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A Java package (library/API) to connect and use the Yahoo Instant Messager and Chat protocols (YMSG), in a reasonably coder-friendly and abstract way. Although methods the API exposes are closely matched to Yahoo IM features, the API attempts to hide Download jYMSG API - Yahoo IM Jars-A Java package (library/API) to connect an d use the Yahoo Instant Messager and Chat protoc ols (YMSG) in a reasonably coder- friendly and abstract wa y. Although the API exposes methods are closely matched to Yahoo IM features. the API attempts to hide Download jYMSG API-Tah oo IM Jars
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 234kb Publisher : nono

JBother是纯Java开发的Jabber(即时消息开源软件)客户端。支持群组聊天,支持与MSN,Yahoo,ICQ和AIM的通信,不同事件语音提醒功能,皮肤更换,可运行在Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris,和OSX等操作系统上。 -JBother pure Java developed by Jabber (open source instant messaging) client. Support for group chat, support MSN, Yahoo, ICQ and AIM
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.82mb Publisher : 若冰

yahoo的语音聊天 功能非常接近yahoo得了天软件。-yahoo voice chat yahoo got very close to-day software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : tohti

关于yahoo协议的分析处理代码,处理yahoo即使聊天的文字信息。-Yahoo agreement on analytical processing code, even when dealing with yahoo chat text messages.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 425kb Publisher : zhengxin

DL : 0
中南大学《网络与通信课程设计》制作聊天工具相应的源码,采用delphi的winsock编写,C/S模式,功能绝对齐全,界面好看,包括登陆,注册,数据库,添加好友,查看聊天记录等,是网上流行的JJYY版本的增强版,其中用到一些控件(可在“delphi盒子”网下载)。服务器端需要的控件已经添加到源程序中,可运行通过,客户端控件不全,暂时不能运行,如有疑问,可给我发邮件 South University, Network design and communication courses, the production of the corresponding source chat tool, using delphi s winsock preparation, C/S mode, function is absolutely complete, good-looking interface, including the landing, registration, database, add a friend, view the chat history, etc. is the online version of JJYY popular enhanced version, which uses a number of controls (available on the delphi box network to download). The need for server-side controls have been added to the source code can be run through, the client control incomplete, can not run, if in doubt, they sent me e-mail:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 潘世雄

DL : 0
不需要登上yahoo,就能查看yahoo聊天记录的小工具-Do not need to board yahoo, will be able to view yahoo chat record Gadgets
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.6mb Publisher : yang

Make icon for yahoo chat. It s great for you.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 502kb Publisher : Jacky Lee

This delphi 7 source code have a function to send SMS trough computer with serial communication. You can modify it for your requirement.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 79kb Publisher : herlambang

This delphi component can be use for build yahoo chat client application. Support for delphi 5,6 and 7.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 209kb Publisher : herlambang

登录yahoo聊天,模板程序,可以实现wininet登录,socket实现-Sign in yahoo chat, template process can be achieved wininet log, socket to achieve
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : pigfan

DL : 0
随机聊天平台,开放所有客户端源码! 随机聊天其实真的是一件挺有意思的事情,起初我也只是想从技术上探究一下他的实现思路,做着做着,客户端的代码写的越来越多,目前支持的功能列表如下: 1.随机和互联网上一个陌生人聊天 2.支持站外邀请(支持Yahoo通和ICQ邀请)和站内邀请(指定某人) 3.支持聊天输入状态监控、表情支持、URL识别、魔法表情支持等 4.看笑话 5.陌生人与你的距离测算,精准显示在线人数和聊天人数 6.一键将聊天记录发送到邮箱(个人觉得很实用的功能) 7.网页截屏(需安装插件) 8.文件发送 9.指定聊天昵称 不多说了,直接上客户端最新版源码,见附件! 在线Demo: 最新代码请到Google网SVN: - Random chat platform, open source code to all client! Random chat really is a quite interesting thing, at first I just want to explore the technical realization of his ideas, doing doing, the client code written in more and more to support the functions of the current list is as follows: 1. Random and a stranger on the Internet chat 2. In support of Station invitation (to support Yahoo and ICQ pass the invitation) and the station invited (designated person) 3. To support the condition monitoring chat input expression support, URL recognition, support magic expression 4. To see a joke 5. A stranger and you measured the distance, the number of accurate and chat shows the number of online 6. A chat button to be sent to the mail (find it very useful individual features) 7. Screenshot page (need to install plug-ins) 8. File 9. Designated chat nickname Nothing to add to that directly on the latest version of the client source code, see Annex! Online Demo: http://l.faqee.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 453kb Publisher : kennyC

chat nhieu nick, dung de chat trong yahoo, ai can lien he nick ya hoo thaiduongtrieuvu se gui cho, cai trang chet tiet nay rac roi qua
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.55mb Publisher : tdtv

yahoo messenger program for chat :-yahoo messenger program for chat :))
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : OmiDer

autoitscript YMSG lib yahoo chat
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : vhboyz

A java-rmi chat-room,instant messaging is one particular application in a broader class of applications known as presence-based applications. Presence-based applications are inherently distributed applications that build on the notion of a user’s (or computer’s) virtual presence in a particular network context. While most popular instant messaging systems (AIM, Yahoo, MSN) are proprietary implementations1, conceptually they are very similar.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 张伟

Same as MSN Chat SPY. This app reffers to grabbing text from yahoo messenger conversaition windows.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : Tudor

这是YAHOO里的聊天终端VB源 资源类别: VB源码¦网络-This is a YAHOO chat inside the terminal VB source resource categories: VB source ¦ Network
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : zglqbj

Helo Friends! Are you tired of sending Private Messages to friends from yahoo Chat Rooms???
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 100kb Publisher : ptcs

sample delphi yahoo chat for beginners
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 200kb Publisher : babak

yahoo chat for ymsg 18
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : hoteyip
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