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[Other Web CodeWrox.Press.-.XSLT.Programmers.Reference.pdf.-.Source.Code.zip

Description: XSLT.Programmers.Reference.pdf
Platform: | Size: 337305 | Author: | Hits:

[JSP/JavaOReilly - Java & XSLT

Description: OReilly - Java & XSLT
Platform: | Size: 1730084 | Author: 艾提 | Hits:


Description: XSL Transformations (XSLT). -XSL Transformations (XSLT).
Platform: | Size: 526336 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: XSLT.Programmers.Reference.pdf
Platform: | Size: 336896 | Author: none | Hits:

[JSP/JavaOReilly - Java & XSLT

Description: OReilly - Java & XSLT-OReilly- Java & XSLT
Platform: | Size: 1729536 | Author: 艾提 | Hits:

[xml-soap-webservicesaxon b8-3

Description: Saxon是目前能找到的唯一的xslt2.0引擎,他的开发者也是xslt规范的制订者之一。这是个不需要许可的版本,功能比完全版本稍弱一点。-Saxon is able to find the only xslt2.0 engine, the developers also xslt norms in the formulation of one. This is not licensed version, fully functional version of supporters than 1:00.
Platform: | Size: 6957056 | Author: 孙永 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringXSL Transformations (XSLT)

Description: 看看就知道了,我不要再说了,你门也真是的高个什么软件来见空,我高了盘天都夏布了程序-Look know, I do not want to say, you really have high gate what software to see empty, I set high grass cloth every day of the procedure
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 躺椅天 | Hits:


Description: 示范如何用XML/XSLT技术在Web UI中创建进程条指示器,并介绍一个实际的XML/XSLT进程条指示器的应用例子,在数据绑定表格(Data-Bound Table)中使用Progress Indicator-demonstrations on how to use XML/XSLT Web UI technology in the process of creating indicator, and introduced an actual XML/XSLT indicator of the process of application examples, the data binding forms (Data-Bound Table) using Progress Indicator
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 谈一虎 | Hits:


Description: 详细讲述 GML的编程过程,介绍了XSLT,样式表等内容。-described in detail the programming process, introduced XSLT, style sheet information.
Platform: | Size: 2097152 | Author: 甘莉 | Hits:


Description: 主要应用Java进行的的web data Mining 的参考资料,有XSLT/XSL/XPath相关技术!-major applications for the Java web Mining reference data, XSLT/XSL/XPath related technology!
Platform: | Size: 535552 | Author: 徐广贤 | Hits:


Description: 学习XML的文档,让你快速入门XML及XSLT技术-learning XML documents, which allows rapid entry XML and XSLT
Platform: | Size: 2119680 | Author: 刘行 | Hits:


Description: 从各种控件中获得数据 自动生成XML文档 并通过XSLT转换为其他形式的XML文档-from a variety of data access controls which automatically generate XML and XSLT through conversion to other forms of XM L Documents
Platform: | Size: 89088 | Author: 刘行 | Hits:


Description: Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using the Processing Instruction <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> or now new <?xslt-stylesheet agent="THE-USER-AGENT-STRING-OF-THE-BROWSER" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> This now enables you to use different Stylesheets for different browsers. (For example Netscape & IE) (or Web & WAP for that matter) -Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using th e Processing Instruction
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: robo | Hits:


Description: Manning出版的XSLT好书.作者BOB DUCHARME -XSLT books published by Manning. Author BOB DUCHARME
Platform: | Size: 3280896 | Author: 是非 | Hits:


Description: Sample code to illustrate using MSXML 4.0 (SP1) basic XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) implementation in C++.
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: ws07 | Hits:


Description: sharpcms.net - CMS framework based on XSLT and XML-sharpcms.net- CMS framework based on XSLT and XML
Platform: | Size: 1420288 | Author: lichunlin | Hits:


Description: XSLT&XPATH学习xml的参考资料,e文的,pdf格式,超清晰-XSLT
Platform: | Size: 691200 | Author: Stonexin | Hits:


Description: 可扩展标记语言XML是一种新的Web 开发辅助语言,利用它可以通过Internet/Intranet 进行信息的描述、交换和显示。本书是学习和应用XML 语言的实用教材,书中阐述了XML 的基本概念、语法规则、文档类型定义(DTD)、Schema 结构、层叠样式单(CSS)、数据源对象(DSO)、文件转换(XSLT)、文档对象模型(DOM),还介绍了在Java、ASP 和.NET 以及电子商务环境下XML 的应用。为适应没有任何Web 编程知识的读者,还介绍了HTML 基础知识。本书内容由浅入深,全书13 章分初、中、高级入门3 个层次,适合各类读者。在讲解基本概念和基础知识的同时给出了大量实例。每章还包括了教学提示、教学目标、小结和习题,便于读者巩固所学的知识。   本书适合具有一定计算机基础知识的读者阅读,可作为计算机及相关专业本科Web 设计或XML 课程的教材,也可作为大专院校非计算机专业学习计算机基础的教学参考书和自学用书,还可供从事Web 应用软件设计的科研人员参考。 -err
Platform: | Size: 19387392 | Author: kate | Hits:


Description: 一款十分好用的网页信息抽取工具。利用了已经存在的诸如XSLT,Xquery等技术,很好地实现了基于xml/html的网页的数据抽取。-A very useful tool for information extraction page. Use of already existing, such as XSLT, Xquery, such as technology, realize very well based on the xml/html pages of data extraction.
Platform: | Size: 5747712 | Author: 陈伟 | Hits:


Description: xslt深度历险 xslt深度历险-xslt depth depth xslt Adventures Adventures
Platform: | Size: 334848 | Author: hello | Hits:
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