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[OS programFaxTool

Description: 通過本例您可以看到Window托盤程序一般寫法,Shell_NotifyIcon是寫托盤程序非常重要的API函數.-passage of the cases you can see Window tray process generally worded, Shell_NotifyIcon tray is written procedures very important API function.
Platform: | Size: 29365 | Author: 張小龍 | Hits:

[OS programFaxTool

Description: 通過本例您可以看到Window托盤程序一般寫法,Shell_NotifyIcon是寫托盤程序非常重要的API函數.-passage of the cases you can see Window tray process generally worded, Shell_NotifyIcon tray is written procedures very important API function.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本人自己编写的用于文本编辑开发的小软件,功能齐全,文件很小。-I have written a text editor for the development of small software, full-featured, small file.
Platform: | Size: 1172480 | Author: 华南 | Hits:

[Database systemwordEdit

Description: 类似于记事本,但可以多个文本同时运行,基本上功能都有,开发环境为VS2005,需要数据库支持-Similar to Notepad, but they can run more than the text, basically function, development environment for the VS2005, the need for database support
Platform: | Size: 310272 | Author: ljl | Hits:

[File FormatTargetFFS-NAND

Description: User Manual for Blunk TargetFFS-NAND file systerm. Worded A.P.I. for good help for beginner development.
Platform: | Size: 266240 | Author: fanny pube | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms深入浅出数据分析.pdf

Description: 《深入浅出数据分析》以类似“章回小说”的活泼形式,生动地向读者展现优秀的数据分析人员应知应会的技术:数据分析基本步骤、实验方法、最优化方法、假设检验方法、贝叶斯统计方法、主观概率法、启发法、直方图法、回归法、误差处理、相关数据库、数据整理技巧;正文以后,意犹未尽地以三篇附录介绍数据分析十大要务、R工具及ToolPak工具,在充分展现《深入浅出数据分析》目标知识以外,为读者搭建了走向下一步深入研究的桥梁。 《深入浅出数据分析》构思跌宕起伏,行文妙趣横生,无论读者是职场老手,还是业界新人;无论是字斟句酌,还是信手翻阅,都能跟着文字在职场中走上几回,体味数据分析领域的乐趣与挑战。("Data analysis" similar to "novels" lively form, vividly to readers excellent data analysis personnel should be aware of the data analysis technology: basic steps, experiment method, optimization method and hypothesis testing methods, Bayesian statistics method, subjective probability method, heuristic method, histogram method, regression method, error handling, database, data processing skills; text, enough to three appendix introduces the data analysis of ten major priority, R tools and ToolPak tools in the show "simple data analysis" target knowledge, to build a bridge to the next study for readers. "Data analysis" concept of ups and downs, the workplace is full of wit and humour, regardless of whether the reader or industry veteran, whether it is new; carefully worded, or Xinshou read, followed by the text in the workplace can go a few times, fun and challenge in the field of data analysis experience.)
Platform: | Size: 5291008 | Author: zazuimingyue | Hits:

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