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一个SIP电话的服务器端软件,负责用户相关配置信息的加密,压缩。工作于WINDOWS平台,使用JAVA开发。-a SIP phone server software for user configuration information related to encryption, compression. Work on Windows platform, the use of Java development.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 146.91kb Publisher : 何野

windows/linux平台下C语言编写的sip软电话siphon最新版本。-windows/linux platform C language prepared by the sip soft phone siphon latest version.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 746kb Publisher : 姓名

采用SIP协议编写的IP电话程序,运行于Windows平台,VC++编写 -prepared using SIP IP telephony program, which runs on the Windows platform, VC prepared
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 991kb Publisher : weisong

这是从事软电话开发的人必须的库文件,完整提供给大家,希望对大家有用,少走弯路希望珍惜此库,我花费半个月时间-is engaged in the development of the soft phone must be of the library, complete with everyone, we hope that the right useful, detours hope that the treasure of this, I spent half the time
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 569kb Publisher : zhangfei

一个SIP电话的服务器端软件,负责用户相关配置信息的加密,压缩。工作于WINDOWS平台,使用JAVA开发。-a SIP phone server software for user configuration information related to encryption, compression. Work on Windows platform, the use of Java development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 147kb Publisher : 何野

由基于SIP协议的国际VOIP组织linphone推出的标准RTP/RTCP实现。并提供了多个例子程序,可以在linux或者windows平台下实现对流媒体的传输与控制。-By the SIP-based VOIP international standards organization launched Linphone RTP/RTCP realize. And provide a number of examples of the procedure, you can under linux or windows platform realize convection media transmission and control.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 444kb Publisher : 丁力

在WINDOWS下的SIP服务端程序,可用.作为开发测试非常不错-Under the SIP in the WINDOWS client service procedures, can be used. As a very good development and testing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : 成龙

DL : 0
真正的基于SIP和windows的语音通信,可以分析代码与程序-The real and the windows of SIP-based voice communications, can be analyzed with the procedure code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.47mb Publisher : ccxxzcv

最新版本的h323软电话(2007-2008),开源代码。图形模式。需要openh323和pwlib库,我编译通过了,具有较高的参考价值。研究这个例子可以知道怎么在windows下利用openh323开发一个商用的软h323电话。-The latest version of h323 soft phone (2007-2008), open-source code. Graphics mode. Need Openh323 and pwlib libraries, compiler, I passed, with a high reference value. Study this example, we can know how in windows using Openh323 the development of a commercial soft-h323 phone.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 242kb Publisher : skysideme

本文提出了一种基于SIP协议的软件电话的软件结构和设计实现方案。该方案以嵌入式Windows CE为平台,中间件采用开源的SIP协议栈oSIP/eXosip,通过协议栈的移植和在协议栈之上应用程序的开发,实现了SIP软件电话。测试结果表明,该软件电话在布置Windows CE的PDA上具有良好的语音通话质量。 -In this paper, a software-based SIP-phone software architecture and design to achieve the program. The program is embedded Windows CE as a platform, using open-source middleware SIP protocol stack oSIP/eXosip, through the protocol stack of transplantation and in the protocol stack on top of application development and achieving a SIP software phone. Test results show that the layout of the software phone in the PDA on Windows CE has a good voice call quality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 143kb Publisher : 杰哥

Windows Mobile Professional 6 及更高版本上利用SMS自动进行状态回复的程序。还包括了以下演示: 使用SMS拦截; 使用配置文件; 检查Outlook约会信息; 基于定制策略对不同电话号码作出不同反应; 使用SIP; 在Windows移动设备上使用db4; 使用提示; 多语言界面和本地化。-Trombone a utility for automating status reply via SMS on Windows Mobile Professional 6 or later. It also demostrates: How to use SMS interception How to use configuration file How to check Outlook appointment information How to react with different phone number based on custom policy How to deal with SIP How to use db4o on Windows Mobile device How to use notification How to enable multilingual user interface and do localization
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 572kb Publisher : mesmerism

Windows 下的H323软电话源码, H323和SIP是 下一代网络 NGN 的重要终端协议, 对软电话的开发有重要参考意义-Under the Windows source code H323 Softphone, H323 and SIP is an important next generation network NGN terminal agreements, the development of the soft phone has important reference value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : panenlei

SIPOHONE Active控件,基于RTC1.3组件,可以向MGC发起呼叫。基于windows的Vc6/vs2005-a COM/OCX Sip-phone, based RTC 1.3. the COM can call a MGC,or call other SIP-Phone. provied Vc6 Project & vs2005 sln.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : hsliu2

linphone-3.3.0 版本,这个就不多做介绍了,知道的人都知道!如果还是不知道,那么看看下面英文的介绍吧。-Features Linphone provides a large amount of functionalities. List of supported features: * audio with the following codecs: speex (narrow band and wideband), G711 (ulaw,alaw), GSM, and iLBC (through an optional plugin) * video with codecs: H263-1998, MPEG4, theora and H264 (thanks to a plugin based on x264), with resolutions from QCIF(176x144) to SVGA(800x600) provided that network bandwidth and cpu power are sufficient. * Supports any webcam with V4L or V4L2 driver under linux * Any webcam on windows * text instant messaging and presence (using the SIMPLE standart) * Addressbook * DTMF (telephone tones) support using SIP INFO or RFC2833 * understands SIP ENUMS (sip phone numbers using the naptr DNS service, without proxy) * echo cancelation using the great speex echo canceler * SIP proxy support: registrar, proxies, with digest authentication * STUN support for traversal of UDP NATs (=firewall) * sound backend using either ALSA (t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.86mb Publisher : 独孤一笑

我这里有一个SIP软件包,和大家分享。可以用来集成到Windows应用中,接入很简单,不需要了解SIP。-A small sip phone pacakge to share. It runs on Windows. Easy to integrate and no SIP knowledge is needed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 358kb Publisher : jessica

给wince5.0/6.0和windows mobile使用的sip phone的源代码,测试的平台包括s3c6410的wince平台,windows mobile 6.5的模拟器,及多款Wince的手机,当前仅支持音频,视频功能被关闭.(如需定制,可联系 sip phone for wince and windows mobile,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 503kb Publisher : 朱五

一种基于sip协议的软电话的设计实现方案,基于windows平台,用vc++编写-Based on the soft phone sip protocol design scheme, based on windows platform, written by vc++
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 931kb Publisher : 莫月齐

开源的SIP协议库3.6,支持WINDOWS、linux,可用于开发SIP软电话,这是2011年10月最新版本-Open-source SIP protocol library 3.6, support for WINDOWS, linux, can be used to develop SIP soft phone, which is the latest version of October 2011
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 584kb Publisher : 王华彬

最新版本的ppsip v3 SDK(采用全新的架构,并添加了视频支持,音视频引擎使用GIPS(基于WebRTC))发布了(联系。 它具有以下特点: 1. 提供High level和Low Level两层API,high level只有10个函数,可以让你在极短的时间内开发出一个功能全面,稳定且强大的视频电话。而low level的 api有上百个,让你的灵活性更大。 2. 基于最新版本的osip,exosip,对RFC3261协议簇支持更全面,功能更强大,更稳定。 3. 音视频引擎使用GIPS Video Engine/Voice Engine(基于最新版本的WebRTC构建),音频编码支持711,729,iLBC,iSAC等,音效支持EC(回音消除),NS(噪音抑制),VAD等 4. 视频使用DirectX采集播放,视频编码支持H264, H263,MPEG等,支持CIF,QCIF,QVGA等多种主流分辨率,效果更好更清晰 5. Android和iOS移动版本采用和Windows同样的版本,易于开发多平台却不增加太多的开发工作量 6. 提供良好的技术支持(联系 Sip Phone Based on PPSIP V3 SDK (based on osip, exosip , GIPS Video Engine/Voice Engine/WEBRTC), Please contact for more information。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.38mb Publisher : 朱五

Linux下搭建一个Sip服务器之前也在windows下找到了一个不错的Sip服务器:MiniSipServer(MSS),可见这篇文章,但是可惜的是MSS要求本地的所有PHONE都必须发送Authentication也就是授权消息,我还没做这个,所以只能留在以后使用了。因此就找到了这个在linux平台下的OpenSips,开放了源代码,配置自由的工具(But unfortunately, MSS requires all the local PHONE must send Authentication, that is, the authorized message)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 90kb Publisher : breastist
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