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Windows 2000/XP UPS电源管理服务接口动态库,源代码出自WINDOWS XP DDK。-Windows 2000/XP UPS management services interface DLL, source code from Windows XP DDK.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.3kb Publisher : 杨明

WDM驱动程序实例,用DriverStudio加Windows Xp DDK写的。-WDM example, use Windows Xp DriverStudio increase DDK wrote.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 392.41kb Publisher : 孙俊

Windows 2000/XP UPS电源管理服务接口动态库,源代码出自WINDOWS XP DDK。-Windows 2000/XP UPS management services interface DLL, source code from Windows XP DDK.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 杨明

WDM驱动程序实例,用DriverStudio加Windows Xp DDK写的。-WDM example, use Windows Xp DriverStudio increase DDK wrote.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 392kb Publisher : 孙俊

windowsXP的DDK,用来开发WINDOWS的驱动程序,有些用户无法登陆国外网站,可以使用这个。-windowsXP the DDK, used to develop Windows drivers, Some users can not landing overseas sites can use this.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 845kb Publisher :

这是青少年卫士网络版的Rip版,版本号为2.1,基于费尔的Ndis Hook技术.相比正式版,除了去掉了无关紧要的注册和升级,其余一字未改. 目录列表: TGuard 应用程序目录 TGuard_sys For 2k的驱动程序 Release 存放应用程序 Def 应用程序和驱动共用的一个定义文件 Tools 工具 安装: 将.sys文件放到\windows\system32\driver目录下,导入Tools目录中installHook.reg,重启. 注意点: 支持winRoute,Winxp带的ics共享,isa Server, 不支持sygate. 对网卡无限制. V2.1 => V2.2的改动: 从Ndis Hook技术改为基于DDK带的passthru. (*) 懂Ndis的话,只需5分钟,直接复制几个文件,加10行以内代码就可从V2.1改为V2.2。-This is the youth version of the network guards Rip version, version 2.1, Based on the Ndis Fernando Hook technology. Compared to the official version, in addition to eliminating the irrelevant to the registration and upgrading, The remaining unchanged word. directory listing : TGuard application directory TGuard_sys For 2k Driver Release deposit Def up application procedures and application-driven definition of a common document Tools tool installation : will. sys files on \ windows \ system32 \ directory driver, Introduction Tools directory installHook.reg restart. attention : winRoute support, Winxp belt ics sharing, isa Server, not to support sygate. unrestricted right card. V2.1 =
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 892kb Publisher : cnbeta1985

Visual C++ 6.0、Windows98/2000/XP DDK 下面的USB设备驱动程序开发框架-Visual C 6.0, Windows98/2000/XP DDK below the USB Device Driver Development Framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 王磊

USB View 源码 VC DDK .-USB View source VC DDK USB View source VC DDK.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 胡长发

XP DDK文档.对于开发驱动的朋友很有帮助. 搞Windows下驱动的朋友欢迎多联系.-XP DDK脦脛渭渭. 露 脭脫脷 驴 陋 垄 脟媒 露 炉 渭脛脜贸脫脩 潞 脺脫脨 掳 茂脰煤. 赂 茫Windows脧脗脟媒 露 炉 渭脛脜贸脫脩 禄露 脫 露 脿脕 陋 脧渭.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Alex

windows xp驱动开发必要步骤,在visual c++环境下配置-windows xp driver development the necessary steps, in the visual c++ environment configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 865kb Publisher : hebing

最新的sfilter 源码 (ifs 2k3 sp1中取得) 我的使用的是ifs ddk for 2003,具体版本号为3790,但是我实际用来开发的两台机器有一台是windows 2000, 另一台是windows 2003.我尽量使我编译出来的驱动,可以在2000\xp\2003三种系统上都通过测试。 同时最新的测试表明,在Vista系统上,sfilter也可以正常的运行 -SFilter latest source (ifs 2k3 sp1 achieved) using my ifs ddk for 2003, the specific version number for 3790, but I actually used to develop the two machines is to have a windows 2000, another is windows 2003 . I will try my best and I compile the driver out, you can 2000 \ xp \ 2003 three systems have passed the test. At the same time, the latest test shows that the Vista system, sfilter can also run the normal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 77kb Publisher : jiaochunqiang

[mod]EasySYS for vs2005 改了份easysys, 在sudami ,ChiChou的基础上修改. 谢谢开源~~ 修复一个VC6 + DDK2003的bug 把MyZwDriverControl.c加到的TestApp里, 现在TestApp可以自己加载/卸载sys了(exe,sys得在同一目录) 支持WDK + Vista/2008 根据(DDK + OS)选择build参数 去掉内存泄漏. 然后还改了一堆东西... 主要用于VS2005. -------------------------------- ps:启动控制台(如: Windows XP Checked Build Environment), 输入BLD,也可编译 -...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 199kb Publisher : zb

The book represents the systematised introduction in programming of drivers Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 and Windows 98/Me with use Microsoft Windows DDK.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : sxd

搭建一个完整的Windows驱动开发环境Windows XP + VC 6.0 + WinXP_DDK + DriverStudio 3.2 .doc-Set up a complete development environment for Windows Driver Windows XP+ VC 6.0+ WinXP_DDK+ DriverStudio 3.2. Doc
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : qiuyigui

windows xp 的ddk中自带的passthru。可以学习使用。-windows xp ddk passthru。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : chenqiang

WRAPI is a software library that allows applications running in user space on mobile end stations to query information about the IEEE 802.11 network they are attached to. WRAPI 1.0 is implemented on the Windows XP operating system and is a hardware-independent tool that works with any IEEE 802.11b wireless network hardware vendor. -The hardware requirements for running WRAPI are as follows: A wireless LAN based on the IEEE 802.11b standard, configured with one or more access points in infrastructure mode. A high-performance laptop or workstation with an X86 processor. Wireless Network adapters (NICs) from any hardware vendor for an IEEE 802.11b-based wireless LAN. The software requirements are as follows: Windows XP operating system. Windows XP miniport drivers for the NIC Windows XP DDK (driver development kit)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.37mb Publisher : haha

仿icesword软件。适合单核 Windows XP SP2系统,基于VS2005编写。驱动层采用Windows DDK 3790.1830编写-Imitation icesword software. Suitable for single-core Windows XP SP2 system, based on the preparation of VS2005. Driver layer prepared using Windows DDK 3790.1830
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.44mb Publisher : dailin

主要是U 盘加密的。可以对U盘 进行加密,是一个难得的例子-Files Description: DD\EDDrv.c: The on-the-fly encryption/decryption filter driver. DD\EdDrv.h: Main header file for the above. DD\IoctlCmd.h: Containing the IOCTLs for the driver. DD\EdDrv.lib: The library file containing the core of FastIO and Memory mapped file IO handling DD\EDDrvLib: Header file for the above library. DD\Makefile: Makefile for the driver. DD\Sources: Sources file for the driver. The current build has been done using Windows XP DDK checked build environment. Also since the domain name--against which the retrieved domain name is to be matched--is currently hard coded. Hence the hard coded name has to be change before compiling the user mode program The .lib file which has been provided in \DD\DD folder is checked built using Win XP DDK as of now.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.45mb Publisher : kennethroger

VC编程的Windows XP DDK的所有头文件-VC programming for all Windows XP DDK header files
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 703kb Publisher : 陈大民

windows xp 操作系统的设备开发包ddk-windows xp ddk
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 835kb Publisher : zeet
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