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DNW中关于USB的驱动,可以用于在DNW中通过USB端口进行程序的烧写和下载到开发板中。-DNW on the USB drive, can be used in DNW through USB port procedures programmer and downloaded to the development board.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 905kb Publisher : james

FTDI的USB驱动,FT245,FT232的VCP和D2XX驱动包及安装说明-The Driver of FTDI s USB products
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : 阿健

一个根据硬件ID和程序ID生成注册码的动态链接库DLL,可以根据计算机CPU、硬盘、网卡、BIOS生成唯一识别码。该组件不是从注册表中获得,而是直接从硬件获取信息,不需要管理员权限。支持最新的WIN7系统。适应于软件开发,注册。保护自己的软件。 -In accordance with a hardware ID, and program ID generated registration code in the dynamic link library DLL, can the computer CPU, hard disk, network card, BIOS generates a unique identifier. This component is not obtained from the registry, but to obtain information directly from the hardware does not need administrator privileges. Support for the latest WIN7 system. Adapted to software development, registration. To protect their software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : zcj

这个是VS2008和DDK平台搭建教程,介绍很详细,包括简单的驱动编写后在虚拟机上运行用windbg抓取log,设置断点等。本人在win7上试验过,可以运行,本人试验时是vmware下跑的xp,用driverMonitor加载驱动,然后win7上跑windbg,完全没问题,有需要者可以下来-This is a platform set up VS2008 and DDK tutorial describes in great detail, including the preparation of a simple drive after running in a virtual machine with windbg crawl log, set breakpoints and so on. I tested the win7 on, you can run, I test is run under vmware xp, load the driver with driverMonitor then win7 run on the windbg, Not a problem for those who need to try down
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : jfwiofjwe

dirext 9.0 X3DAudio1_7.dll,此版本适用于win7运行老游戏时缺少D3D文件-dirext 9.0 X3DAudio1_7.dll, this version for the old games run win7 file missing D3D
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : gbtnt2

DL : 0
功能: 可以将一般的琴谱转换成win7小工具里面可用的琴谱! 原理: 常规的琴谱都是按a,b,c,d......排音高的,而win7小工具里面那个钢琴是按键位来排的(这样可能更符合实际情况,让我们更加能找到弹钢琴的感觉~),所以这个程序所做的就是一个简单的替换~将a替换成[cap](caps lock键),b替换成a键。。。。。。(注:[enter]是回车键,[pg dn]是上翻页!) bug: 由于钢琴的键是要比我们键盘的要长得多,所以win7小工具里那个钢琴是只有中音和高音,而没有低音和超高的,所以部分音没有对应的键,比如低音中的a-g,超高中的v-z,这些键一率用中括号括起来,以示区别! 使用:(注意,转换后会覆盖原始文件,请先备份!!) 进入cmd,cd到当前目录,输入: piano 送别.txt 转换完毕,下面是转换结果示意,[G],[A]就是没有对应键位的低音: fsfj gjf f[Cap]as a[Cap]a fsfj hgjf fasd [G][A]-change the general sheet music into the win7 gadget sheet music!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 罗文

win7下可用的键盘钩子,能截获全局的按键信息,不用d-available under win7 keyboard hook to intercept global keystrokes, without dll
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 徵羽

DL : 0
一个是在win7或win8的环境下,把c盘个人文件备份到d盘,另一个是还原的。-copy files
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dannyding

稳定兼容xp-win7,内核注入D-Kernel inject DLL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 姓名

此驱动默认还原C盘,缓冲文件放D盘(根据inf文件配置)。 此代码为课程设计而写,只实现了最基本的功能,很多细节问题并未考虑。另外, 对读写请求未进行过滤,还原系统盘时,Win7下测试,系统启动后会显示 “正常进入Windows”等选项,系统在关机时应该做了记录日志,被拦截后出 现此提示。-This drive to restore the C drive by default, cache files, put the D disk (inf file configuration). This code for curriculum design, write, implement only the most basic functions, does not take a lot of the details. In addition, the read and write requests are not filtered, to restore a system disk, Win7 under test, after the system startup " normal access to the Windows" options, system shutdown should do the logging, and were intercepted after this prompt.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 高书勤

在labview8.6版本下的USB摄像头图像采集并保存程序。需要安装VSS,VDM,IMAQ,ni_imaq_usb_installer_86,win7系统替换ImaqDirectShowDll.d-In LabVIEW8.6 version USB camera image acquisition and preservation program. Need to install VSS, VDM, IMAQ, ni_imaq_usb_installer_86 the win7 system replacement ImaqDirectShowDll.dll
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : junzh

win7下可用的键盘钩子,能截获全局的按键信息,不用d-available under win7 keyboard hook to intercept global keystrokes, without dll
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : rcenty

使用directshow获取摄像头,并可以保存摄像头的图像,点击预览显示摄像头的图像,点击保存按钮可以保存预览到的摄像头图像,我把图像保存位置设置在了D:盘根目录下,拍照按钮没有实现,这个按钮的功能可以自己扩充,vs2008调试通过,win7旗舰版sp1系统下可以,无需安装directshow就可以运行程序,程序有一个directshow目录,里面有程序需要的头文件。-Use directshow access to the camera, and you can save camera images, click on the preview display camera images, click the Save button to save the preview of the camera image, I put the image saving location is set in the D: root directory, camera button is not achieved, This button can extend themselves, vs2008 debugging through, win7 Ultimate sp1 system can, without having to install directshow you can run the program, the program has a directshow directory, there are procedures required header files.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.37mb Publisher : zhuxiaocheng

1. 本程序使用模拟退火算法解决TSP问题 a) 初始温度确定方法 选取任意状态为初始状态。以1为起始温度,不断升温,直到模拟所得接受概率大于90 ; b) 温度下降 温度下降系数为 0.95; c) 每一温度迭代 选取固定迭代次数 100 * n; d) 终止条件 温度下降次数到达 800,或某一温度下解不发生改变; 2. 本机运行及编译环境 win7 旗舰版 SP1 MINGW g++ 4.8.1 -Simulated Annealing Traveling Salesman Problem 1. This program uses the simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem a) determining the initial temperature method Select any state to the initial state. 1 as the starting temperature, heats up, until the resulting analog acceptance probability greater than 90 b) the temperature drops Temperature drop coefficient of 0.95 c) Each iteration temperature Select a fixed number of iterations 100* n d) the termination condition The temperature drops to reach the number of 800, or at a temperature solution does not change 2. Run the machine and compiler environment win7 Ultimate SP1 MINGW g++ 4.8.1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 671kb Publisher : 墨者

有很多网友喜欢将资料放在桌面,防止重装系统误删桌面资料。(There are a lot of friends love information will be placed on the desktop, reinstall the system to prevent desktop data deleted.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 13829110851
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