Description: 自己用java写的一个拼图游戏,虽然有些地方不完美,但自己第一次弄还蛮辛苦的。-Their use java to write a jigsaw puzzle, although some places are not perfect, but his first get quite hard. Platform: |
Size: 940032 |
Author:张许 |
Description: 用J2ME写的一个益智类手机游戏。玩家回答问题,挑战教育行业。从小学到大学,学校里有不同的答题类型,理科类、数学类、音乐类、语文类、社会类、课外类,还有难度较高的考试题,只有通过考试才能升学。玩家还必须在有限的时间内答题,开动脑力,准确判断,最终达到最高荣誉。-Used to write a J2ME mobile Puzzle Games. Players answer questions, challenge the teaching profession. From elementary school to university, the school has a different answer types, science class, math class, music class, language class, social class, extra-curricular class, there is a higher degree of difficulty of examination questions, students can only pass the exam. Players must also answer a limited time, starting brainpower and accurate judgments, and ultimately to achieve the highest honors. Platform: |
Size: 43008 |
Author:rxw27588 |