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使用microsoft media service 实现视频通讯
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9kb Publisher :

本播放器运用了高层音频服务媒本控制接口MCI支持WAV,MID,MP3,VCD,AVI,CDMPEG等全部WINDOWS支持的文件格式。-the players use a high-level media service of the Audio Control Interface MCI supports WAV, MID, MP3, VCD, AVI, etc. CDMPEG support all Windows file format.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 98.47kb Publisher : xuyanfen

利用windows media service sdk 9.0 创建启动发布点,可以创建点播和直播发布点。欢迎下载!-use windows media sdk 9.0 service to create a boot release point, you can create live and on-demand release point. Welcome to download!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24kb Publisher : 王昊

《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : 徐芳

利用windows media service sdk 9.0 创建启动发布点,可以创建点播和直播发布点。欢迎下载!-use windows media sdk 9.0 service to create a boot release point, you can create live and on-demand release point. Welcome to download!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王昊

用c#写的mediaservice的授权认证插件,因为一些安全因素,代码中一部分我删去了,但通过这些代码可以掌握基本的media插件开发技术。将程序编译后在windows2003上注册com组件,在mediaservice中就可以启动-used to write c# mediaservice the authentication plug-in, as some safety factors, code by deleting the part I, but the code can master basic plug-in the development of media technology. Procedures will be compiled in Windows2003 registered com components, in mediaservice which can be activated
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 160kb Publisher : liu

本播放器运用了高层音频服务媒本控制接口MCI支持WAV,MID,MP3,VCD,AVI,CDMPEG等全部WINDOWS支持的文件格式。-the players use a high-level media service of the Audio Control Interface MCI supports WAV, MID, MP3, VCD, AVI, etc. CDMPEG support all Windows file format.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.71mb Publisher : xuyanfen

《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例- Window media programming and Applications (Lei Xiao, Tsinghua University), a book of all the source code, relating to windows media player SDK, encoder sdk, service SDK, Rights manager SDK, etc., the use of VC and VB both languages, are Study good examples of media SDK
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : 徐芳

播放媒体类CAudioPlayer的头文件用了高层音频服务媒本控制接口MCI支持WAV,MID,MP3,VCD,AVI,CD,MPEG等全部WINDOWS支持的文件格式。-Broadcast media CAudioPlayer the first paper has high-level audio service MCI media control interface to support the WAV, MID, MP3, VCD, AVI, CD, MPEG, and all other WINDOWS supported file format.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : sword

用MFC写的媒体服务器,windows media service sdk 开发的-流媒体服务器源码
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.32mb Publisher : cao

DL : 0
一本学习DirectShow的电子书,很有帮助,是学习DirectShow不可缺- - Autorun menu for linking to the resources on this CD - Source files for all example programs and tools in the book - Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) - Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - Electronic version of the book (eBook) - Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 - Microsoft Word Viewer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.28mb Publisher : Test 控制 windows media remote control the windows media service
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 655kb Publisher : evendou

这本书包含十九章,分解成两个主要部分。在第1部分中,我们将引导您通过 应用开发生命周期。你会去编写最简单的“你好 世界“风格的Windows Phone 7的应用程序,以建设一个成熟的,现代的n层应用程序使用 Windows手机开发平台和支持它的独特的云服务。 “ 节最后对如何获得微软认证,并提供了一个一步一步指令 向公众中的应用,通过Windows电话市场。 在第2部分中,您将学习如何使用在您的应用程序中的Windows Phone设备的具体功能, 包括加速度计,位置服务,应用程序栏,无功的扩展,应用程序枢纽 集成,应用程序生命周期事件,隔离存放,Silverlight中,XAML,剥皮控制,网络 浏览器控件,媒体元素,照片,推送通知,内化,和安全性。虽然每个 其章节是一个教程,你也可以使用第2部分作为参考。每章将集中于一个单一 手机功能和如何将其纳入您的应用程序提供一步一步的说明。 在多种领域的应用。它是免费的,便携,功能强大,并显着 易于使用。-The book contains nineteen chapters broken into two major parts. In Part 1, we will walk you through the development life cycle of the application. You will go from coding the simplest possible “Hello World”–style Windows Phone 7 application to building a full-blown, modern n-tier application that uses both the Windows Phone development platform and the unique cloud services that support it. The section concludes with step-by-step instruction on how to gain certification from Microsoft and offer an application to the public through the Windows Phone Marketplace. In Part 2, you will learn how to use specific features of Windows Phone devices in your applications, including the accelerometer, location service, application bar, reactive extensions, application hub integration, application life cycle events, isolated storage, Silverlight, XAML, skinning controls, web browser controls, media elements, photos, push notifications, internalization, and security. While each of its cha
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.25mb Publisher : 威震开

《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例- Window media programming and Applications (Lei Xiao, Tsinghua University), a book of all the source code, relating to windows media player SDK, encoder sdk, service SDK, Rights manager SDK, etc., the use of VC and VB both languages, are Study good examples of media SDK
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : wang

《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例- Window media programming and Applications (Lei Xiao, Tsinghua University), a book of all the source code, relating to windows media player SDK, encoder sdk, service SDK, Rights manager SDK, etc., the use of VC and VB both languages, are Study good examples of media SDK
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 950kb Publisher : wang

音乐播放器,可播放大部份与微软Windows Media Player兼容的媒体档案格式,当中包括非串流处理的档案类型(mp3,wav,mid,avi,mpg)和串流处理的档案类型(asf,wma,wwmv) 您亦可以使用预先制作好的播放清单 (如: pls,m3u)。如果您想要利用本程序做为串流媒体服务,您可能需要准备一些串流处理媒体的执行文件 (如: asx,wax,wvx)。为你的网页增加个音 -The music player can play most of the media files compatible with Microsoft Windows Media Player format, including non-streaming file types (mp3, wav, MID, avi, mpg) and the streaming file types (asf wma, wwmv) You also can use the pre-made playlists (such as: pls, m3u). If you want to use this program as a streaming media service, you may need to prepare some of the streaming media of the executable file (such as: asx, wax, wvx). Add a sound to your web page
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 85kb Publisher : lmargin

流媒体服务器的主要功能是以流式协议(RTP/RTSP、MMS、RTMP等)将视频文件传输到客户端,供用户在线观看;也可从视频采集、压缩软件接收实时视频流,再以流式协议直播给客户端。典型的流媒体服务器有微软的Windows Media Service(WMS),它采用MMS协议接收、传输视频,采用Windows Media Player(WMP)作为前端播放器;RealNetworks公司的Helix Server,采用RTP/RTSP协议接收、传输视频,采用Real Player作为播放前端;Adobe公司的Flash Media Server,采用RTMP(RTMPT/RTMPE/RTMPS)协议接收、传输视频,采用Flash Player作为播放前端。值得注意的是,随着Adobe公司的Flash播放器的普及(根据Adobe官方数据,Flash播放器装机量已高达99%以上),越来越多的网络视频开始采用Flash播放器作为播放前端,因此,越来越多的企业开始采用兼容Flash播放器的流媒体服务器,而开始淘汰其他类型的流媒体服务器。支持Flash播放器的流媒体服务器,除了Adobe Flash Media Server,还有sewise的流媒体服务器软件和Ultrant Flash Media Server流媒体服务器软件,以及基于Java语言的开源软件Red5。
Update : 2014-06-22 Size : 170.7kb Publisher : yugui2008

XEngine主要提供了网络与通信引擎和网络中间件开发的SDK,此引擎内部采用C/C++开发.你可以使用C/C++,VB,DELPHI,E等语言作为其开发语言来调用此引擎的SDK.它是一个跨平台,稳定可靠的网络通信引擎。你可以在这套引擎上面快速的部署你的网络应用程序环境。 你可以使用这套SDK,开发你想要的任何网络与通信程序或服务,包括不限于:聊天服务,视频会议,语音会议,文件服务,远程监控,日志服务,HTTP服务,代理服务,数据转发服务,消息服务,安全验证,流媒体服务,音视频编解码,P2P等等相关工具和服务的开发。(Xengine mainly provides SDK for network and communication engine and network middleware development. The engine is developed by C / C + +. You can use C / C + +, VB, Delphi, e and other languages as its development languages to call the SDK of this engine. It is a cross platform, stable and reliable network communication engine. You can quickly deploy your network application environment on this engine. You can use this SDK to develop any network and communication program or service you want, including but not limited to: chat service, video conference, voice conference, file service, remote monitoring, log service, HTTP service, proxy service, data forwarding service, message service, security verification, streaming media service, audio and video codec, P2P and other related tools and services.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54.63mb Publisher : aaadddzxc
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