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delphi 控件,SQL执行引擎控件,用于数据二次分析。-delphi Control, the implementation of the SQL engine controls for secondary data analysis.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : zwldelphi

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.19mb Publisher : tanqiang

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42.32kb Publisher : duanbihui

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.89mb Publisher : lori

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.47mb Publisher : YaoTong

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delphi 控件,SQL执行引擎控件,用于数据二次分析。-delphi Control, the implementation of the SQL engine controls for secondary data analysis.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : zwldelphi

Web-Harvest是一个Java开源Web数据抽取工具。它能够收集指定的Web页面并从这些页面中提取有用的数据。Web-Harvest主要是运用了像XSLT,XQuery,正则表达式等这些技术来实现对text/xml的操作-Web-Harvest is a Java open-source Web data extraction tool. It can collect the specified Web page and extracts from these pages useful data. Web-Harvest is mainly used as XSLT, XQuery, regular expressions, such as these technologies to realize the text/xml operation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.89mb Publisher : lori

Web-Harvest是一个Java开源Web数据抽取工具。它能够收集指定的Web页面并从这些页面中提取有用的数据。Web-Harvest主要是运用了像XSLT,XQuery,正则表达式等这些技术来实现对text/xml的操作。测试版本。-Web-Harvest is a Java open-source Web data extraction tool. It can collect the specified Web page and extracts from these pages useful data. Web-Harvest is mainly used as XSLT, XQuery, regular expressions, such as these technologies to realize on the text/xml operation. Test version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.47mb Publisher :

一款十分好用的网页信息抽取工具。利用了已经存在的诸如XSLT,Xquery等技术,很好地实现了基于xml/html的网页的数据抽取。-A very useful tool for information extraction page. Use of already existing, such as XSLT, Xquery, such as technology, realize very well based on the xml/html pages of data extraction.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.48mb Publisher : 陈伟

Altova XMLSpy© 2005 是业界标准XML的开发环境,可用于涉及XML、XML Schema、XSLT、XQuery、SOAP、WSDL和Web服务技术的企业级应用的设计、编辑和调试。它是提高J2EE、.NET和数据库开发人员开发效率的终极利器。 -Altova XMLSpy ? 2005 is the industry standard XML development environment, can be used to involve XML, XML Schema, XSLT, XQuery, SOAP, WSDL and Web services technology, enterprise-class application design, editing and debugging. It is to improve the J2EE,. NET and database developers to develop the efficiency of the ultimate weapon.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.22mb Publisher : 我是谁

在十种技术中,最重要的一种技术我想应该非XML莫属。这里不仅仅指XML规范本身,还包括一系列有关的基于XML的语言:主要有XHTML,XSLT,XSL,DTDs,XML Schema(XSD),XPath,XQuery和SOAP.如果你现在还对XML一无所知,那么赶快狂补吧!XML是包含类似于HTML标签的一个文本文件,在这个文件中定义了一个树型结构来描述它所保存的数据。 -In dozens of technology, the most important type of technology I think it should be none other than the non-XML. Here not only means the XML specification itself, also includes a series of XML-based language: mainly XHTML, XSLT, XSL, DTDs, XML Schema (XSD), XPath, XQuery and SOAP. If you now nothing of XML known, then quickly fill you mad! XML is similar to HTML tag that contains a text file, in this document defines a tree structure to describe it is to preserve data.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 周易

Tutorial on XQuery - An XML based database query language.-Tutorial on XQuery- An XML based database query language.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 270kb Publisher : bobby2309

xml中xquery的几个基本实验,通过实验基本了解xquery的使用-xml in the xquery a few basic experiments, through experiments using a basic understanding of xquery
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 张晓君

tutorial of languajge Xquery
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : sheva

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一本非常好的xqurey查询书籍,对xml数据库开发人员非常有用!深入浅出!-a very good book about xqurey for xml database developer.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : 张先生

XML Query(XQuery)是在 XML 数据中搜索特定信息的功能强大的新方法。与 XPath 2.0 的起源相同,XQuery 的某些方面 — 如传统的 XPath 表达式 — 看上去很熟悉,而其它方面(如 FLWR 和条件语句)则是全新的。为了帮助消除解释问题,XQuery 工作组创建了“XML Query Use Cases”文档(请参阅参考资料,它提供了样本查询及其预期的结果。本教程中的示例都基于为该文档创建的样本数据。 XQuery 是 XML 规范和 W3C 建议书之间相互关系的优秀示例。XQuery 工作组与 XSL 工作组还一起负责 XPath 2.0 工作草案,XPath 2.0 将包括许多为 XQuery 开发的功能。 除了对 XPath 的增强外,XQuery 还允许您通过嵌套类 SQL 的子句来创建复杂查询,以及通过将 XML 构造器直接包括在输出中来创建复杂结果。本章概述了 XQuery 的这些方面,然后将更详细地讨论每个方面。-XML Query (XQuery) is in the XML data in the powerful search certain information of new methods. XPath 2.0 origin with the same XQuery, some aspects of the traditional XPath expression-- such as very familiar, but look-- other aspects (such as FLWR and conditionals) is new. In order to help eliminate explain a problem, created "XQuery group Use Query XML document on" (please refer to reference material, it provides samples and inquires. This tutorial examples for this document creation based on the sample data. W3C XML standard and XQuery is the relationship between the proposal outstanding examples. Working with XSL working XQuery XPath 2.0 is responsible for working together, XPath 2.0 will include the draft for the XQuery function of many development. In addition to the enhancement, XPath XQuery also allow you through the nested class SQL clauses to create complex queries, and through XML constructor directly included in the output to create complex results. This chapter summari
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 781kb Publisher : coldwater

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XQuery操作示例;此程序包含一个简单的 LINQ to XML 示例查询。它演示了编写 LINQ to XML 查询所需的最少代码。 此示例包含一个名为 data 的目录。要查询的 XML 文件就包括在该目录中。-XQuery examples
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 123456

Querying XML Database using XQuery
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : jen

1、学习如何使用XMLSPY集成开发环境编写、执行、以及调试XQuery。 2、理解和掌握XQuery查询计划的基本结构、各种子句的使用、(递归)函数的声明和使用、嵌套查询的使用,能够熟练地利用集成开发环境编写完成各种查询工作的XQuery查询计划,为在主流关系数据库中使用XQuery进行数据检索打下基础。-1, learn how to write using XMLSPY integrated development environment, execution, and debugging XQuery. 2, understand and master the basic structure of the XQuery query plans, use a variety of clauses, declarations and use (recursive) function, use nested queries, able to skillfully use integrated development environment to complete the preparation of the various inquiries XQuery queries plan for the use of XQuery for data retri in the mainstream relational foundation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 徐传佳

XQuery权威指南 XQuery authoritative guide(XQuery authoritative guide)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : LesterZ
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