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xml合数据库结合-xml database integration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : 刘啸天

基于struct结构的jsp-based on the structure of jsp
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.38mb Publisher : 王兵

将原码加在相应的位置,然后添加web.xml文件的相关信息,导入相应的servlet开发包-increase in the corresponding position, and then add the web.xml file to the relevant information into the corresponding servlet Development Kit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 马洁

Lucene Web interface, use XML as a lightweight protocol. developer can convert data source (text, DB, MS Word, PDF... etc) into xml format, indexing with lucene engine, and get full text search result via HTTP, with XML format output, user can easily intergrated with JSP ASP PHP front end or use XSLT at server side transform output.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : 张和

delphi与JSP通过xml-rpc协议交换数据的例子-through xml-rpc agreement to exchange data example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : gogo

DL : 0
JSP设计(第三版)一书源代码 JSP设计(第三版)》得到了充分的修订和更新,以涵盖JSP 2.0和JSTL 1.1规范。其中详细介绍了JSP 2.0中新增的表达式语言(EL)、JSTL 1.1标记库和新的函数库、支持定制标记库开发(而无须Java代码)的新标记文件格式、简化的Java标记库API、在JSP XML语法方面所做出的改进等等。不仅如此,在此还详尽地描述了Apache Tomcat服务器的建立、JSP和JSTL语法和特征、错误处理和调试、鉴别和个人化、数据库访问、XML处理和国际化等诸多内容。-JSP design (third edition) a book JSP source code design (third edition) "have been fully revised and updated to cover Script JSP 2.0 and 1.1 specifications. A detailed account of JSP 2.0 new expression language (EL), Script 1.1 and a new marker for the library to support the development of Custom Tag Library (without Java code), the new labeling format, simplified Java API library markings, the syntax of XML in JSP by making improvements and so on. Not only that, this is also a detailed description of the Apache Tomcat server establishment, and Script JSP syntax and features, debugging and error handling, identification and personal, database access, XML processing and many other international content.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.22mb Publisher : 罗冬

DL : 0
一个学习XML的好书哦。绝对有价值,机会难得哦-a learning XML books oh. Absolute value, and a rare opportunity oh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 527kb Publisher : 金子雨

DL : 0
Developing XML Solutions with JavaServer Pages Technology-Developing XML Solutions with JavaServer Pages Technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 160kb Publisher : l00l

人事档案管理系统[新版] 人事档案管理系统[新版,PB9+ASA8],网友窦学田(ytahdou)Douxuetian@c163.net提供。主要是增加了web方面的功能,XML,JSP,EJB等 用户名:1 密码:-personnel records management system [new] personnel records management system [version PB9 ASA8] Netizen sinus Xue Tian (ytahdou) provided. The increase is mainly the function of the web, XML, JSP, EJB, etc. Username : Password 1 :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 991kb Publisher : 高鹏英

《动态Web数据库技术——基于JSP和XML技术实现》-王红-源代码-"dynamic Web database technology-- based on JSP and XML technology to achieve"- Wang Hong-source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 314kb Publisher : 小米

一个简约的个人网上书店的源码,环境为TOMCAT+JSP+XML。-a simple personal source of online bookstores, TOMCAT JSP environment for XML.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 527kb Publisher : 似的发

jsp中读写XML文件,使用JAVABEAN实现-jsp which read and write XML documents and use JAVABEAN Implementation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 343kb Publisher : 李德亮

jsp考试系统 很不错的 ,是我们做的 作业并且调试成功的例子,呵呵,欢迎大家给出建议,-jsp examination system is very good, we do the operation and debugging successful examples Oh, We welcome the proposals presented.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : guaixia

本系统为在线相册系统,基于xml,jsp和javabean的在线相册系统,其中使用jdom接口访问xml文件,使用jsp页面同用户交互和访问javabean。-The system for online photo album system, based on xml, jsp and JavaBean online photo album system in which access xml using jdom interface documents and use jsp pages with user interaction and access javabean.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 睿智

JSP实用教程源代码 本书从开发实践出发,力求实用,从动态网页基本概念开始,由浅入深,对JSP的基本语法、内置对象的使用、JavaBean和Servlet技术、标记库技术等作了详细的讲解,并着重介绍了JSP数据库应用和XML应用。本书结构清晰、语言简练、实例众多,既可作为各类院校相关专业的教材,也可作为JSP开发人员的参考书。.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 589kb Publisher : 郭姗姗

一个学习MVC的很好的实例 此项目以JSP、servlet、JavaBean实现MVC三层架构,*仅供参考* 环境:eclipse_3.2、myeclipse_5.1、jdk_6.0、tomcat_5.5、数据库sql server 2005 为方便调试,未设置默认首页,请从bookworm.jsp登陆 数据库端口、帐户、密码等可能有所不同,请到BookStore\WebRoot\WEB-INF下的 connection.xml文件中更改配置 -A learning of the good example of MVC project to JSP, servlet, JavaBean realize MVC three-tier system,* for reference only* Environment: eclipse_3.2, myeclipse_5.1, jdk_6.0, tomcat_5.5, database sql server 2005 for the convenience of debugging, not set the default home page from the database bookworm.jsp landing port, account, password, etc. may be different, please BookStoreWebRootWEB-INF under connection.xml document to change the configuration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.08mb Publisher : zhangxinjie

xml+jsp做的无刷新网上聊天室,供大家参考学习-xml+ jsp do not refresh the chat room, for your reference study
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : huliangqing

一个XML+JSP+ACCESS的应用实例,应用了AJAX技术实现瘦服务器。-An XML+ JSP+ ACCESS application example, application of the thin server AJAX technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 81kb Publisher : cai

Jsp XML树状菜单类库开发代码Jsp XML tree menu code library development -Jsp XML tree menu code library development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 516kb Publisher : a

实现功能如下: 1:管理员登录功能(MD5 加密) 2:实现了免费信息 和付费信息的发布 必须通过管理员的审核才能够显示到网页上 3:免费的信息一个账户只能够发送5条信息 3:设置了主页面,主页面中可以查询到相关的广告 也可以收藏改页面 4:客服可以对信息进行检索,显示的结果以分页的形式展现在网页中 使用到的知识: 1:mvc 模式,数据库 Oracle的操作 2: Java基础知识 3: html+xml+jsp+javascript+servlet -To achieve the following functions: 1: administrator login feature (MD5 encryption) 2: to achieve a free release of information and payment information must be reviewed by the administrator to be able to show to the web 3: the free one account can only send information 5 Information 3: Set the main page, main page, you can query to the relevant collection of ads you can change the page 4: Support for retrieval of the information, display the form results page in the Web page used to show knowledge: 1: mvc pattern, the operation of Oracle Database 2: Java Basics 3: html+ xml+ jsp+ javascript+ servlet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.81mb Publisher : 余向上
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