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[Other resourceWindows 2000、XP的CMD命令教程

Description: 在这里介绍了Windows 2000、XP的大部分CMD命令,比如:accwiz.exe、acsetups.exe、actmovie.exe、append.exe、arp.exe、at.exe、atmadm.exe、attrib.exe-here on the Windows 2000 and XP CMD most of the orders, such as : accwiz.exe, acsetups.exe, actmovie.exe. append.exe, arp.exe, at.exe, atmadm.exe. attrib.exe ... etc.
Platform: | Size: 18251 | Author: 萧建 | Hits:

[OS programarp

Description: 在windows平台下的一个ARP程序,有些安装VC++软件不完整的可能不包含部分同文件,Iphlpapi.h可以下载后放进include文件夹下面即可,通过程序帮助理解协议的本身
Platform: | Size: 4170 | Author: TK | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureCapTx

Description: 一个mini抓包发包程序 我利用pcaplib for windows写的一个抓包发包程序Captx for Win2k/Winnt/Win9x, 仅110K,跑起来占内存2M,附有VC源代码,大家有什么特殊需要可以自己修改代码。 使用方法: (1)把整个CapTx目录拷贝到自己的硬盘上 (2)安装packet capture drivers v2.02(Captx\drivers下的相应目录,在网络中添加协议后,选磁盘安装) (3) 启动CapTx.exe (4) 点抓包按钮开始抓包,用单选按钮可以选择转包后的输出格式是详细的还是简单的, 详细的包格式如下: 00000000: FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 45 00 47 00 48 00 08 45 00 .......e.g.h..e. 简单的包格式仅有中间的部分 (5) 该包存到一个跟应用程序相同的目录中的一个log文件中。 (6)往编辑框中填如下所示的包字符: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 b0 d0 d0 b0 d8 08 06 00 01 08 00 06 04 00 01 00 b0 d0 d0 b0 d8 c0 a8 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 00 c9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 就可以发送一个ARP包了。 (7)该程序由于由源代码,所以你可以根据你额需要随便修改成自己想要的抓包/发包功能。-a mini capturing Packet letting process I use for windows pcaplib wrote an capturing Packet letting process for Win2k/Winnt/Win9x Captx only 110K, running together for 2M memory, with VC source code, you have any special needs can modify the code themselves. Use : (a) the entire CapTx catalog copy of their hard drive (2) Installation of packet capture drivers v2.02 (Captx \ drivers under the corresponding directory, the network added to the agreement, the election disk installation) (3) activated CapTx.exe (4 ) of capturing Packet capturing Packet button to begin using radio buttons can choose to subcontract the output format is detailed or simple, detailed packet format is as follows : 00000000 : FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 45 00 47 00 48 00 08 45 00 ....... e.g.h.. e. simple packet format only
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: 乐浩军 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopTCP IP协议源码

Description: 实现一个运行在16位数字信号处理器TMS320VC5402上的小型嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈。对TCP/IP协议中的IP协议、ARP协议、UDP协议进行分析,完成基于TCP/IP协议的嵌入式网络系统-A small embedded TCP/IP protocol stack running in a 16bits data signal processor TMS320VC5402 is implemented. IP, ARP, UDP etc. protocols in TCP/IP protocol stack are analyzed. A embeded network system based on TCP/IP is completed.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 葛强 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturesnort

Description: snort是一个赫赫有名的网络入侵检测系统,但是一般都是运行在linux下,这里是一个运行在windows下的snort-Snort is a famous system that detect inbreaking into network,but it usually runs on linux.Whereas this is a snort which runs on windows.
Platform: | Size: 2242560 | Author: 雨晨 | Hits:


Description: 用于利用windows socket构造自己的ARP数据包并发送,其中包括选择网卡能功能-windows socket for the use of their tectonic ARP packet and sent, including the choice of Ethernet capabilities.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 李婧 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWinpcap 信息截获

Description: winpcap 信息截获是基于windows的网络编程,对hack有兴趣的人不防参考一下-winpcap information capture based on windows network programming, who interested in hack may reference it.
Platform: | Size: 980992 | Author: 林婧 | Hits:

[OtherWindows 2000、XP的CMD命令教程

Description: 在这里介绍了Windows 2000、XP的大部分CMD命令,比如:accwiz.exe、acsetups.exe、actmovie.exe、append.exe、arp.exe、at.exe、atmadm.exe、attrib.exe-here on the Windows 2000 and XP CMD most of the orders, such as : accwiz.exe, acsetups.exe, actmovie.exe. append.exe, arp.exe, at.exe, atmadm.exe. attrib.exe ... etc.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 萧建 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureWindowsNetAndConmunicationDesign

Description: 讲述Windows网络程序设计的入门教程,展示了各种Windows I/O的方法,详细说明了高性能可伸缩性服务器的开发过程,并给出详细的实现代码。将编程方法、网络协议和应用实例有机组合起来,详细介绍了Internet广播和IP多播、原始套接字、SPI、LAN和WAN上的扫描和侦测技术、网络数据的窃取和保护、ARP欺骗、IP欺骗等。详细演示了协议驱动的开发过程,介绍了NDIS编程接口。在编程实践中学习P2P程序设计、讨论了穿透防火墙、NAT等直接建立UDP和TCP连接的各种方案。包含了Windows个人防火墙的完整实例代码,防火墙采用应用层(SPI)核心层(IMD驱动)双重过滤机制,能够有效地抵挡网络入侵和攻击。提供了大量的完整的实例,许多例子稍做修改即可应用到实际项目中。-on Windows network programming tutorial for beginners, Windows display a variety of I/O methods, a detailed description of high-performance, scalable server development process, and gives detailed codes. Will be programming, network protocol and application examples of organic composition, Details on the Internet radio and IP Multicasting, the original socket, SPI, LAN and WAN on the scanning and detection technology, network and data theft protection, to deceive the ARP, IP deception. Details of the agreement demo-driven development process, NDIS Programming Interface. Programming in practice learning P2P program design, discussed the penetration of firewalls, NAT establish direct UDP and TCP connections to the various programs. Windows includes a complete personal firewall code example
Platform: | Size: 2154496 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:


Description: 本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。-This appendix to introduce some new API functions, these functions can be on your computer to the IP protocol statistics query and management. Their ability to contribute to the acquisition of the following: ■ I pconfig. Exe (or apply to Microsoft Windows 95 s Wi nipcfg. Exe): display IP configuration information, allowing the release and update DHCP allocated IP address. ■ N etstat. Exe: show TCP connection table, UDP Listener Table, as well as IP protocol statistics. ■ R oute. Exe: display and handle the network routing table. ■ A rp. Exe: display and modify for ARP (ARP) to use the IP to physical address translation table.
Platform: | Size: 427008 | Author: 楼洛阳 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturenetArp

Description: 相信各位都玩过SOCKET编程,用CSocket进行网络通讯非常方便,但有时想搞点底层点东西却非常麻烦,用windows的API最低也只能SOCK_RAW,顶多能看到IP层数据,如果想处理数据链路层的数据就无从下手了,幸好某天发现了winpcap东西。用了它处理底层的东西就非常方便。 winpcap主要有两个dll供程序员直接调用,pcap.dll和packet.dll,本程序主要使用pcap.dll.详细请看代码,本人也是刚接触WinPcap,所以一不定有一些错漏的地方,请各位大蝦不要见笑。 如果程序有编译不过去的地方,请务必先按装winPcap库,更新VC6的PlatformSDK -I am sure we all played SOCKET programming, use CSocket for network communication is very convenient, but sometimes want to point at the bottom of things is very troublesome, with the lowest API of windows can only SOCK_RAW, at most able to see IP layer data, if you want to deal with data link layer data can never gain the upper hand, and fortunately found one day things WinPcap. Deal with it on the bottom of things very convenient. WinPcap has two main dll programmers for direct call, pcap.dll and packet.dll, the main use of this procedure pcap.dll. details please see the code, and I was a刚接触WinPcap, so one has some mistakes in the indeterminate place, please not a laughing stock of shrimp. If the program does not have to compile the last place, be sure to press installed Winpcap library updated VC6 the PlatformSDK
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: iie9615 | Hits:


Description: Java局域网监听器 监听本地网段(同个路由器内的网段)指定IP的IP数据包. 原理是ARP欺骗的方法,欺骗了目标IP的机器的ARP缓存以及本地路由器内的ARP表,让路由器跟目标IP之间的数据都必须经过运行这个软件的机器。 因为涉及到数据链路层的数据包操作,需要JPCAP这个包来增加JAVA对数据链路层的支持,所以要运行这个软件除了虚拟机还需要安装winpcap(windows)/libpcap(linux)+JPCAP才能运行。这3个包在网上都搜索下就可以找到了。 我打包成了.JAR文件,如果安装过WINPCAP/LIBPCAP+JPCAP,双击运行即可.源代码解压即可-Java LAN listener monitor the local network segment (with a router within the network segment) Specify the IP packet IP. The principle of ARP spoofing is to deceive the target IP of the machine as well as local router ARP cache of ARP table, so that the router with the IP data between the target must be running the software of the machine. Because of the data link layer packets, you need to JPCAP the JAVA package to increase the data link layer support, so apart from the software to run virtual machines also need to install winpcap (windows)/libpcap (linux) JPCAP to run . This three packages are in the online search can be found under. I became a pack. JAR file, if installed WINPCAP/LIBPCAP+ JPCAP, double-click to run. Decompress the source code can be
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: James | Hits:


Description: ARP协议获得局域网内活动主机物理地址程序本程序需要安装Winpcap,版本为3.1,其他版本可能造成过滤器无法编译。 开发平台: windows XP SP2 Visual Studio.net 2003 本代码已删除资源文件,无法直接编译,仅供参考
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programarp

Description: 在windows平台下的一个ARP程序,有些安装VC++软件不完整的可能不包含部分同文件,Iphlpapi.h可以下载后放进include文件夹下面即可,通过程序帮助理解协议的本身-In a windows platform ARP procedures, and some installation VC++ Incomplete software may not contain some of the same document, Iphlpapi.h can be downloaded into the folder include the following can, through the procedure to help understand the agreement itself
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: TK | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturesend_arp

Description: 一:用ARP破WINDOWS的屏保 二:用ARP导致IP冲突,死机 -一ARPWINDOWS ARPIP 突
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liangbk | Hits:


Description: 一个模拟ARP欺骗的程序,在局域网中测试通过.-ARP deception in a simulated procedure in LAN test.
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: seaside | Hits:


Description: Arp Ping on Windows, use winsock2.h
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: And | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureARP

Description: Arp network scanner with server-client comatibility. Written for windows, uses winpcap.
Platform: | Size: 16232448 | Author: gerardinho | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGetArpTable

Description: Windows下VS2010去获取ARP缓存表。(Under Windows, VS2010 gets the ARP cache table.)
Platform: | Size: 1893376 | Author: zp_0717 | Hits:


Description: 利用C网络编程结合windows编程实现ARP攻击测试。(Windows network programming in conjunction with C programming ARP attack test.)
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: mattmoon | Hits:
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