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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.41mb Publisher :

SPIHT编码源码-SPIHT code source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.41mb Publisher :

CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the suggestions, the contributions and for the critiques. However, if I look at the other image processing libraries, it is clear that nowadays, the CxImage project is quite inadequate from many points of view. For this reason, this one will be last release in this form. Of course the development will not stop: it is just going to follow new directions.-CxImage C is a class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. C xImage grew together with the CodeProject site , since 2001. and reached this level thanks to the CodeProjec t community. Thanks a lot for the suggestions. the contributions and for the critiques. Howev er, if I look at the other image processing librarie s, it is clear that nowadays, the CxImage project is quite inadequate from ma ny points of view. For this reason, this one will be last release in this form. Of cou Login the development will not stop : it is just going to follow new directions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.32mb Publisher : 王莉

这是一个支持jpg, bmp, gif, tif,png的图形库,debug, release 中含有编译好的静态库.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 115.67kb Publisher : Bacon Xu

* This element captures your X Display and creates raw RGB video. It uses * the XDamage extension if available to only capture areas of the screen that * have changed since the last frame. It uses the XFixes extension if * available to also capture your mouse pointer. By default it will fixate to * 25 frames per second.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23.53kb Publisher : accessalp

This ximage.h file, it is very useful for image processing and cbir system.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.21kb Publisher : sun

SPIHT编码源码-SPIHT code source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.41mb Publisher :

图形处理类,可以显示JPEG,BMP,GIF,JPEG,PNG等等图像格式-graphics category, can display JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG image formats, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 755kb Publisher : 江杭州

能够对图片进行截取,并存入内存中,以便调用-to right for an interception and deposited memory to call
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王贺

CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the suggestions, the contributions and for the critiques. However, if I look at the other image processing libraries, it is clear that nowadays, the CxImage project is quite inadequate from many points of view. For this reason, this one will be last release in this form. Of course the development will not stop: it is just going to follow new directions.-CxImage C is a class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. C xImage grew together with the CodeProject site , since 2001. and reached this level thanks to the CodeProjec t community. Thanks a lot for the suggestions. the contributions and for the critiques. Howev er, if I look at the other image processing librarie s, it is clear that nowadays, the CxImage project is quite inadequate from ma ny points of view. For this reason, this one will be last release in this form. Of cou Login the development will not stop : it is just going to follow new directions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19.79mb Publisher :

这是一个支持jpg, bmp, gif, tif,png的图形库,debug, release 中含有编译好的静态库.-This is a support jpg, bmp, gif, tif, png graphics library, debug, release contains compiled static library.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.85mb Publisher : Bacon Xu

DL : 0
地震波正演和显示模块,来源于SU,作了修改,可以不依赖于SU的头文件和库,可以独立编译运行。-Seismic waves forward and display module, from the SU, has been modified, you can not depend on the SU s headers and libraries, the compiler can be run independently.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.88mb Publisher : 邢世伟

* This element captures your X Display and creates raw RGB video. It uses * the XDamage extension if available to only capture areas of the screen that * have changed since the last frame. It uses the XFixes extension if * available to also capture your mouse pointer. By default it will fixate to * 25 frames per second.-* This element captures your X Display and creates raw RGB video. It uses * the XDamage extension if available to only capture areas of the screen that * have changed since the last frame. It uses the XFixes extension if * available to also capture your mouse pointer. By default it will fixate to * 25 frames per second.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : accessalp

DL : 0
This ximage.h file, it is very useful for image processing and cbir system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : sun

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : 东东

CxImage 版 ( 内含 ximage.h ) 编译环境 : vs 2008 - vc9 生成文件 : demo.exe demodll.exe cximage.dll cximagecrt.dll 重新编译方法 : 第一步 : Build->Clean Solution 第二步 : Build->Rebuild Solution 2010.10.20. -CxImage Edition (includes ximage.h) compilation environment: vs 2008- vc9. generated file: demo.exe demodll.exe cximage.dll cximagecrt.dll. recompile: Step one: Build-Clean Solution, Step two: Build-Rebuild Solution. 2010.10.20.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33.14mb Publisher : xyz3491

鸟瞰图校正,基于OPENCV的应用,可以把鸟瞰图校正为平面图。-Aerial view of the correction, based on the application of OPENCV, bird' s eye view can be corrected for the plan.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : sfraim

xImage是不错的图像处理类,下载下来后,发现太复杂,详细说明的文档也没有,对我等VC新手来说只能慢慢摸索了。个人总结经验如下:-xImage is a good image processing class, download it, it was found too complicated and no detailed description of the document, such as VC novices to me only slowly explored. Individual lessons are as follows:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : dlw

贝叶斯抠图,依次打开原图和trimap图,点抠图即可运行。绝对能够运行,另外就是有些调试信息没有去除,大家运行时不用理就行。再鄙视那些上传源码不完整的,浪费人感情!-Bayesian matting, and then click open the original image and the diagram, point matting to run. Definitely be able to run, the other is not some place debugging information, we do not run on the line manager. Contempt for those who do not re-upload the full source code! !
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.27mb Publisher : yuan

c# 生成图片缩略图类,生成缩略图,加水印-c# classes to generate thumbnail images, generate thumbnails, add watermark
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 1528493957
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