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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.44kb Publisher : 苏文

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power control génération statcom
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : riad

讲解了变桨距风力发电机组的相关知识,包括其特点、运行控制系统及功率控制等。华北电力大学课堂使用的PPT。-On the variable pitch wind turbine related knowledge,the characteristics, operation control and power control. North China Electric Power University class using ppt.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 433kb Publisher :

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风力发电功率最大跟踪matlab/simulink仿真 -windpower MPPT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 陈一帆

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含风电潮流计算 Matlab代码 不过貌似有点问题 请高手指正 并发到 Flow With WindPower
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 卢鹏铭

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直驱风力发电并网模型,matlab仿真控制模型-wind power mppt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 向涛

全功率风电变频器 设计资料 很有用的参考资料-full power windpower inverter design it will beuseful to you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 974kb Publisher : 赵香桂

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simple model of wind power generation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : liam

本程序是进行风力发电的测试系统,可以直接进行在线监测-windpower monitor system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22.6mb Publisher : xkissing

Windpower technology dates back many centuries. There are historical claims that wind machines which harness the power of the wind date back beyond the time of the ancient Egyptians. Hero of Alexandria used a simple windmill to power an organ whilst the Babylonian emperor, Hammurabi, used windmills for an ambitious irrigation project as early as the 17th century BC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 226kb Publisher : visu

The Persians built windmills in the 7th century AD for milling and irrigation and rustic mills similar to these early vertical axis designs can still be found in the region today. In Europe the first windmills were seen much later, probably having been introduced by the English on their return from the crusades in the middle east or possibly transferred to Southern Europe by the Muslims after their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. It was in Europe that much of the subsequent technical development took place. By the late part of the 13th century the typical ‘European windmill’ had been developed and this became the norm until further developments were introduced during the 18th century. At the end of the 19th century there were more than 30,-The Persians built windmills in the 7th century AD for milling and irrigation and rustic mills similar to these early vertical axis designs can still be found in the region today. In Europe the first windmills were seen much later, probably having been introduced by the English on their return from the crusades in the middle east or possibly transferred to Southern Europe by the Muslims after their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. It was in Europe that much of the subsequent technical development took place. By the late part of the 13th century the typical ‘European windmill’ had been developed and this became the norm until further developments were introduced during the 18th century. At the end of the 19th century there were more than 30,000
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 292kb Publisher : visu

随着可持续发展理念的深入,风力发电作为可再生能源得到了快速的发 展。风力发电系统的仿真在风力发电系统分析,发电量分析和电网的能量的 分析中都起到了非常重要的作用。 本文应用 MATLAB 软件,对风速、风轮、传动机构、发电机、与风力发 电相关的电力电子系统建立了数学模型,并进行仿真进方面的研究,得到了 可供分析的仿真结果。介绍了风力发电机组的控制技术,主要是变桨距控制 和发电机变速控制,并利用 MATLAB 软件对变桨距控制系统和低于额定风速 和高于额定风速时的变速风力发电系统进行了仿真。对双馈发电机的解耦控 制进行了仿真。并列举了典型的风力发电系统仿真实例。 -With the wild spread of concept of continuable development , wind power generation, as a renewable resource, is getting fast development. The simulation of wind power system play a important role in yield of analysis of wind power generation system, the quantity of wind power generation , power generation system. This paper establish wind model, the wind turbine rotor model, drive trains model, induction machine model , the electric power electron parts of wind power generation model, Then using soft of MATLAB, we realize the simulation. It introduces the control technology of wind turbine, mainly including variable blade pitch and variable speed control of wind turbine. Using Matlab simulate these. And lists an example of practical applying.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : 孙攀

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配电网中风力发电的可靠性评估模型,与风电接入配网后的孤岛运行非常重要-Reliability uation model of wind power generation, power distribution network with wind distribution network after the island operation is very important
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lixuan

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thanx u gav me a nice option to upload and take models
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : suraj

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this file includes wind power conversion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.85mb Publisher : hakn

风力发电仿真MATLAB simulink仿真,可以运行(this is amodel of windpower,BY MATLAB simulink)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 65kb Publisher : merry0111
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