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Description: 写LOG文件程序,其以一种特定的编码向流中写入字符-LOG document written procedures, to a specific coding to flow into the characters
Platform: | Size: 12978 | Author: 武容 | Hits:


Description: 日志是程序的重要组成部分,写日志的类,能自动扩展,可写多个日志。
Platform: | Size: 6643 | Author: 黄昌勇 | Hits:


Description: LINUX C++开发的写日志函数源嘛,在新的项目中可以直接方便的使用只需要调用WriteLog就函数就行了。日志分成三级:debug,normal,alert
Platform: | Size: 2512 | Author: zuiwengoo | Hits:


Description: 写LOG文件程序,其以一种特定的编码向流中写入字符-LOG document written procedures, to a specific coding to flow into the characters
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 武容 | Hits:


Description: 日志是程序的重要组成部分,写日志的类,能自动扩展,可写多个日志。-Log is an important part of the procedure, write the type of log can be automatically extended to a number of log write.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 黄昌勇 | Hits:


Description: LINUX C++开发的写日志函数源嘛,在新的项目中可以直接方便的使用只需要调用WriteLog就函数就行了。日志分成三级:debug,normal,alert-LINUX C++ Developed to write the log function of the source of them, in the new project can be direct and convenient to use only need to call on the WriteLog function on the list. The log is divided into three levels: debug, normal, alert
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zuiwengoo | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLog_VC

Description: microsoft visual C++ WriteLog Method
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: jixiang719 | Hits:

[Windows Developwritelog

Description: 读取INI文件,适合于当做临时数据库要小型数据库来用-Read the INI file, suitable as a temporary database to a small database to use
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: he | Hits:

[File OperateWriteLog

Description: 功能描述:一个很不错的日志文件写入模块,不同于 open/print/close写文件方法,这个模块使用API 存取文件,这样保证文件能正确的存取,及时被 存取的文件正被其他用户打开。这个模块是最安全 有效的文件写入方法,用于日志文件的创建,当然 也可以用于其他文件存取。-' Function Description: A very nice log file is written module, different from the' open/print/close write file method, the module uses the API ' access to documents, thus ensuring access to the file correctly and timely to be' accessible file is opened by other users. This module is the safest ' way to write a valid file for the log files are created, and of course' can also be used for other file access.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Icer | Hits:

[File OperatewriteLog

Description: 每天的日志文件都对应一个以当天日期为文件名的xml文件,每天自动创建,支持记录和查询-The daily log file corresponds to the day of a date for the file name xml file, automatically every day to create, record and query support
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: Yujin | Hits:


Description: 写日志 支持Debug,warning,info,error,fatal5优先级别输出,支持输出到控制台和文件 文件名支持日期后缀 可自行再封装 -Writelog, one: support Debug,warning,info,error,fatal five levle output. two: support output console and file third: support file s name have data suffix
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zhxy | Hits:

[File OperateWriteLog

Description: 通用的windows下的写日志类,直接可以用-Write the log class under the generic windows, can be used directly
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 华仔 | Hits:

[OS programclog

Description: 在CLog类的基础上,添加自动按日期生成日志,并增加WriteLog函数,通过测试。-By date on the basis of the CLog class, add automatically generate a log, and increase the WriteLog function, pass the test.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programwriteLog

Description: 通过调用WIN32 API创建windows服务程序,详细了解WIN32服务程序创建原理。-By calling WIN32 API to create windows service program to learn more about WIN32 service program to create works.
Platform: | Size: 495616 | Author: caishi | Hits:

[Windows Developwritelog

Description: 监控程序。监控一个软件是否正在运行。如果没有运行就打开程序-Monitoring program. Whether monitoring software is running. If the program is not running on open
Platform: | Size: 1090560 | Author: 紫风 | Hits:


Description: 本指标能实时导出MT的行情数据,供Advanced GET8使用,以下是注意事项: 1、只测试了GET8 2、本指标附加到行情图表后,能导出当前周期的数据保存到MTexpertsfiles目录里面,从M1,M15,,,一直到MN周期均可 3、将GET的数据目录指定到MTexpertsfiles,并且将日期格式设定为YYYY,MM,DD 4、至于股票数据,那更简单,启动通达信(或者以通达信为核心的股票软件,如中信证券的股票软件),选定股票,尽量缩小K线图,然后34回车,将数据导出到GET数据文件目录后,可直接用于GET,不用修改. 5、本指标纯粹用于学习交流,无商业目的. 以下为指标源代码 -#include <stdlib.mqh> #property indicator_chart_window extern string GET_PATH = C:\Program Files\GET8\TEXT\ int last_write_period=0 extern int MAX_ROWS = 300 extern string START_DATE = 2008-1-1 int init() { writelog() return (0) } int writelog() { int i, cnt, hlog, tm string s = Symbol() s = StringSubstr(s, 0, 1)+StringSubstr(s, 3, 1) string fname = s+ _ cnt = Period() if (cnt==PERIOD_M1) fname = fname+ M1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M5) fname = fname+ M5.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M15) fname = fname+ M15.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M30) fname = fname+ M30.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_H1) fname = fname+ H1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_H4) fname = fname+ H4.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_D1) fname = fname+ D1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_W1) fname = fname+ W1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_MN1) fname = fname+ MN.txt cnt = CurTime()/(cnt*60) if (cnt!=last_write_period) { hlog = FileOpen(fname, FILE_CSV | FILE_WRITE, ) if (hlog<=0) { Pr
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Huang wei | Hits:


Description: 在CLog类的基础上,添加自动按日期生成日志,并增加WriteLog函数,通过测试。-By date on the basis of the CLog class, add automatically generate a log, and increase the WriteLog function, pass the test.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: l774jiaf | Hits:

[Printing programWriteLog

Description: 无缓存的日志打印类,日志信息前插时间戳。-No cache log print, log information forward timestamp.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 蔡永辉 | Hits:

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