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1 这是我用VC做的电子表格平台,可实现对窗口表格视图和其背景数据库的若干基本操作。 (a动态创建新表, b在表中添加、删除行、列, c打开、保存、另存表格, d制作了一个属性对话框来修改表格的基本属性,如行数、列数、标题等) 用户可通过视图上操作改变背景数据库 2 数据库操作采用ADO, 背景数据库采用Access 视图采用单文档界面和CGridCtrl控件 3 本软件在运行时,在debug文件夹中要考入“资料”的access文件,否则出错 4 请版主批评指正,谢谢 is a VC do I use electronic forms platform, to achieve the View window forms the background and some of the basic database operations. (Dynamic creation of a new table, b, in the table to add, delete rows and columns, c open, preservation, separate forms, d produced a dialog box to change attributes form the basic attributes, such as the number of firms are few, Heading etc.) users can view on the background change operation two databases using ADO database operation, background View Access database using a single interface and documentation controls three CGridCtrl software Win And when the debug folder to be admitted to "information" access to the documents, Otherwise, please moderator four errors criticism correction, thank
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 347.27kb Publisher : 湖朝

游戏规则: 按w键是控制自己的飞机(天使)向上。 按S键向下,A键向左,D键向右,r键重来,e键退出 发弹:指着本程序介面按鼠标左键. 开始时:你的生命值只有3,而子弹数只有2 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,敌人的生命也会减一,当敌人的生命值减到0时,你就赢. 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,同时天上也会掉下一颗子弹,当你捡到一个子弹后,你的子弹数得到补充; 如你的子弹数减至0或你的生命值减至0你就会输。 秘技: 按y键你的子弹数就加1; 按o键你的生命值就加1. 不过如果你技术好的话唔用秘技也能赢。-rules of the game : w keys on the control of the aircraft (Angel) upwards. According to the S button down, and left keys A, D keys right, r bond return, e withdraw from the key rounds : Pointing to the interface procedures by the left mouse button. at the beginning : you only have three lives, while only a few bullets when you two bullets to fire at the enemy, the enemy of life will lower one. When the enemies of life reduced the value 0, you win. When you fire the bullets of the enemy, while the sky will fall a bullet, when you picked up a bullet, you get to add a few bullets; if you reduce the number of bullets 0 or your life value to 0 you will lose. Camp : y keys on your bullets on the plus a few; o bond by your value on the lives of an increase. But if you take good technology used ca
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 54.88kb Publisher : heroesjun

win ce下的web server,实现了串口控制,有利于学习-win ce under the web server, and achieving a serial control, conducive to learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 397kb Publisher : 李亮

Gsm modem 模块软件开发包 基于GSM标准: ETSI GSM 07.07, ETSI GSM 07.05 提供Nix,win系统 PDU 编码.支?BR> [110system.rar] - 是一个编写手机短信源码,用VC++实现,界面洁简,是一个不错的学习作品. -G.711 modem module software development kit based on the GSM standard : ETSI GSM 07.07. ETSI GSM 07.05 for Nix, win PDU coding system. Support
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : 阮正

chopencv-2.3.0-win opencv学习资料 有意者下-chopencv- 2.3.0-win opencv learning materials Interested parties under
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.77mb Publisher : 吴博灵

DL : 0
该delphi控件为win xp界面优化控件。-The delphi controls optimized for the win xp interface controls.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 魏凯

西北工业大学程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 程序说明 名称:tank 编译环境:win-tc tank.bmp tank.c EGAVGA.bgi要放在同一目录 按键:player1 : 上 Up 下 Down 左 Left 右 Right 攻击 0 player2: 上 W 下 S 左 A 右 D 攻击 SPACE 不足:游戏中没有制作攻击效果,只做攻击是否命中的判断。 如果一方按键不放,无法响应另一人的按键。 两个tank如果相撞,会抹去一方的图象。 -Northwestern Polytechnical University Programming Competition works out to share with you the description of the procedures for the name: tank compiler environment: win-tc tank.bmp tank.c EGAVGA.bgi to keys on the same directory: player1: on Up next Left Right Right Left Down attack 0 player2: on W under S Left A Right D attack less than SPACE: the game did not effect the production of attack, and they should only attack if hit judgments. If one button without letting go, and unable to respond to another person s key. If the collision of two tank will be wiped off the side of the image.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : 王赫

DL : 0
这是用C#做的一个简易的Windows平台下的聊天软件,包括了客户端和服务端的全部源码,注释很详细,有兴趣学习.net应用开发的同学可以下载来学习学习。这个示例包含了了C/S架构软件开发的很多基础知识和思想。 功能包括群发,私聊,发送震动,收到消息发声,闪屏提示等等,大致类似于QQ的多人聊天会话功能。 涉及到的知识主要包括: 1. TCP/IP通信,包括TcpClient , TcpListener , Socket , NetworkStream等几个用于TCP通信的类的实际应用。 2. WIN平台下的多线程程序开发,后台监听线程是网络应用程序开发中的一个基本技术,这个实例的客户端和服务器端都用了后台监听数据包的线程。 3. 客户端和服务器之间交换消息的方法,主要是byte[ ]格式的消息包的消息格式设计和识别,以便让客户端和服务器能够正确交互。 4. 服务端对连接客户的信息存储和状态监控,这个实例用了Hashtable来存储客户连接信息-a chat tool develop by c# in the desk of windows,including source code of client sever ,which can help the students who want to study .net and c#
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 812kb Publisher : sunrong

史上最简单的VS2008+WIN DDK 驱动开发环境搭建,本人实测,很快,最快一分钟整好烦人的DDK环境-In the history of the simplest VS2008+ WINDDK-driven development environment to build, I measured, and soon, the fastest one minute the whole a good annoying DDK environment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 277kb Publisher : hackjoy

Win PE 绿色版 for DOS/XP 安装后启动XP,系统可以选择启动DOS_tools或Win PE或windows XP,方便对系统的维护。-Win PE Green version for DOS/XP installation boot XP, the system can choose to start DOS_tools or Win PE or windows XP, to facilitate system maintenance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34.71mb Publisher : gzk

It is for WIN-I2C D-It is for WIN-I2C DLL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 341kb Publisher : 夏啓

本书涉及的知识点包括Vi s u a lC+ + 的基础知识及开发环境、Win d ows 编程基础知识、应用AH 函数进行可视化编程的基本方法和应用MFC 进行可视化编程的思想方法。-Point of the book of knowledge involved, including Vi sua lC++ development environment based knowledge, Win d ows the basics of programming, application programming AH visual function and application of the basic methods for visual programming MFC way of thinking.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.23mb Publisher : 郭峰

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vb 禁用系统快捷键 “WIN”+“D”-vb shortcut to disable the system " WIN" + " D"
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : asdf

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修改后的锁屏程序,间接阻止win+d、alt+f4,限于java的非底层性,alt+ctrl+del还无法屏蔽-The modified lock-screen process, indirectly prevent win+ d, alt+ f4, limited to java, alt+ ctrl+ del can not shield
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 297kb Publisher : 终曲

DL : 0
将程序放在魔兽争霸安装目录,将会自动搜索文件哦。否则需要自己填写路径。自动限制鼠标区域。当游戏窗口激活并鼠标进入游戏时自动时,就会自动限制区域。可以拖动窗口位置。解锁限制鼠标区域。当游戏窗口失去焦点时,比如按一下Win键,按Alt+Tab切换窗口,按Win+D显示桌面,或者有其他新窗口弹出都会解锁鼠标区域限制。同时勾选了自动开始游戏与自动隐藏,程序将全后台无窗口模式自动运行。请确定不再修改设置的情况再勾选哦。否则您将自己修改config.ini配置文件或者删除该配置文件。-Program on the Warcraft installation directory will automatically search for files Oh. Otherwise need to fill out a path. Automatically limit the mouse area. Automatically when the game window to activate the mouse enters the game, it will automatically restricted areas. You can drag the window position. Unlock restrictions mouse area. When the game window loses focus, for example, click the Win key press Alt+Tab switch windows Win+D Show Desktop, or other new window pop-up will unlock the mouse area restrictions. Checked automatically start the game with the auto-hide, program run full background window mode automatically. Please check oh sure not to modify the settings. Otherwise you will modify the the config.ini configuration files or delete the configuration file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : 韩宏伟

WebFTP系统采用PHP+Ajax+Json进行数据通信,毫秒级的响应速度,强大的文件管理功能足以媲美专业的FTP软件;   全平台兼容性:Win(IIS+Apache)、Linux(Apache) 支持中英文目录名及文件名 测试帐号:   超级管理员 admin 密码 admin   受限账号 demo 密码 demo-WebFTP data communication system using PHP+Ajax+Json, millisecond response speed, powerful file management features comparable to professional FTP software whole platform compatibility: Win (IIS+Apache), Linux (Apache) support in English directory name and file name Test Account : super administrator admin password admin password restricted demo demo account
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 646kb Publisher : fpudn25

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LMMS fournit des modules de synthétiseurs, d autres plug-in ainsi que des samples. Les plug-in VSTi (synthétiseurs virtuels) ou d effets LADSPA sont aussi pris en charge.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 639kb Publisher :

sapjco3-64bit-3.0.5(win) sapjco3.jar sapjco3.d-sapjco3-64bit-3.0.5(win) sapjco3.jar sapjco3.dll
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : jacedan

设置windows窗口置顶,,,在桌面最上边,而且不响应Win+D组合键-Set the windows, on the desktop, window top, top, and not in response to the Win+D key combination
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.76mb Publisher : 转转

programing of html, php, js d
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : zxyz
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