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易源码,现将免费开放下载,还有更多易模块,供大家下载,请关注本网站!-Easy to source, is now free to download, and more prone modules, for all to download, please take heed of this website!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 82kb Publisher : guoxukwe

Barcode label printing on Zebra printers Using Print DLL s. To use this code, we have to download suitable printer drivers and install on yr PC.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 123kb Publisher : Chenna

医药零售计算机解决方案 应该有一定帮助-Pharmaceutical retail computer solution should help
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 68kb Publisher : kerry

GAMIT自动下载与处理脚本程序 #!/bin/csh -f cd /home/dk/gamit set yr = $1 set yr1=` echo $yr | cut -c3-4` set yr2-THE PROGRAM OF DOWNLOAD AND PROCESSING SCRIPS OF GAMIT #!/bin/csh-f cd /home/dk/gamit set yr = $1 set yr1=` echo $yr | cut-c3-4` set yr2
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : ben

使用 VC++ActiveMovie控件制作的多媒体播放器-The use of VC++ ActiveMovie control the production of the multimedia player
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32kb Publisher : 王阳阳

网络编码理论英文版 作者:RaymondYeung, S.-Y.R. Li, N. CaiandZ.Zhang-Network Coding Theory Author: RaymondYeung, S.-YR Li, N. CaiandZ. Zhang
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 997kb Publisher : 吴文昌

DSB调制和相干解调系统仿真 fm=2-figure subplot(311) plot(f,abs(yr)/N) title( 接收信号与相干载波相乘后的频谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz )
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张红

this php templete designed by Muzafar Ali Jatoi-this is php templete designed by Muzafar Ali Jatoi
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : muzafar

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try rtytr tryrtytr ytr yr
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 133kb Publisher : ali

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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : visu

我们的电路图是点阵的电路图,我花了三天的时间画出来的哦-JHSBSJPTKLJ YR
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 30kb Publisher : 好日子

this my video rental system when i was in 3rd yr college-this my video rental system when i was in 3rd yr college..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.72mb Publisher : samer

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : Nagaprasadd

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投掷六个骰子能投掷出多少种排列组合呢? 如1 2 3 4 5 6 和 6 5 4 3 2 1是同一种组合。 问题可以转化为:n个相同小球放入r个相异盒子中,允许空盒。 即求解不定方程 x1+x2+x3+ ... + xr = n 的非负整数解(x1, x2, x3, ..., xr),0<= Xi <= n 令yi=xi+1,转化为 y1+y2+..+yr = n+r 此时 1<= yi <=n+1 相当于 n+r 个小球分成 r 堆,有多少种分法的问题 即在这n+r-1个间隔中放置r-1个隔板,隔板之间的球的个数就相当于yi. 答案是 C(n+r-1,r-1) 本程序利用VC++语言解决本问题。-Throw six dice can throw out many permutations of it? As 123456 and 654321 is the same composition. Problem can be transformed into: n r identical balls into a different box, allowing the empty boxes. That solved indefinite equation x1+x2+x3+ ...+ xr = n of non-negative integer solutions (x1, x2, x3, ..., xr), 0 < = Xi < = n so yi = xi+1, into y1+y2+ ..+yr = n+r this case 1 < = yi < = n+1 equivalent n+r r balls into the heap, there are many kinds of issues of law that r-1 partition plates placed in this n+r-1 intervals, the ball separator between The number is equivalent to yi. answer is C (n+r-1, r-1) This procedure using VC++ solve the language problem.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 190kb Publisher : 王涛

newton-raphson maylab COD with YBUS calculatour: Build up admittance matrix function [YR,YI] = YBus(tlsend,tlrec,tlresis,tlreac,tlsuscep,tlcond,shbus,shresis,shreac,ntl,nbb,nsh) YR=zeros(nbb,nbb) YI=zeros(nbb,nbb) Transmission lines contribution for kk = 1: ntl ii = tlsend(kk) jj = tlrec(kk) denom = tlresis(kk)^2+tlreac(kk)^2 YR(ii,ii) = YR(ii,ii) + tlresis(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlcond(kk) YI(ii,ii) = YI(ii,ii) - tlreac(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlsuscep(kk) YR(ii,jj) = YR(ii,jj) - tlresis(kk)/denom YI(ii,jj) = YI(ii,jj) + tlreac(kk)/denom YR(jj,ii) = YR(jj,ii) - tlresis(kk)/denom YI(jj,ii) = YI(jj,ii) + tlreac(kk)/denom YR(jj,jj) = YR(jj,jj) + tlresis(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlcond(kk) YI(jj,jj) = YI(jj,jj) - tlreac(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlsuscep(kk) end Shunt elements contribution for kk = 1: nsh ii = shbus(kk) denom = shresis(kk)^2+shreac(kk)^2 YR(ii,ii) = YR(ii,ii) + shresis(kk)/denom YI(ii,ii) = YI(ii,ii) - shreac(kk)/denom end End of function YBus-newton-raphson maylab COD with YBUS calculatour: Build up admittance matrix function [YR,YI] = YBus(tlsend,tlrec,tlresis,tlreac,tlsuscep,tlcond,shbus,shresis,shreac,ntl,nbb,nsh) YR=zeros(nbb,nbb) YI=zeros(nbb,nbb) Transmission lines contribution for kk = 1: ntl ii = tlsend(kk) jj = tlrec(kk) denom = tlresis(kk)^2+tlreac(kk)^2 YR(ii,ii) = YR(ii,ii) + tlresis(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlcond(kk) YI(ii,ii) = YI(ii,ii) - tlreac(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlsuscep(kk) YR(ii,jj) = YR(ii,jj) - tlresis(kk)/denom YI(ii,jj) = YI(ii,jj) + tlreac(kk)/denom YR(jj,ii) = YR(jj,ii) - tlresis(kk)/denom YI(jj,ii) = YI(jj,ii) + tlreac(kk)/denom YR(jj,jj) = YR(jj,jj) + tlresis(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlcond(kk) YI(jj,jj) = YI(jj,jj) - tlreac(kk)/denom + 0.5*tlsuscep(kk) end Shunt elements contribution for kk = 1: nsh ii = shbus(kk) denom = shresis(kk)^2+shreac(kk)^2 YR(ii,ii) = YR(ii,ii) + shresis(kk)/denom YI(ii,ii) = YI(ii,ii) - shreac(kk)/denom end End of function YBus
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : mostafa

ujteuy5y q4 twretwret ryrtyutuyrwua tuj yr fhjtstty erhrehtr haerh-ujteuy5y q4 twretwret ryrtyutuyrwua tuj yr fhjtstty erhrehtr haerh
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher :

code of a simple vacuum cleaner for course of Artifical Intelligence in c++, vacuum searches 2 neighbouring rooms and cleans trashes
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 139kb Publisher : simni

g(ggggggeqgqre rgt yr yreqyry
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 727kb Publisher : galelem

谐波分析matlab程序,可直接应用,也调整后应用,比如添加真值约束等(Inputs: ts = ts(i)= i, where i=1, ..., ni HiLo = 2-character string indicating rejection of high or low outliers low = valid range minimum high = valid range maximum (values outside the valid range are rejeced right away) fet = fit error tolerance (points deviating more than fet from curve fit are rejected) dod = degree of overdeterminedness (iteration stops if number of points reaches the minimum required for curve fitting, plus dod). This is a safety measure delta = small positive number (e.g. 0.1) to suppress high amplitudes Outputs: amp = returned array of amplitudes, first element is the average of the curve phi = returned array of phases, first element is zero yr = array holding reconstructed time series)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : jingyh

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rtgen.rar yr yrty rt rtyr ty rt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 53kb Publisher : ertert4
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