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微软亚洲研究院论文:IEEE802.11无线局域网中吞吐量及服务质量的优化-Microsoft Asia Research Institute Papers : IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN throughput and quality of service optimization
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 213kb Publisher : 站长

随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustainable development. However, multi-hop mesh networks encountered more and more problems, such as lower bandwidth, wireless interference and network delay, and so on. For example, in each of the network throughput would drop jump up to 50%, for a number of cases jumped more rapid decline in throughput, The results will lead to serious network performance lower. In voice and video applications running of a large number of extreme cases, delay and RF interference will reach an unacceptable level. which led to the link severed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 204kb Publisher : wolfguy

随着无线mesh网络的普及,其规模和复杂程度持续发展。然而多跳的mesh网络遇到越来越多的难题,比如带宽降低,无线干扰以及网络时延等。譬如,在网络中的每一跳吞吐量会下降多达50%,连续多跳情况下吞吐量下降得更迅速,其结果将导致网络性能的严重降低。在语音和视频应用大量运行的极端情况下,时延和RF干扰将达到不可接受的程度,而导致连接完全中断-wireless mesh network with the popularity of its size and complexity of sustainable development. However, multi-hop mesh networks encountered more and more problems, such as lower bandwidth, wireless interference and network delay, and so on. For example, in each of the network throughput would drop jump up to 50%, for a number of cases jumped more rapid decline in throughput, The results will lead to serious network performance lower. In voice and video applications running of a large number of extreme cases, delay and RF interference will reach an unacceptable level. which led to the link severed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 220kb Publisher : wolfguy

This simulation exercise explores the impact of MAC overhead and multiple hops on achievable data throughput in a wireless network. -This simulation exercise explores the impact of MAC overhead and multiple hops on achievable data throughput in a wireless network.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 何星

ns2无线吞吐量awk文件,可以直接用的!计算吞吐量的-ns2 wireless throughput awk files, can be directly used! Calculation of throughput
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王二

AWK脚本分析无线网络的吞吐量,主要是用于分析无线网络中经过ns-2模拟得到的trace文件-AWK script analysis of the throughput of wireless networks is mainly used to analyze wireless networks through ns-2 simulation of the trace file
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dazirandelv

ns2下仿真有线网络的延时、抖动、吞吐量的实验源码-ns2 simulation under the cable network delay, jitter, throughput experimental source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 351kb Publisher : 蔡凌

DL : 1
设定无线接入点能够始终提供最大吞吐量,终端节点的冗余通信模块各自的网络信道信噪比值随机变化,由此计算得冗余网络各自的CHF值。CHF切换机制根据冗余网络各自的采样值大小进行切换判决,考虑门限的CHF切换机制根据设定的上下切换门限值进行切换判决-Configure wireless access points can always provide the maximum throughput, end-node redundant network communication module respective channel signal to noise ratio value of random changes, which calculated the respective redundant network CHF values. CHF redundant network switching mechanism in accordance with their respective values of the size of the sampling switch decision, consider the threshold of CHF switch mechanism according to set upper and lower limit switch door switch decision
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王一

finalthroughputAWK脚本分析无线网络的吞吐量 对坐NS2的网络分析很有用 -script analysis finalthroughputAWK wireless network throughput to sit NS2 network analysis is useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wang

Advanced Wireless communications 4G Technologies Savo Glisic
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.12mb Publisher :

研究了多速率mesh网络中节点的吞吐量.:提出了多速率无线Mesh网络中节点吞吐量分析模型,用以分析在公平性保证条件下基于IEEE 802·11协 议构建的无线Mesh网络节点吞吐量.该模型计算出不同速率无线链路发送数据包的时间,寻找网络中单位时间 内完成数据包发送时间最大的瓶颈冲突域,根据瓶颈冲突域内负载流量速率得到节点吞吐量最大值.仿真结果表 明,该方法计算出的节点最大吞吐量与网络仿真结果一致,可以准确分析多速率无线Mesh网络节点吞吐量. -Studied the multi-rate mesh network node throughput.: A multi-rate wireless Mesh network node throughput analysis model to analyze the conditions to guarantee the fairness of IEEE 802.11-based protocol to build a wireless network node throughput Mesh . The model calculated rate of wireless link to send a different packet of time, look for the network per unit time to complete a packet send time biggest bottlenecks in the domain of conflict, according to the bottleneck load flow rate region of conflict to be the maximum node throughput. The simulation results show that the method to calculate the maximum throughput of the node with the network simulation results can be an accurate analysis of multi-rate wireless Mesh network node throughput.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 218kb Publisher : 胡位

DL : 0
(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第三章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : 史志举

DL : 0
(书)现代通信系统使用MATLAB第四章-ALLIANCES is a recently proposed cooperative random access protocol for wireless networks. In this paper we modify the original model to include user location information. We also derive pair-wise error probability (PEP) under Rayleigh flat fading channel and a power-law attenuation environment. Based on the PEP analysis we propose an optimal relay selection scheme, which achieves significant throughput gains as compared to the random relay selection scheme in the original ALLIANCES.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 史志举

计算无线网络的吞吐量,传输层的吞吐量分析,能够自定义无线网络的节点个数,控制发包速率-Calculate throughput of the wireless network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 最初的梦想

This file to calculate throughput from simulation wireless link network with NS2 simulator.-This is file to calculate throughput from simulation wireless link network with NS2 simulator.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : TR

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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 242kb Publisher : meriem

ns2无线有线跟踪文件分析例子,主要包括吞吐量,丢包率,时延等-ns2 wireless trace file analysis wired examples include throughput, packet loss rate, delay, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 110kb Publisher : feitian

DL : 0
无线网络中吞吐量、丢包率、端到端时延的测量 希望有帮助-Wireless network throughput, packet loss rate, end to end delay measured want to help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : chen lu

一本介绍802.11n标准的书籍,next-generation-wireless-lans-throughput-robustness-and-reliability-in-802.11n 现在有该书的中文翻译版,如果英语可以的话最好看英文原版。-An 802.11n standard describes the books, next-generation-wireless-lans-throughput-robustness-and-reliability-in-802.11n is now the Chinese translation of the book, would be best if the English can see the English original.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : whl

自己编写的关于无线脚本的trace文件分析awk文件。 在无线网络层仿真中,使用NS2软件的必修课就是使用AWK文件分析TRACE文件。 我所写的网络层方面的仿真大多都用这几个文件作分析--时延、吞吐量、抖动、剩余能量、丢包率。希望对你有用。-Awk file decoded by myself which can analysis trace file in wireless scenery. In wireless simulation on network layer, using awk file to analysis trace file is inevitable. i always use these awk file to analysis delay, throughput,jitter, residual energy and loss rate. I hope it can help you.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 许瑞琛
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