of applications, to facilitate the conduct of secondary development to meet the business needs of the changes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher :

DL : 0
一个完全正式版本的OA网络办公平台,测试过完全可用-a fully-fledged version of the OA office network platform can be fully tested
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : 大车

搜索引挚内核 SearchKernel.ocx控件被加载过10万个以上不同地址,通过了稳定性测试. 在VC, VB, Office, Web页上分别测试通过. SeKel.h是控件的接口说明. test目录中是控制的调用源代码. 控件内置多线程下载. 内置html完全解释.(解释了90%左右html脚本, 容错控制采用仿ie的技术) 内置javascrip有限解释.(解释了基本循环, 字符操作运算和整型运算) 内置正文分析的分解.(只仅中文简体) 后三项可以关掉, 采用第三方技术.-Search engines are loaded kernel SearchKernel.ocx control over more than 100,000 different addresses, the adoption of a tilt test. In VC, VB, Office, Web page, respectively, passed the test. SeKel.h is the control interface description. Test directory is called source code control. controls built multi-threaded download. built-html fully explain. (explains about 90 html script, fault-tolerant control using imitation ie the technology) built javascrip limited explanation. (explains the basic cycle of operation of computing characters and integer operations) built-in analysis of decomposition of the body. (only Simplified Chinese only) can be switched off after the three, using third-party technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 58kb Publisher : xieds

DL : 0
某公司OA系统源码: 功能较为强大的一套办公系统,可在线角色管理,用户管理,目录管理,模板管理等。 适合用于企业办公。 使用前先打开企业管理器把DB下的数据库附加好 再配置一下web.config中的链接字符串。 还要把WEB目录设置成为虚拟目录。 默认的管理用户及密码都为:51aspx -OA system, a company source: a more powerful set of features of office systems, online role management, user management, directory management, template management. Suitable for business office. Before use Enterprise Manager to open the attached database DB under some good re-configure the link in the web.config string. WEB directory would also like to become a virtual directory settings. The management of the default user and password are: 51aspx
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.6mb Publisher : 刘军

将ioffice.rar解压后放置到支持asp.net的WEB目录后按照调试演示去做即可成 功调试!由于本系统为商业软件,本站提供此源码仅作为学习用途,如用在 商业用途后果自负-Will be placed after decompression ioffice.rar support directory of the WEB to do after the presentation in accordance with the debugger can debug successfully! Due to the system for commercial software, this site only as a source for this study uses, such as used in commercial use at your peril
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44.8mb Publisher :

这是一个关于基于Web的协同办公平台系统的设计与实现的毕业论文.我们答辩完了,我上传上来,是想跟大家分享.-This is a study on Web-based office platform for collaborative system design and realization of the thesis. We reply finished, I upload up to tell everyone to share.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : lvwenjin

一个用Java开发的Web邮局,可以使用户通过浏览器访问他们的POP/SMTP服务器,支持多种语言,MIME和虚拟域名Java开发的Web邮局Java源码 -One of the Web using Java to develop the post office, you can allow users through a browser to access their POP/SMTP servers, support for multiple languages, MIME, and virtual domain Java Development Java source Web office
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : li

EDraw Office Viewer Component contains a standard ActiveX control that acts a n ActiveX document container for hosting Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio documents) in a custom form or Web page. The control is lightweight and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using Office in a custom solution. The control is designed to handle specific issues that make using ActiveX documents from a non-top-level host window difficult, and serves as a starting place for constructing your own embedded object file viewer or editor as an ActiveX control. 内含注册码-EDraw Office Viewer Component contains a standard ActiveX control that acts an ActiveX document container for hosting Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio documents) in a custom form or Web page. The control is lightweight and flexible, and gives developers new possibilities for using Office in a custom solution.The control is designed to handle specific issues that make using ActiveX documents from a non-top-level host window difficult, and serves as a starting place for constructing your own embedded object file viewer or editor as an ActiveX control. intron License
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : Ferret

DL : 0
针对政府机关单位实现电子政务和电子政府的需求进行定向开发,适用于市、县、乡及各局室机关进行网站建设,是一套功能完善的政府网站管理系统。完美的JSP版[SQL版]政府网站,后台功能非常强大,并参考目前众多流行的国内政府网站重新做了美化,适用于各政府网站的建设。基于Struts+Spring+Hibernate[SQL]的完美结合,高效的页面执行效率,更高的安全性能-Units of government agencies for implementation of e-government and e-government needs of targeted development, applicable to municipal, county and township authorities and the Board Room website building, is a fully functional government website management system. Perfectly JSP version [SQL version] government web sites, a very powerful back-office functions, and taking into account the current number of popular domestic government to do a website re-landscaping, applicable to all government web building. Based on the Struts+ Spring+ Hibernate [SQL] the perfect combination of efficiency in the implementation of efficient pages, improved safety performance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.84mb Publisher : 刘桢炜

DL : 0
jsp环境开发的一个博客网站,博客网站由前台用户操作和后台管理员操作模块组成。-jsp environment to develop a web blog, blog web users by the Front Desk operations and back-office operations manager module.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.83mb Publisher : 黄凤彬

Lucene.Net is a high performance Information Retrieval (IR) library, also known as a search engine library. Lucene.Net contains powerful APIs for creating full text indexes and implementing advanced and precise search technologies into your programs. Some people may confuse with a ready to use application like a web search/crawler, or a file search application, but Lucene.Net is not such an application, it s a framework library. Lucene.Net provides a framework for implementing these difficult technologies yourself. Lucene.Net makes no discriminations on what you can index and search, which gives you a lot more power compared to other full text indexing/searching implications you can index anything that can be represented as text. There are also ways to get Lucene.Net to index HTML, Office documents, PDF files, and much more.-Lucene.Net is a high performance Information Retrieval (IR) library, also known as a search engine library. Lucene.Net contains powerful APIs for creating full text indexes and implementing advanced and precise search technologies into your programs. Some people may confuse with a ready to use application like a web search/crawler, or a file search application, but Lucene.Net is not such an application, it s a framework library. Lucene.Net provides a framework for implementing these difficult technologies yourself. Lucene.Net makes no discriminations on what you can index and search, which gives you a lot more power compared to other full text indexing/searching implications you can index anything that can be represented as text. There are also ways to get Lucene.Net to index HTML, Office documents, PDF files, and much more.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 313kb Publisher : Yu-Chieh Wu

本系统基于WEB,对于毕业设计选题进行了无纸化办公,减轻了学校和学生的工作量,选题时可以对教师和学生进行双向选择,具有比较完善增删改查功能。-The system is based on the WEB, for a graduation project topics paperless office, reducing the workload of schools and students, topics may be conducted for teachers and students in two-way selection, with additions and deletions to a relatively complete search function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.86mb Publisher : 星空奇葩

已建立索引的Python核心编程(中文第二版)。对于初学者,这是一本Python开发的权威指南,涵盖了Python的核心功能特性,而不仅仅是语法,有正则表达式、网络、多线程、图形用户界面、Web/CGI和Python扩展等高级功能,同时也包括了数据库、网络客户端、Java/Jython和Microsoft Office等内容,并有大量实例-Index has been the core of Python programming (English second edition). For beginners, this is an authoritative guide to Python development, covering the core features of Python, not just syntax, there are regular expressions, networking, multi-threaded, graphical user interface, Web/CGI and Python expansion and other advanced features, including a database at the same time, the network client, Java/Jython, and Microsoft Office, etc. and there is a great example of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.49mb Publisher : ehes

MyPic 七夜图片管理系统 v1.2 1. 增加: 图片浏览量,点击排行 2. 增加: 多模板支持 3. 增加: 标签***,方便制作模板 4. 优化: 图片展示页模板速度和调用方法 5. 增加: RSS输出功能 6. 增加: 添加/修改 图片后自动生成HTML(如果HTML模式开启) 7. 增加: 后台内容列表页排序, 8. 增加: 图集星级推荐功能 9. 增加: 点击最后一张图片自动跳转到下一篇 10. 增加: 内容页链接到上一篇/下一篇 11. 优化: 栏目导航可设置显示顺序 12. 增加: 栏目分类可设置展示方式为幻片模式或普通模式 13. 增加: 两套官方模板 14: 增加: 后台系统帮助-Seven nights MyPic Photo Management System v1.2 1. Increase: Image page, click on Top 2. To increase: more than 3 template support. Increase:*** label to facilitate the production of template 4. Optimization: the speed of picture display page and call the method of template 5 . increase: RSS output function 6. increase: Add/Edit picture automatically generated HTML (if the HTML mode turned on) 7. increase: the background to sort a list of pages, 8. increase: Atlas stars recommended function 9. increase: Click on the last a picture automatically jump to the next one 10. increase: the contents of a page of links to the previous/next 11. Optimization: navigation columns to set the display order of 12. increase: Categories can be set to display columns for the magic tablet mode or normal mode 13. increase: two sets of official template 14: add the following: back-office systems to help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 584kb Publisher : Eason

OA协同办公系统 对于企业事业单位的领导来说OA是决策支持系统,能够为领导提供决策参考和依据;对于中层管理者它是信息管理系统;而对于普通管理者它又是事物/业务处理系统。OA能够为单位管理人员、工作人员提供良好的办公手段和环境,使之准确、高效、愉快的工作。 -OA-OA for the leadership of enterprises and institutions for decision-making support system for OA is able to provide leadership and a basis for decision-making for the middle managers it is information management system and it is also the general manager of things/business processing system . OA can be managed as a unit, staff office to provide a good means and the environment, so that accurate, efficient and enjoyable work.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.3mb Publisher : cuixing
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