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[Windows DevelopXTrace

Description: VC中可用于调试信息输出,XTrace在程序中另开一个窗口用做调试输出-VC can be used for debugging information output, XTrace in the procedure to open a window with another to do debugging output
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 王亚龙 | Hits:


Description: 一些Director跨系统编游戏的同志可能已经发现,Mac系统中,屏幕上方有一条很讨厌的条子, 应为是属于系统的所以不能用window.moveToFront()覆盖掉,现在这个Xtra包含两个指令,hideControlStrip()和ShowControlStrip(),前者可以做到把那讨厌的东西隐藏掉,后者功能预制相反,用法: --lingo syntax XOF=new Xtra("XOF") XOF.hideControlStrip() XOF.showControlStrip() //java syntax var XOF=new XOF.hideControlStrip() XOF.showControlStrip()-a number of comrades of compiled cross-system games by Director may have found ,in Mac systems, the top of the screen has a white strip, it belongs to the system so it can not use window.moveToFront() to override it, and now this Xtra contains two instructions, hideControlStrip() and ShowControlStrip(), the former can be done to hide this white strip away, which features pre-contrast, usage: --lingo syntax XOF=new Xtra("XOF") XOF.hideControlStrip() XOF.showControlStrip() //java syntax var XOF=new XOF.hideControlStrip() XOF.showControlStrip()
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: 牛建方 | Hits:

[CA authxme_src

Description: This plug-in displays real time track lists of Xtra Music s playing songs
Platform: | Size: 463872 | Author: mehrdad | Hits:


Description: C# code for using events with xtra grid
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: moonlight | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4DirecMedia-Xtra

Description: Authorware DirecMedia Xtra使用详解-DirecMedia Xtra using the Detailed
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: leslie | Hits:


Description: iText 5.1.2 jar包 最新java用生成pdf的库-iText 5.1.2 jar package to generate pdf with the latest java library
Platform: | Size: 6564864 | Author: lxd | Hits:


Description: A class for downloading GPS XTRA data.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: cuguegu | Hits:


Description: 这个文件用于场景的效果转换过度,为director插件-this is Xtra of director。
Platform: | Size: 340992 | Author: weiming | Hits:

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