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《J2ME手机高级编程》从J2ME手机平台的当前主流应用和发展趋势出发,立足实际的开发案例,介绍了J2ME手机平台开发的实用技术和应用模式。本书的内容主要包括:手机文件系统、网络通信、无线通信(短信通信、彩信通信和蓝牙通信)、底层用户界面应用(游戏开发和电子地图浏览)、多媒体编程(音乐播放器、视频播放器和摄像头视频采集等)、持久化应用、移动商务应用(对象数据库Db4o和嵌入式关系型数据库Derby)和XML模型应用等。-" J2ME mobile high-level programming" from the J2ME platform for mobile phone use and development of current trends in the mainstream, the case based on the actual development on the J2ME platform for the development of mobile phone technology and the practical application mode. The contents of this book include: mobile phone file system, network communications, wireless communications (SMS communications, multimedia communications and Bluetooth communication), the bottom of the user interface application (game development and e-map browser), multimedia programming (music player, video player and video capture camera, etc.), durable applications, mobile business applications (Db4o object-oriented database and relational database embedded Derby) and the application of XML model.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 698kb Publisher :

MC44BS373CA是飞思卡尔(原摩托罗拉)公司生产的一款优秀的安防监控IC,支持中国的全部电视频道,MC44BS373高度集成,只需一片单片机向MC44BS373CA的I2C发送指令即可控制MC44BS373CA具体工作频道等参数。MC44BS373CA只接少量的外围元件既可组成一款性能优良的电视发射机。用MC4BS373CA制作的系统可以连接在DVD、摄像机等任何具有音频(Audio)和视频(Video)既AV输出的设备上,可以作为影音的无线或有线传输,可用在宾馆酒楼学校等单位的安防监控,业余爱好者的业余制作,电视维修人员的电视维修,航模爱好者还可以制作成一台小型电视发射机装在模型飞机上,在高空看看自己熟悉的城市以及童年时代玩耍过的地方,旅行探险家甚至可以用模型飞机从高空查看地形路况等等。MC44BS373CA确实是一款优秀的音频视频传输IC,客户可以根据自己的需要开发出各种用途的产品出来。 ­ -Is MC44BS373CA Freescale (formerly Motorola) produced a good security monitoring IC, the support of all the TV channels in China, MC44BS373 highly integrated, just a single chip MC44BS373CA the I2C to send commands to control specific MC44BS373CA channel parameters. MC44BS373CA then only a small number of external components can be composed of a television transmitter performance. Produced by MC4BS373CA system connected to the DVD, any video camera with audio (Audio) and video (Video) both AV output device, can be used as wireless or cable video transmission, can be used in hotel restaurants and other units of the security in schools monitoring, the amateur amateur production, television television repair maintenance personnel, the model aircraft enthusiasts can also be made into a small TV transmitter mounted on model aircraft, in high-altitude look at their own cities, as well as childhood play-off place , travel adventurers and even model aircraft can be used to view the terrain fro
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 49kb Publisher : qq306099455

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arm-linux平台的视频监控程序,usb摄像头采集视频,opencv图像处理,gsm dtu无线数据发送-arm-linux platform, video monitor, usb camera capture video, opencv image processing, gsm dtu wireless data transmission
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 559kb Publisher : 放假

截获无线网络摄像机网页客户端的IPCAM视频用于OpenCV等程序,利用厂家自带的ActiveX控件实现摄像机云台控制和画面获取 -Intercepted a wireless network camera web client IPCAM video for OpenCV and other procedures, using manufacturers own the ActiveX controls to achieve camera pan and tilt control and image acquisition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : bruce

无线视频传输,OV6620摄像头,完全源代码!-Wireless video transmission, OV6620 camera, complete source code!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : 何华

使用mini2440开发板上的GPIO接口控制载有摄像头的小车,它是无线视频小车系统比较重要的一部分源码-Mini2440 development board GPIO interface control camera car, it is a more important part of the source of the wireless video car system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 刘哥

本书从J2ME手机平台的当前主流应用和发展趋势出发,立足实际的开发案例,介绍了J2ME手机平台开发的实用技术和应用模式。本书的内容主要包括:手机文件系统、网络通信、无线通信(短信通信、彩信通信和蓝牙通信)、底层用户界面应用(游戏开发和电子地图浏览)、多媒体编程(音乐播放器、视频播放器和摄像头视频采集等)、持久化应用、移动商务应用(对象数据库Db4o和嵌入式关系型数据库Derby)和XML模型应用等。本书主要面向具有一定Java平台开发经验的开发人员,或者对手机平台开发感兴趣的Java程序员。对于初学者,笔者希望通过本书可以帮助他们快速熟悉开发环境、掌握学习手机平台开发的方法,并对J2ME手机平台框架形成清晰的认识。对于高级开发人员,笔者相信本书在蓝牙通信、电子地图、多媒体编程和移动商务应用方面会给他们带来一定的启发。 -Book starting from the current mainstream applications and development trends of the J2ME mobile phone platform based on real case, practical technology and application mode of the J2ME mobile platform. The contents of the book include: phone file system, network communications, wireless communications (SMS communication, MMS communication and Bluetooth communication), the underlying user interface application (game development and the electronic map browsing), multimedia programming (music player, video player and the acquisition of camera video, etc.), the application of persistent, mobile business applications (object database db4o and embedded relational database Derby) and XML model applications. The book mainly for the developer with some Java platform development experience, or Java programmers interested in the mobile platform. For starters, I hope that the book can help them quickly familiar with the development environment, to master the methods of learning mobile platform an
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 776kb Publisher : jaja

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wince 无线视频系统 通过摄像头采集图片 同时把已采集到的视频用H.263来压缩 然后通过调用RTP/UDP协议发送出去。-The wince wireless video camera capture images also collected video using H.263 compression and then by calling the RTP/UDP protocol to send out.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.12mb Publisher : 千千

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基于3G网络的车载视频监控终端实现.pdf 为了加强客运服务中心对长途车辆在客运途中的监管,文章提出了基于3G 网络的车辆定位和视频监控终 端,此终端采用基于ARM 处理器和ARMLINUX 嵌入式系统的平台,通过USB 摄像头获取车辆内部视频信息,由 GPS 接收机获取定位信息,最后通过3G 无线模块将监控数据实时的发送到监控服务中心,供工作人员监控和决 策之用。-Car video surveillance terminal based on 3G network. Pdf In order to enhance the passenger service center for long distance vehicles regulatory, articles in the way of passenger vehicle positioning based 3G networks and video surveillance terminal, the terminal uses based on the the ARM processor ARMLINUX embedded system platform through the USB camera for video of the interior of the vehicle, to obtain location information from the GPS receiver, and finally through the 3G wireless module will monitor real-time data is sent to the monitoring service center for staff monitoring and decision-making purposes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 339kb Publisher : www

本软件是一个android app ,可以通过wifi或3g网络连接并访问在宠物店的ip摄像头-Ucare is an Android APP designed for remote video monitoring of foster care pet. Via WIFI or 3G wireless networks ,users can visit the IP Camera installed in the foster care station to get a better knowing of their pets while they are on a travel or business trip.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 588kb Publisher : 讲讲价

基于TCP协议的Labview网络摄像头视频接收及显示、温湿度监测及控制指令远程发送上位机.vi,机器人下位机装载温湿度传检测、人体感应、红外、烟雾监测等传感器以及网络摄像头,下位机实时采集的图像视频、传感器数据等经过WiFi无线传输,上位机通过TCP协议实时接收下位机传输的数据,显示温湿度、人、烟雾等状态信息,还可以通过Labview上位机向机器人下位机远程发送转弯、前进、上楼梯等运动控制指令,并进行了简单的控件、界面美化-ON划词翻译ON实时翻译 Labview network video camera TCP protocol to receive and display, temperature and humidity monitoring and control of remote host computer sends instruction based on.Vi, robot crew loading temperature and humidity detection, the human body induction, infrared, smoke monitoring sensor and network camera, video image, the lower position machine real-time acquisition of sensor data through WiFi wireless transmission, host computer through the TCP protocol to receive real-time lower computer transmission of data, display of temperature and humidity, people, smoke and other state information, but also through the Labview host computer to the robot slave machine remote transmitting turning, forward, up the stairs and other motion control instruction, and has carried on the simple controls, to beautify the interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : walle

本系统结合嵌入式技术、图像处理技术,图像传输技术,Zigbee技术,Web服务器技术设计并实现了一种可靠性高、性能优良、成本低的嵌入式视频门铃系统。该系统使用QT编写,选用S3C6410微处理器作为核心板控制器,采用USB接口的摄像头对来访者进行录像采集,通过嵌入式Web服务器技术实现可靠的远程视频监控,采用GPRS通信技术实现与手机终端的短信通信功能,采用Zigbee技术实现了温室度的采集与无线传输。测试表明,设计的系统视频采集效率高、图像连续性好;远程控制流程延时较小;GPRS通信错误率低,温湿度采集敏感度好,系统运行稳定。-This system combines embedded technology, image processing, image transmission technology, Zigbee technology, Web server technology designed and implemented a high reliability, high performance, low cost embedded video doorbell system. The system uses QT to write, use S3C6410 microprocessor as the core board controller, USB interface camera for video capture on visitors, reliable remote video surveillance through the embedded Web server technology, using GPRS communications technology and mobile terminals SMS communication using Zigbee technology acquisition and wireless transmission of greenhouse degrees. Tests showed high efficiency design of video capture, image continuity remote control small flow delay GPRS communication error rate, temperature and humidity acquisition sensitivity is good, the system is stable.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.73mb Publisher : 裴海全

LC329是我司为工业红外相机定制开发的一款基于WIFI的无线图像传输模块。 LC329采用美国进口工业级图像处理芯片,最大程度保证图像清晰,色彩还原度高。 LC329支持NTSC/PAL制式的视频信号,能完整流程传输720x480@30帧 /720x576@25帧图像,并且该模块采用了多种业界顶尖的视频处理算法如:3D去隔 行,3D去噪滤波,H264编码等。 LC329还预留有GPIO和工业串口等扩展端口,方便其与其他部件电路通讯。 采用为Android或者Ios等移动终端的定制开发的软件客户端可以实时浏览 LC329的图像,截图和存储视频,收发控制信号等- LC329 is a wireless video transmission module based on WiFi which is customized developed for industrial infrared camera. It adopts industrial image processing chip imported USA to keep image clear and color restoration. LC329 supports the video signal of NTSC&PAL, can complete transfer 720 x480@30 frames and 720 x576@25 frames. And this module uses a variety of top video processing algorithms such as: 3D deinterlacing, 3D denoising and filtering, H.264 coding and so on. LC329 also provides extended ports like GPIO and industrial serial port to communicate with other device.With customized client software developed for android or ios devices, the client can   browse images, screenshot, store video , sending and receiving control signals, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : 张军

带有摄像头的四轮小车,摄像头置于小车正前方,将采集到的前方视频信息通过无线方式传递到远端的后台,后台终端可以是手机或者 PC,能实时显示摄像头传过来的视频信息,并且可以发送指令控制小车运行方向,避开前方的障碍物。(With a camera, four car, in front of the camera in the car, in front of video information collected by wireless transmission to the remote background, background terminal can be a mobile phone or PC, can display the camera pass over the video information in real time, and can send commands to control the car running direction, avoiding the obstacles ahead)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 56kb Publisher : QUAN0

Android APP开发 ,与无线摄像头连接,实现APP同步监看无线摄像头的视频内容(Android APP development, and wireless camera connection, realize APP synchronization watching wireless camera video content)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.01mb Publisher : caterpillarhi
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