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Description: 用C#编写的简易的计算器,适合新手学习,可以实现连续运算-With C# Prepared simple calculator, suitable for novices to learn, can achieve continuous operation
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: LiuZH | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: 简单的抓取edushi的地图,因为他的地图暂时没有版权问题,可以用来做些打印-Crawl edushi simple map, the map because he has no copyright issues, can be used to do print
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: robone | Hits:


Description: A*算法的c#实现,一个课程作业可以帮你学习经典算法-A* algorithm implementation c#, a curriculum homework
Platform: | Size: 354304 | Author: gongwang | Hits:


Description: C#语言实现的文字速排程序源码,真的很有用的东西-C# language text speed scheduling procedure source, really useful stuff
Platform: | Size: 622592 | Author: 张辉 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: 将黑色转化成白色,谢谢各位使用,祝你性情愉快-Will be transformed into black and white, thank you to use
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 魏玲 | Hits:


Description: 图书馆管理系统 1. 登录界面 图书馆工作人员进入系统前,必须事先登录。 -Library management system 1. Login interface library staff before entering the system must first log on.
Platform: | Size: 596992 | Author: Fang | Hits:


Description: 使用winsheel开发的c#目录浏览器,已做成usercontrol控件,可以嵌入窗体使用,使用方式: 拷贝CYFolderBrowse.dll到工程, 添加为工程引用 添加为部件引用后,就可以在toolbox中看到 附件里还包括了调用例子,主要是使用onSelected事件-Winsheel developed using the directory browser c#, have caused usercontrol control, you can use the embedded form, use: CYFolderBrowse.dll copy to the project, add reference to add the project references for the parts, you can see in the toolbox annex also includes examples of the call, the main event is the use of onSelected
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: cybaiu | Hits:


Description: Siemens Mobile Manager
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: TALGA | Hits:


Description: C#开发的一个简单程序,利用自定义控件实现电子图书的收藏,管理,评价,删除和相关信息的添加,数据存储在本地.dat文件中-C# to develop a simple procedure, the use of custom control electronic book collection, management, evaluation, delete, and add relevant information, data stored in the local. Dat file
Platform: | Size: 1111040 | Author: 葛李欣 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: 字典处理程序,能够快速处理Text的字典。-handling dictionary
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: Kan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: A source for tetris game, written from beggining.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: sdfsdfsdfsdf | Hits:

[Other GamesWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: Đ ị t mẹ chúng mày, diễ n đ àn như cái con cặ c, bắ t bố mày up code đ ể kích hoạ t tài khoả n, chúng mày có biế t đ ọ c tiế ng Việ t khô ng thế , muố n chử i nhau hã y liên hệ qua mail: toingungoc456@rocketmail.com -Đ ị t mẹ chúng mày, diễ n đ àn như cái con cặ c, bắ t bố mày up code đ ể kích hoạ t tài khoả n, chúng mày có biế t đ ọ c tiế ng Việ t khô ng thế , muố n chử i nhau hã y liên hệ qua mail: toingungoc456@rocketmail.com
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: duc | Hits:


Description: C#下利用TCO通讯协定资料传输程式范例。-C# under the use of TCO data transfer protocol program examples.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: deno.tw | Hits:


Description: example of using form application in c#
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: ramona | Hits:


Description: firt tuto to using zedgraph
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: akkak | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: windows窗体结构示例,vs2008-WindowsFormsApplication made by vs2008
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 成风风 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: 读存储过程,通过一种新的方法读取存储过程。
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: yang | Hits:


Description: 在ASP。net下的域名以及ip之间的双向解析-In the ASP. net domain names and ip under the two-way analysis
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: wangyaya | Hits:


Description: 随机生成点的组合并找到最短遍历路径(贪心法)-Combination of randomly generated points and find the shortest traversal path (greedy method)
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: xqh | Hits:

[Picture ViewerWindowsFormsApplication1

Description: for bmp imges >>i send only my first a-for bmp imges >>i send only my first app
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: santana | Hits:
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