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Platform: | Size: 2123538 | Author: ryu8023@163.com | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 526336 | Author: 戴钟刚 | Hits:

[Web Serverjdzcn_net_IISfor2.0

Description: 防盗链的一个重要的工具,下载试试看,再也不用为个人网站的流量超标而发愁了,-Anti-navigating to www.sina.com.cn. an important tool, download try, no longer the site for personal and worry about the excessive traffic,
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 李小龙 | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 539648 | Author: 人偶 | Hits:

[WEB Codepic

Description: 安装与运行说明 1、该程序需要.Net精简框架集2.0的支持,请确保设备安装了.Net精简框架集2.0。 .Net CF2.0下载地址:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn&FamilyID=aea55f2f-07b5-4a8c-8a44-b4e1b196d5c0 2、直接把china.exe和pic目录(含目录下的文件),直接复制到设备任意一个目录即可。 3、运行china2008.exe,即可进行奥运场馆的查询。 叶帆 Email:yefan@vip.sina.com blog:http://blog.csdn.net/yefanqiu 2007年11月13日-Installation and operation of Note 1, the program needs. Net Framework 2.0 to streamline support, make sure that the equipment installed. Net framework set streamline 2.0. . Net CF2.0 Download Address: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn
Platform: | Size: 2860032 | Author: Michael_Wang | Hits:


Description: 使用前请您先阅读以下条款: 1、学生大软件站对原软件包“依样”打包,增加此说明文件,不保证所提供软件或程序的完整性和安全性。 2、请在使用前查毒 (这也是您使用其它网络资源所必须注意的) 。 3、在安装时,务必留意查看每一步的Next!以免被安装第三方恶意插件程序。 4、由本站提供的程序对您的网站或计算机造成严重后果的本站概不负责。 5、欢迎再次到学生大软件站(soft.studa.com)下载您所需要的软件。 6、未经本站明确许可,任何网站不得非法盗链及抄袭本站资源!-Use before you read the following terms: 1, students stand on the original software package, according to kind of package, an increase in this documentation does not guarantee that software or procedures provided by the integrity and security. 2, please查毒before use (which is you use other network resources must be noted). 3, during installation, be sure to pay attention to check every step of the Next! Be installed in order to avoid malicious third-party plug-ins. 4, the procedures provided by this site on your site or have serious consequences for the computer takes no responsibility for the site. 5, welcome once again to the students Station software (soft.studa.com) you need to download software. 6, without the express permission of this site, any Web site may not be illegal copying Powered navigating to www.sina.com.cn. and resources!
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: 陶丽欣 | Hits:


Description: 通过设置web.config中的域名即可控制哪些域名是允许的,设置是否直接下载、是否允许盗链 -By setting the web.config to control the domain name which is permitted, set up a direct download, whether or not to allow navigating to www.sina.com.cn.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 青苹果 | Hits:

[WEB Code9i5.cn

Description: 演示地址:www.156news.com/bbs 前后台:admin/admin888 本程序提供: 1、风格,和本站一模一样; 2、知名网页游戏免再次注册接口(已安装好,直接使用就可以),论坛注册后直接使用注册信息进入游戏; 3、电影采集接口(已安装好,需要免费注册资源库帐号后采集即可),可以直接采集土豆、新浪、SOHU等大站电影到相应版块; 4、后续插件、风格下载; 下载后解压缩后上传到你的空间后,在后台基本设置中设置你站的信息后就能正常使用了-Demo Address: www.156news.com/bbs around Taiwan: admin/admin888 this procedure: 1, style, and the same site 2, well-known game-free re-registration page interface (already installed, can be used directly), the Forum registration using the registration information directly into the game 3, film acquisition interface (already installed, and the need to free resources can be collected after the account), can be directly collected potatoes, SINA, SOHU, such as the major stations to the appropriate section of the film 4, follow-up plug-in, download style decompress after download uploaded to your space, set in the background to set up the basic points of information you will be able to use the
Platform: | Size: 16593920 | Author: 甘民 | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 3309568 | Author: 黄英 | Hits:

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