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网络抓包程序的引擎,还包含几个例子 - drivers Binaries of WinPcap s drivers and DLLs for Win95/98/ME, WinNT4 and Win2K. Useful to test the programs. - examples Sample applications showing various uses of winpcap and packet.dll. - lib rary files needed to create capture applications - include include files needed to create capture applications -procedures capturing Packet networks, it also contains several examples- drivers Binaries of WinPcap s drivers and DLLs for Win95/98/ME, quietly and Win2K. Useful to test the programs.- Sample applications examples showing various uses of of winpcap and packet.dll .- lib library files needed to create capture applications-include include files needed to create applications capture
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 489kb Publisher : 公维宾

1:分发包中的 WinPcap_2_3.exe 为糸统加入PACKET.DLL底层支持,请先安装! 源程序中有许多问题,欢迎大家改正, 2:CSniff:网络包捕获类。。。。利用PACKET.DLL 3:CHTTPSocket: 利用Sock发送/接收网络包 4:包含网址和参数的文本文档放在与生成后的应用程序同一个目录下。 5:网址和参数的文本文档名应设为:BPON.txt 偶数行为网址,奇数行为参数。 6:记得在编译环境里加入LIB文件----Link---->packet.lib ws2_32.lib(winsock第二版) -1: The distribution package for the system which is joined PACKET.DLL WinPcap_2_3.exe underlying support, install! Source of many problems, we welcome correction, 2: CSniff: network packet capture class. . . . Using PACKET.DLL 3: CHTTPSocket: Using Sock send/receive network packet 4: contains the URL and parameters and generate a text document on the application after the same directory. 5: Web site the text of the document name and parameters should be set: BPON.txt behavior at even, odd behavior parameters. 6: Remember to add the LIB file compilation environment---- Link----> packet.lib ws2_32.lib (winsock Second Edition)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 424kb Publisher : hyboo
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