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Description: Matlab simulation of MIMO-WiMAX system, nice one and well run.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: Perry | Hits:


Description: Simulation of Wimax network
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: ren | Hits:


Description: am submitting wimax phy layer simulation file . using ieee 802.16e OFDM air interface. It is first version and likely to be revised very soon with other features. Please wait till that. -am submitting wimax phy layer simulation file . using ieee 802.16e OFDM air interface. It is first version and likely to be revised very soon with other features. Please wait till that.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: Rafal | Hits:


Description: 自适应MIMO-Wimax通信系统仿真程序,调制方式QPSK,QAM可选,信道条件符合802.16标准。是MIMO,OFDM初学者的必备入门资料-Adaptive MIMO-Wimax communication system simulation program, Modulation QPSK, QAM optional, channel conditions in line with the 802.16 standard. Is a MIMO, OFDM essential introductory information for beginners
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 赵亮 | Hits:


Description: this code is simulation of dm synchronization with poly phase sequences with good auto correlation sequences that proposed in 2004 by ieee in ieee 802.16 standard(wimax down link)-this code is simulation of ofdm synchronization with poly phase sequences with good auto correlation sequences that proposed in 2004 by ieee in ieee 802.16 standard(wimax down link)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: amin | Hits:

[3G developPerformanceEvaluationofIEEE802.16einOFDMPhysicalla

Description: Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e in OFDM Physical layer.-Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e in OFDM Physical layer. a simulation model based on 802.16e OFDM-PHY baseband and demonstrated in different simulation scenarios with different modulation techniques such as BPSK, QPSK and QAM (Both 16 and 64) to find out the best performance of physical layer for WiMAX Mobile.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: nurman | Hits:

[File Formatofdm

Description: matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bisso | Hits:


Description: matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bisso | Hits:


Description: matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bisso | Hits:


Description: matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bisso | Hits:


Description: matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: bisso | Hits:

[Program docTHE_FAST_HANDOVER_RESEARCH_of_wimax_network

Description: 本文正是在研究WIMAX/802.16e协议和FMIPv6协议的基础之 上,提出了基于FMIPv6的WIMAX网络快速切换机制,该方案采用跨 层切换的思想,MAC层联合网络层同时进行切换,在链路尚未断开 之前即完成新转交地址(NCOA)获取等功能,从而加快了切换进程, 减小了切换时延和切换时的丢包率。在提出本切换机制的基础上,本 文在NSZ仿真平台上对所提出的切换方案做了系统性的性能仿真,通 过仿真结果验证了方案的可行性和优越性。 - In this paper, IEEE802.16e standard is described at first. Then an introduction for the basic knowledge and research in MIPv6 and FMIPv6 protocol is given. A fast handover scheme of WiMAX network which based on FMIPv6 protocol is suggested, which implements the fast handover at IP layer associating with MAC layer at the same time. scheme minimizes handover latency by predicting and preparing This the impending handover in advance. Finally, simulation are carried out to evaluate the performance of this fast handover scheme. The result of the simulation shows that the fast handover scheme has good performance.
Platform: | Size: 5442560 | Author: punk_812 | Hits:

[3G developmultipath_code

Description: 设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案 (WiMAX场景): 试设计一完整的移动通信系统物理层传输方案并用MATLAB程序实现,要求满足以下指标: 1. 数据速率:5km/hr的移动速度下可实现60Mbps,同时在120km/hr的移动速度下可实现10Mbps,且Eb/No小于20dB时可实现误比特率Pe <= 10-4 2. 信号带宽为20MHz,工作在2GHz频带 3. 信道模型: COST207模型的6径瑞利信道(可参考程序 multipath_code.zip) 请给出以下结果: A.收发机结构框图,主要参数设定; B. 误比特率仿真曲线。(考虑非理想同步和信道估计);-Design a complete system for mobile communications physical layer transmission scheme (WiMAX scene): try to design a complete system for mobile communications and physical layer transmission scheme to achieve with the MATLAB program, requires the following indicators: 1. Data rate: 5km/hr mobile speed can achieve 60Mbps, while the movement in the 120km/hr speed can achieve 10Mbps, and Eb/No less than 20dB can be achieved when the bit error rate Pe < = 10-4 2. signal bandwidth of 20MHz, the work in the 2GHz band 3. channel Model: COST207 model 6 path Rayleigh channel (refer to program multipath_code.zip) Please give the following results: A. Transceiver block diagram, the main parameter settings B. BER simulation curves. (Taking into account non-ideal synchronization and channel estimation)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: wangjiayin | Hits:

[Software EngineeringWiMAX-Simulation-With-MATLAB

Description: Wimax simulated with matlab
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: Afsane | Hits:

[Program docWiMAX-Book

Description: In this book the wimax 4G was introduced with many programs and simulation in matlab code.-In this book the wimax 4G was introduced with many programs and simulation in matlab code.
Platform: | Size: 9708544 | Author: doski | Hits:

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